Endorsement!What is the point?

Oh, it shows! Good luck though mate! You can do this.

As you can see. He is just trying to patronise and bully you because heā€™s angry about something.

Donā€™t take it personally. He does it to anyone who disagrees with him.

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If you cut out the people I have to deal with then yeah I probably do x)

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Support player here. I really feel proud of my lvl 5.


Well done! I never come across a level 5.

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people should really stop making alt accounts to back up their arguments on forums.it is really childish.

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Iā€™m not sure anyoneā€™s ever done that. But agree, would be an unnecessary amount of effort.

Edit, actually I remember one person from when I was a lurker. I think both got banned, but heā€™s still active on NA forum.

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I know right, itā€™s kinda cringe.

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If you think someoneā€™s done it. Provide the proof. Letā€™s see who you think.

are you buying the new expansion for wow ? it seems a new class and race is coming to wow

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Yeah Iā€™m definitely going to try it. Me and my friend always do, although we just hope there wonā€™t be a load of systems again. They ruined it for us.

well what they have shown just now is really good . a dragon class and race .
crafting is coming back .

A dragon class, now that sounds interesting! About time they made crafting better again. I really do hope itā€™ll be a major improvement over Shadowlands.

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guys I know you like to talk abt wow but i dont think it belongs into an ow forum



Irrelevant and derailed the subject. Shameful behaviour.

But youā€™d rather someone trash talk. :thinking:

Please, enlighten me on what part of what they said was ā€œtrash talkā€.

They are just asking you to stick to the game.

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Im not you. Say that again when you look in a mirror.

Youā€™re doing it right now. Please stop.

I still wait for your respond on what makes u think that Im a kid :slight_smile: