Endorsement!What is the point?

Lol. Faking videos too. Embarrassing.

Faking videos with screen capture? Ok then. :man_shrugging:

Yeah. Easily done and edited to fake.

I have live footage browsing the notifications (Today) to see you editing your post from Feb 22 as Roku. Phone and PC. Not too bright.

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Faking things to harass people. Nice

Hey buddy, you do realize that deleting evidence from your own post doesn’t remove it from other people posts if they quote you? :man_facepalming:

So you can cry “fake”, and “photoshop” all you want, but anyone can go to this thread The good players - #35 by Roku-21211 and see that you edited post to hide what you actually said, lol

Maybe it’s time for you to accept what you did and take responsibility instead trying to frame people with bad edits, and fake allegations :wink:

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When you do champ. I’ve done nothing wrong, except put up with you 2 constantly harassing, insulting and bullying me.

The only difference in that thread is the word Very… Which I removed after apologising for being rude. Not sure why you’d fake more.

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Editing post to frame someone isn’t “nothing wrong” :wink:

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I’ve not “framed” anyone. That is what you are harassing me to try and do.

Also, just to show you. It really isn’t difficult to edit what you say and take pictures.

h ttps://imgur.com/PIGse2b

He’s just going to keep denying it even though the proof is right there lol, him and his “buddy” can keep believing, but we and other people with common sense, can see. :slight_smile:


Except, Versorius quoted part of the insult you deleted, so we have direct proof that you edited your post to delete the insults. You can argue that anyone can fake screenshot, but the proof is literally on the forum in this thread The good players - #35 by Roku-21211, so screenshots aren’t even needed :wink:

Also, forum backups have original post, so moderators can see what you said :man_facepalming:

Oh common sense huh? if you have common sense then I would immediately go visit a doctor my guy

yeah. I removed the word very as I acknowledged I was rude and apologised for it.

Thats all.

:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

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Nah, and mods can see that you are lying :wink:


Seems very much you’re not.

There’s nothing there, what are you talking about?

Damn, and here I thought the US forums were bad: this is a complete new level of bad. xD

Lmfao @ a new guy posting stuff.

Who even are you, you’ve randomly first sprung up out the blue to reply to me and Jinx. This is extremely obvious xD!!!

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They can also see you are harassing and bullying people.

Happy to make your day better!

How does it work here? Do I have to introduce myself to you and the other guy to be accepted in the VIP club?


Basically nothing
Never will I see a higher endorsed or lower endorsed person and immediately think they’re either good or bad players like legit I think the only high endorsement level I see in comp is mercy players farming it in arcade :joy: