DPS leavers when games are about to conclude(quick play)

First of all, I never asked for this. It’s not that hard to stay silent about what you would consider a non-issue either. If it’s not an issue for you, then why bother to comment here at all? I didn’t ask for help to find replacements, I’m stating what I see as a problem, and quite frankly, the amount I’ve had to write is mainly because you keep ignoring what I write, and keep giving me suggestions I never asked for in the first place. I made this post to draw attention to what I consider a problem that needs to be addressed. If you disagree with this being an issue, then just say “for me personally, it’s not an issue”. Or, you could ignore the post in its entirety, and think to yourself: “yet another person who doesn’t realize it won’t go anywhere”.

I’m well aware of the other modes, and ways to circumvent the issue. My point is that this should NOT be necessary. And I want to address it to make that clear with others, and hear what others think about it, and see if there is a substantial amount of players that would agree(just like they do in game), OR, to get constructive arguments from the other point of view of WHY it should stay the way it is, or why it’s best like it is now.

Mainly because I’ve had to redirect the topic back on track, as you’ve consistently de-railed it several times now by writing “solutions” I’ve never asked for in the first place, and that doesn’t really solve the issue. It simply circumvents it. That is NOT a solution.

This might be the case, but seeing as I have no other ways of reaching out to blizzard and other people in the community, this is the best option I have. So that’s what I’ll do. If it’s no problem for you at all, then just ignore this post. It’s not that hard.

So from now on, please stay ON topic, or just ignore what else is being said. You are ofcourse free to read and comment all you want, but I’m asking you nicely to please stay on topic, so the original topic doesn’t get drowned out by a million replies that quite frankly gets repeated over and over again. Just stay on topic. If you can’t do that, then please refrain from commenting further about your “solutions” that isn’t related to what the topic is about.
Hope this was clearly enough explained for you. Although I’m not so sure based on the previous posts in this thread.

It is perfectly on topic.

The issue is it is not the solution you want.

You have posted problem, I have given you workarounds.

Keep it short.

And that’s not on topic. I never asked for workarounds. And your workarounds wouldn’t solve the issue in the first place. As I’ve just explained above SEVERAL times now. I never even asked for a solution. I’m simply addressing a problem. And if it’s not a problem for you, then that’s completely your prerogative. But state THAT then. Not workarounds that would make me play the game in a compromised way. It’s not what I want, and not part of the issue I raised. Simple.

No you asked for solutions.

Just because it isn’t a direct fix, doesn’t mean it isn’t a solution.

Again. It is just not the solution you wanted, but 100% about your issue.

Issue - people leave at the last second and you don’t like that you have a chance to backfiill that game.

Solution - play with people you know won’t leave. stacking will end backfill and you know someone won’t leave (outside of a random disconnect).

A solution will FIX the problem, not work around it. What I am OFCOURSE suggesting is a direct fix. If I meant anything different, I would have worded my topic differently. I don’t expect it to fix the issue 100%, as this would be very unrealistic, but I’m looking for a direct fix, not a workaround, compromised, scuffed solution that makes me adapt to the issue. The issue should be eradicated, if possible. Whether it happens or not in our hands. It’s in Blizzard’s. That’s why I’m reaching out here.

More or less, correct. But it’s not that I have a chance of getting backfill that irks me, it’s the frequency of how often it happens now compared to before. I’m not over-exaggerating when I’m saying that this type of backfill happens to me now about 50-60% of the time I get backfill. Before, it was closer to 10%. I’m interested in getting the odds of getting THAT type of backfill down from 50-60%, closer to 10% again. That’s the core part of the issue.

This solves the problem, BUT, it requires me to compromise, and circumvent what the original issue is. So in other words, not a real solution or direct fix. It’s not an ideal solution.

Definition of solution… (sorry to be a pedant here…)

  • a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.

Fixing the problem is indeed a solution.

Finding a workaround to deal with the problem is also a solution.

Yes you have to make compromises, Overwatch is a game of compromises. There is rarely an “ideal” solution to any issue that crops up in game.

Side example, last night I had a hyper agro Rein that was just feeding his brains out… The compromise we made as a team was just just sacrifice what we thought was right, and go nuts with him. We lost. But it was the best solution we had to the problem in front of us. Compromising was the best solution.

x + y = 4

x + e = 4

d + f = ?

What night is saying, there are different ways to reach the end goal he sees.

You want X.

Y provides X.
A provides X.

The problem being, you want the solution to be E. Which, never will provide X.

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Posting definitions doesn’t really provide any useful feedback to the issue I’ve raised. First of all, english is not my first language, but it’s FAR from bad aswell. Just because I don’t use the EXACT proper words to describe the issue doesn’t mean that it’s hard to understand exactly what I’m saying. You could call regular table-salt “Natriumchloride”, but saying “salt” instead makes it easier to understand by everyone. You are looking for devils in the details that was never there to begin with. It’s disingenuous, and serves no purpose here on the forums. We are not in court here, and it should not be treated as such either. It’s about opinions.

You might think this “solution” is good enough for yourself, and good on ya, if it’s no issue for you that it is this way, then I commend you. But that doesn’t mean the issue isn’t there for others aswell. Something that is not a problem for you, doesn’t mean it’s not a problem for ALL others aswell.

I was addressing what I see as a damaging issue to the game and it’s community. You disagree, and try to tell me to compromise and lower my standards for what a game, in my opinion, should strive for to be. I am well aware of the other game modes, and none of them are the exact same as QP. And why would they be? if the mode exists already, then it already exists. I’m speaking of improving something, and you are saying I shouldn’t want that, and instead go look for something else. It’s hardly part of the topic at hand, as I’ve clearly been stating what I think the issues are in all my earlier posts. I NEVER asked for “insight” to change game-modes, or get friends. What if I don’t have any? Then I’m supposed to just give up? Or accept that the game has taken a turn for the worse without saying anything about it? Hardly a solution at all. Stay on topic, and if you can’t then just stop replying the same stuff over and over again. I’m not interested in your “head in the sand”-thinking and ideology. I’m happy for you that this works for YOU, but it won’t work for ME. And that certainly doesn’t mean I will simply lie down and give up without atleast, ATLEAST raising the issue to see if there is anyone else feeling the same, or having compelling arguments for why it’s “good the way it is now”.

Overwatch is not all about compromises. If it was, then this issue would have been there from the very beginning, which it wasn’t.

I’m not saying I want the solution to be E, I’m saying the solution USED TO BE X, now it’s Y. I want to add additional math to bring us closer to X again.
I get what he is saying, and as long as it works for him, that’s fine. Good on him. I wish him nothing but a good time as he plays, but that doesn’t mean his solution gets rid of the problem for everyone. It’s more of a “personal solution”, something he is finding to be okay for himself in order to get a better quality game. And that’s fine, I have nothing against that. I’m just saying, it shouldn’t be necessary. He is just avoiding the problem by doing something he is willing to do. But the problem is still there. He is circumventing it after all, by finding a solution that works for him personally. But the problem, in and of itself, is STILL there. That’s what I’ve been saying all this time.

If I had a strong pain on the left side of my body whenever I sleep on it, I could go to the doctor to get the pain looked at, in order to find out how to cure the problem or atleast make it less painful. Which is my argument. His argument is essentially: “Just sleep on your right side.”

The problem would still BE there, but I would have to ignore the issue by sleeping on the other side. It’s not a REAL solution. It’s a workaround. Which is not what I was speaking about at all. And that’s VERY clear in all my other posts.

Cause he has reached a point, like me.
Where we just accept, this will never change.

Cause X didnt work, blizz tried Y.
It didnt work either, but then neither did X.
This is the math i see.

Potential source of problem being something that they cannot fix, merely AVOID, with pain medication.

Overwatch is all about compromises.

You want to play a specific role - compromise… bit of a que

You want to play a certain hero, but it has been picked - time to compromise.

And if you play in a stack you might want to play Mercy… but your team wants to play rush… so you have to find a compromise.

The enemy is beating you, but to counter them you have to compromise on what you wanted to initially play.

All compromises… Because that is just the name of the game.

Remember you are dealing with around 10 million active accounts… All with different needs and wants… Compromising so that things are “good enough” is perfectly fine. You can’t please everyone.

What won’t they directly fix the issue you claim… Probably because in doing so you make it worse for 20 times more players. So annoying a tiny handful is the compromise you make.

And maybe it won’t. But if so, what is the harm in atleast addressing it? Without a doubt, there is a higher chance that it would get fixed by addressing it, than not. Even if it’s still a slim-to-none chance of it happening.

Well, it certainly worked better before than it does now, so better to take a step back then, and work on improving something that atleast worked better than what it does now. That’s the clear choice in the options as far as I see it.

Keyword: Potential. We don’t know for sure before we have it checked. Which is what I’m suggesting. Being on pain medication forever still wouldn’t solve he problem. If it was discovered that the pain was chronic, then sure, there would be no other choices. But until it gets checked out, we shouldn’t just give up on looking for a “cure”, so to speak.

The difference between you and me is that we start what we see the game as with the same first 4 letters. You see it as COMP-romises, I see it as COMP-etition. And when I’m not even allowed to compete because someone has left at the VERY end of a match, and I’m getting placed in their place because of their impatience, then that prevents my competition. I’ve been able to play games in qp ever since closed beta, and I’m telling you, the problem I’m describing was NEVER this bad in ow’s history. It was always there, but it was substantially more rare before. Now, it’s actually more often than not. And that IS a problem. Maybe not for you with your zen-thinking of not letting anything bother you, and good for you that youa re able to do so, but that doesn’t fly with me. It’s not waht I want. And actually, nobody else really WANT it either. You can tell by the people that join the games in this situation. NONE of them are happy about it. It’s a waste of their time. We just simply want the time in queue to be worth it, so to speak.

How you can claim that this would affect more people in a negative way than not is beyond me. If there are that many people that can’t wait 15 seconds before they queue up again, then they don’t really deserve to play either. If the game is catered to allow people to step on others by ruining other’s experiences, then they are terrible people, and should just get sent to the back of the queues. In order to improve the experience of a game, sometimes some people will have to feel like something is bad for them. But seeing as nobody, and I mean NOBODY. LIKES to sit in queue for 12 mins, and not be able to play. That’s why this is a problem worth addressing. Especially if this could be solved by punishing those who so gleefully step on others to have their own experiences satisfied. We should always strive for the ideal, and strive for perfection, even if it’s impossible. For most people, this solution I’ve been speaking about would never even affect them. And that’s why it’s a good thing.

I am not claiming it would. As I said “probably”

You have to question why haven’t they done anything. Usually it would be for one of 3 reasons

  • they don’t care
  • they don’t know
  • the net consequences are not worth it.

Option 3 is the reason most of the time. So it is a safe bet that it would adversely affect things, and thus the way things are now is a safe compromise.

And I am like you. I play for competition. As that is fun. This is why I stack with people. So that game are given the optimum conditions possible. But I know sometimes that doesn’t work. I have to compromise and make the best of what I can.

And no. No one likes a que. We would all love instant, perfectly balanced matches. But when you are dealing with a large number of human beings of various abilities, moods, and so on… You just have to compromise and accept that it isn’t always going be what you want.

If your “solution” doesn’t affect “most people” why would they even spend the time and money on working it out. Think about it from their point of view. Is it added value to the majority of players… Probably not, and certainly not enough to be a cost effective effort.

What makes you think that this is more probable? In my experience, it seems to be the opposite. And I play QP quite alot. I’m in the welfare system, so I have too much time on my hands anyways. Playing games is just what I do to pass the time. And that’s why I’m so passionate about actually finding a proper solution that would benefit all aswell. I CARE about this game. I love this game. There are things in it I DON’T love, and I can see that these things are putting the game in a worse state than it could potentially be in. All I want is improving upon things that I see as a problem in the game and community, and that’s completely within my right to point out issues that I see, that CAN be addressed(if blizzard bothers) and would improve the game for those who actually care.

Fair enough, and questioning it is an appropriate thing to do. Just like I said to Banshee a few posts above, that it could be based somewhat on the lootbox system, as this has to do with monetary gain for Blizzard. Which in and of itself is a valid point, as all businesses strive to earn money. But, it doesn’t mean that is the reason by default. As blizzard’s income from lootboxes isn’t awfully high in the first place, given how easy they are to obtain just by playing. Do they care that this is an issue? I don’t know. Do they know about it? I don’t know. They might, or they might not. Which is why I’m making the post in the first place, because it’s the only way to reach out to them that I’m aware of. And that’s what should be done then. Because IF they don’t know, it could be made clear to them, and then looked into properly, and see if something can be done.

So we like competition, that’s good. But there is still a vast difference. I have no interest in creating the most ideal setting to BE competetive. I just AM, and so are many others. I don’t need others to have fun. I don’t want to stack to have fun. I want to have fun as a standalone, solo player, like I’ve always been. And the game has allowed that up until fairly recently, where the numbers of last second leavers have skyrocketed beyond what it has EVER been before. I don’t mind if it happens occasionally, although that’s annoying aswell, but I DO have a problem when it happens the majority of the time.

I never said I want instant or perfectly balanced, although we can ofcourse agree that this would be lovely. I just want to bring the number of last second leavers DOWN. I told you repeatedly. How do we achieve that? punishing the people who leaves at the very end. That’s ONE way atleast. If you know something else that would be MORE effective, then I’m all ears.

The solution would affect the majority of players in a good way, and the people who leaves in a bad way. Most people stay until the match is done, and then leave. Those people would not be affected. Meaning, the majority would benefit from this. You make it sound like “most people leave the games before they finish the round”, which is factually wrong.
So, seeing from their point of view: “Would this benefit the majority of our players? Yes. Most definitely. Would it be cost effective? Probably, as this would remove a fair bit of negative connotations that the majority of the community feel about the leavers that put them in a situation like this”. Meaning, the game would BENEFIT from adding a system that gives incentive to stay until the game concludes. Regardless if they were backfill or not. And this gives the game a better reputation from improving things for the majority of the playerbase.

Now, will they do something? No idea. But unless it’s made clear to them that this is an issue the playerbase doesn’t like, it would just stay in the same state. Better to bring it up to them, and this is simply the only way to do so that I know of.

You post was too long. I will stick to the last bit.

Will they do something…

No. For 1 of the 3 reasons I mentioned above.

  • the net consequences are not worth it. - this is almost certainly the reason why.

It is safe to say they care about the state of the game (this was clear in the update about OW2), and I am sure they are aware of all of the pros and cons of each mode.

So, if they haven’t done something in 5 years… You have to imagine there is a reason for it.

What could that reason be. Probably that it is not worth the net consequences. Because if it was a big net positive they’d of done it.

Read it, or there is no reason to continue. If you single out just a part of my entire point, then you have no reason to comment to me at all. And it might explain why I had to write things a million times for you. You probably didn’t read it, and therefore you don’t see the points I’m making. Read all, and comment on all of it, or we are simply done. You are not bringing anything of value to this post.

If your game is engagement with your subject, you need to keep it short and concise.

I tried to read, got bored. So focused on the key point.

And you have completely ignored my point, so why should I read yours. You fail to see the issue from Blizzard PoV.

Is it worth their resources (time, money) so resolve?

No. Otherwise they would have done so by now.

I have many issues with the game. But if I look at it logically, I can see that the changes I’d like wouldn’t be worth the time and money spent. So, I just leave it as that. A me thing.

I did address this. If you had read my entire post, maybe you would have seen. Too bad you got bored, but to help you, I’ll link it here:

There you go. I didn’t ignore anything. But you would have seen that if you didn’t get too bored. If you are so bored, then why keep commenting here at all? What is your goal? What do you want? You want to have the last word on every single post in the forums or something? I read everything you write here, and you should write everything I write. If you cherrypick the parts that suits your narrative, then this isn’t going to go anywhere, and you might aswell go comment on something else. Either read all, or not at all. Atleast if you want to comment your opinions about what was written.

You have no data to prove it would affect the majority. You have no data to even suggest this is an issue anyone outside a handful of people even care.

Just as I have no data to claim otherwise.

The only “data” we have is what Blizzard have done. Which would suggest either it isn’t cost effective to do. Or they don’t care.

I am slightly jealous if this is the big issue for you. Means they have done a pretty decent job elsewhere, so that is a good sign.

Time for you to move on from this.

Obviously, because the majority in qp doesn’t leave. Based on experience, which I have over 1700hours of. A fairly decent amount to make a judgementcall. Certainly more than you have on your account(if you have different accounts, then prove that you have more). Which would serve as a stronger base of arguement than what you can bring by simply stating that there is NO problem at all. I see the problems, I play them, in a way, I even live them, because I don’t really have a life outside my home. Playing games is more or less ALL I do.

Right. So your claim in this being a non-problem adds nothing to this thread at all, because your personal solutions work for you. That doesn’t mean this will work for all.

OR, they don’t know. Remember, you made 3 points, not just 2. And making them know about it, possibly getting some feedback from them(although unlikely), is what this topic is about.

Overwatch is an overall great game. It has it’s flaws, which could be addressed, and if that happened, it could get even better. That’s the point of this entire topic.

You may move on if you so wish. This is MY topic. And I have an interest in this. Probably others have aswell, but I feel sorry for the poor people who has to sit here and read through EVERYTHING that has been repeated over and over again. But I have faith that they are most likely smart enough to get my point at the very beginning, and that the remainder of the discussion is just walking in circles and me trying to correct the topic back on track. I might concider making a new topic thread instead, in order to remove some of the clutter. But as of now, I can’t be bothered. I’m pretty clear in my points early on, so I have faith that if someone rads a bit, they will see fairly early what my point is.

It’s been 5 years. They know. Which is why I ruled it out.

If my claim of non-problem adds nothing because I have no data. By proxy your claim of problem means nothing as you also have no data.