Endorsement!What is the point?

It’s ok. He’s decided, without any proof or evidence what’s happened.

You won’t convince him otherwise.

Oh yeah Im sorry I forgot that hes god and that everything he says is true :skull:

I wouldn’t go that far. I’m sure he’s nice enough IRL.

He’s just let a personal vendetta make him paranoid.

Honestly though, never flagged a single post. Never spoken about them outside of the people here. But I did laugh when I saw it hidden, so that’s my bad.

well it happens and when it happens on yourself you should think about what u send and maybe reread it :slight_smile:

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Exactly. I’ve had posts of mine removed in the past and that’s 100% my fault and my responsibility to do better.

Not going to blame someone for flagging something if I said something bad.

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Now thats the spirit.

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I’m not perfect. I’ll annoy people, but I hold my hand up and take responsibility for that.

Others will always look to blame others. It is a behavioural trait you’ll no doubt of seen in game. Always someone else to blame when it isn’t going to plan.

I used to always look for an opportunity to blame others because I couldnt take the responsibility to admit the truth.

But noone is perfect because theres always something someone doesnt like about you.

Same. It’s far too common.

I took the game less seriously and got some coaching from people in the discord I mentioned. Now working on being more aggressive in game so I’m a little more mentally ready for 5v5.

Interesting when I shared the leaks, that someone disagreed with them. Which is fair enough, but I don’t think a single one has been wrong yet. (Happy to hold my hand up if I’m wrong on that one).

Also seems to be some sort of subscription based club system coming too… whether that’s guilds or in addition to guilds we shall see.

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“If I really wanted to” implies that the only deciding factor is your will, so “if I really wanted to” can’t mean “if I ask someone”, because the one who you ask can refuse, thus, you can’t “if I really wanted to” :man_shrugging:

There are only 4 people in this thread which would ever report my post, and only 2 of those have any business doing it, but then you need over 10 or more reports to hide any post twice. Add to this the fact that no one before reacted like that in all the hundreds of posts I wrote, and this one isn’t even close to my objectively wort one, and it’s pretty obvious how big of an anomaly is this report spam on my post, so it’s also pretty obvious that someone intentionally brought people to do mass report the post, and/or alt accounts were used.
One way or another, the abuse is obvious because numbers and facts don’t add up at all, not even close :wink:

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I could do many things. But I don’t because that isn’t who I am. Despite your personal vendetta against me.

There might be 4 people talking, but if someone sees you attacking someone while lurking, they are well within their rights to flag if that is what they want to do.

I still don’t understand why you are trying to blame people flagging you… rather than looking at why it might of been flagged. You never seem to take responsibility for your actions, it is always someone elses fault.

This is getting ridiculous. :man_facepalming:

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It is. But if someone can’t take responsibility for their post getting hidden, but instead wants to make up a conspiracy to deflect blame… things are going to go that way.

By that logic, and your numerous claims of how allegedly you are being attacked many people should be consistently reported in the same fashion, but they aren’t, so you’re clearly making an utterly bad excuse for yourself buddy.

I don’t tho
If anything, I could blame whoever instigated report abuse.
…but gj trying to smear me w/e way you can :wink:

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It’s how he gets his kicks, sadly. :man_shrugging:

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I don’t tell people what to flag, that is on them. Clearly something in that one annoyed enough people. I don’t really know.

I don’t know why you are trying to turn this into attacking me. I have literally done nothing.

I didn’t type your post.
I didn’t flag it.
I didn’t decide to hide to to review.

I am simply telling you, if it was hidden, clearly you did something wrong.

This is like all the people who get suspended for abusive chat in game and claim malicious report… no, you did wrong. Own it and be better.

I am not “smearing” him. He is paranoid and coming up with a conspiracy to deflect from his own actions.

But you will have his back, as you are his friend.

Well, no, it’s not clear since Blizzard forum is famous for people reporting other people post simply because they subjectively didn’t agree with what someone said, so my post being hidden doesn’t mean it’s bad, it just means someone didn’t agree, or was mad, and reported out of spite :man_shrugging:

People do make that assumption a lot yes. Whether it is right or not is unknown.

I have no idea why people flagged it. Like I said, I didn’t. And I haven’t spoken to anyone or asked anyone to do it. I don’t need backup.

But given that in your hidden post you make accusations, lie about suspensions, and one line that I can see is probably what might have auto triggered it.

Just a note Twinkletoes got a suspension just for typing one word beginning with P. Required no flags, it was automatic. So the post is reviewed because of what you typed. No one else did that for you.

do ya’ll have nothing better to do? o.O