Endorsement Level Down

My endorsement level used to be 4, used to be. I’ve climbed back up from 3 to 4 about seven times now and it doesn’t seem to take long for it to hop back down to 3 again. Now I’ve looked at the Blizzard Support page about this and found:

Your endorsement level doesn’t drop when you are inactive. Your endorsement level will drop while you are actively playing if:

  • You stop receiving endorsements.
  • You are reported by other players in-game.
  • You leave games before they’re finished. This may also cause your account to receive a Leaver Penalties. If you are kicked from games due to technical difficulties, visit our support articles: Overwatch Disconnection Problems and Overwatch Lockups and Crashes.

First off, I’m often getting anywhere between 1 and 3 endorsements per match, so I don’t think that I’m losing levels for not receiving more. Second, I would say that my behaviour in-game is as team-friendly as possible and I can’t see why people would be reporting me. Finally, I only ever leave games after the match is over, sometimes before seeing the potg, sometimes after, and I’ve only ever been kicked from games due to technical difficulties twice.

If anyone else has had this sort of problem affect them or knows what the cause of it might be then please share here, I’d be very thankful.


I think you also can drop when you don’t give endorsements for a while. Which if true is totally counter productive.
I created a thread about this one day explaining how it doesn’t make sense. Not that I care so much about endorsements. But if we have it pushed through our throats then I would prefer it makes sense in the first place.
Endorsements are supposed to be given on merits, not just for yourself.

Some players can also just be down right salty for no reason. You could be the nicest person in the match, switching all the time, throwing out comms etc, someone could still report you. It’s just a click and confirm function with no downside so it’s always open to abuse. That’s the only other theory I can think of for Endorsement level dropping so often.


Why do you care? I’ve seen endorsement level 4 guys who are bad, who are clueless, who are jerks. Endorsement level is simply something you farm in QP for boxes.

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Wow I am level 3 and I leave lots of qp matches, get reported by trolls and I am not particularly your friendly neighbourhood junkman. Welcome to my endorsement level :rofl:

Well, there’s 2 major things to say about it:
a) Level 2 and 3 are basically handed out for free, all you need is not leaving and not getting reported all that much. Level 4 is fairly hard to reach and harder to hold.
b) Your endorsement level is not an integer, i.e. it’s not at 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 but a real (actually a rational^^) number. You can imagine starting out at 1.00, every endorsement gives you +0.1, every game in general gives you -0.02 (not the actual numbers, just used as a means to explain). The higher you go up, the more you will lose per game (that is a game where you could be endorsed - no play against AI, no Mystery Heroes, no FFA). Once you reach 4.00, your endorsement level will show as 4, but I think you need an average of 2 endorsements per match to actually stay up there - even more if you ever get reported or leave a match. When I first hit level 4, I too dropped down a few times, but right now I’m solidified there. I don’t play that much in endorsable game modes, but I get 3-5 endorsements per game, so I’m probably well above 4.00 with no danger of slipping down.

Your solution: keep on doing what you’re doing, and eventually you will hit a solid 4.

Same here, same as for the garbage matchmaking that’s failing to stop smurfs from coming, even you are receiving endorsements you are failing from 4 to 3. The developers don’t care, obviously, they would fix that otherwise.

I mean, endorsements don’t have any impact.

No need to worry man.

You need to get 2 endorsements per match on average to keep level 4. For level 5 it’s 3.

So unless you’re playing support, it’s difficult to stay above level 3.

a friend i play with keeps going 3 to 4 then back down… and he is not toxic and calles out, gives endors, gets endors and vote… still he gos down to 3 … we have no clue of why

You can lose endorsement levels in the games if someone reports you. So lets say we are in a game together and you don’t do what I say or expect of you then I can report you. Blizzard has given too much power to players like this. First of all I’m not here to do or follow what other players want because that would make them my boss and guess what I they aren’t my boss.es. I have every right do what I want. Ive gone up and down on endorsements because of this just like you. You ever see people say so and so meaning you reported? Well that will cost an endorsement.

Judging over all their past work, Blizzard programmers can safely be said to be somewhat incompetent when it comes to game engines or algorithms, just don’t expect too much.

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I hope the games and systems you’ve made are perfect! Lol I jest.

But this feels like a bit of a low blow. Unless you know the ins and outs of a system you can’t really say if the job they’ve done is good or bad.

You don’t like the end result, that’s a fair thing to say.

The endorsement system didn’t achieve what it set out to do. So it is gone in OW2 apparently.

I can say this because I’m senior developer of an international team of people who have professional expertise in algorithms of various kinds and many problems we solve are pretty similar to things happening in games.
When we look at how Blizzard does it (or actually is apparently forgetting about important aspects a lot), very often makes us pull our hair in disbelief. It is pretty sad reality and I have absolutely no problem of making this statement and standing behind it 100%.

The only explanation I could come up with so far is that they have a lot of self-taught people from ye olden times or a large amount of hubris, or something. It is just not understandable, really.

People tend to think that because Blizzard games have always been a super big thing, this company must surely know better than anyone else. But what is and has always been super great here are their artists and designers, who make every game smooth and enjoyable. That is why Blizzard games are big. Their engine/algorithm programmers have always delivered either “the usual” stuff or sub-par results. Even World of Warraft had at least two weird engine flaws that never got fixed (they were unable to?). That just doesn’t matter for people’s buying decisions much as long as the game looks and feels great.

There are many long-time mathematically tried and proven solutions that have been thoroughly researched and are accepted by everyone, and Blizzard would be better off relying on those instead of assuming they can do it better - when they cannot.

Even worse their way of translating the internal algorithms to visual representations for the players is done an unnecessary obscure manner, combined with lack of communication in general, that everyone can immediately see will only further fuel toxicity.


I will doubt the back story. Nothing personal.

But we all see that the endorsement system failed to hit the mark, hence them removing it.

I refuse to blame anyone other than the person being toxic, for being toxic. Doesn’t matter how much you dislike something, it is a personal choice as to how you express that dislike, and there is no excuse for being toxic.

Doubting the backstory tells us something about you, and it’s a bit sad. You give the appearance of a reasonable person so far.

I only doubt it, because anyone can say what ever they like about their life here. I’m not going to check as I don’t care.

Sure, but if you don’t accept things people say here, maybe your time here is just over? I mean you can just doubt anything, ever. What is the point…

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If it’s about the game I will accept it if agree, reject it if I don’t and research it if I’m not sure.

Personal info isn’t something I’m bothered about. Add me, play games with me, become friends and then I’ll take an interest.

But someone’s life story on a game forum isn’t of interest to me. As I said, it’s not personal. I’m sure you’re a delight.

Well you practically asked what qualifies me to judge this, so I naturally explained it.