Endorsement!What is the point?

I think he may have more accounts than I know about. :smiley:

What do you mean by that? You really think that Im another account from him? Snap back to reality because you may think that youre another account of Rod aswell :o. Maybe the entire Forum is?

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I just thought more people would have more sense. Excuse me if Iā€™m wrong. :frowning:

Youre not xqcā€™d. Im sorry to let you know that

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Excuse me, but what does that mean?

xqcā€™d. Basically a funnier way to say excused.

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Never heard it be said like that, itā€™s special. Thanks for letting me know, friend.

Yeah I came with that myself. Never heared that anywhere aswell lol.

I havenā€™t and you know it.

Just look at my post history. Still posting daily. I know you like to check it.

As for ā€œspecial friendā€, you heard of Jinxter. You like himā€¦

Just because others see through your harassment and abuse doesnā€™t mean you can be abusive to them too.

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Iā€™ve told him countless times I have 2 accounts (the other is called Roku), but that information is a little inconvenient to his abusive agenda against me.

I do look at your post history, you reply to every single comment I make on every thread, even when replying to others. Now thatā€™s harassment, friend.

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So you know iā€™ve been posting daily.

Yet you still lie to abuse me. Good move.

Oh there is no abuse, you just didnā€™t reply for 24 hours. :slight_smile:

I didnā€™t reply for about 12 hours.

Sleep happened, then it was Easter, and some people have things to do.

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Itā€™s 24 hours. :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you prove that please.

I have the time stamps if you want themā€¦
Last post in your ā€œspecial friendsā€ toxic closed thread - 16/04/2022 - 23:39
Next post - 17/04/2022 - 14:13

So was less than 14 hours.

Sleep, gym, chocolate day.

Next time you want to make something up to try toxically troll and abuse someone, at least check the data first.

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Let him be. He failed Math in school if he was able to educate.


I donā€™t think you even finished school. :frowning:

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Haha. Come on, donā€™t lower yourself to their level of cheap insults.

Let them scrape the barrel.

That is true because Im still participating in a school yes. Is there a problem with that?

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