Endorsement!What is the point?

That is the point.

I don’t insult people. You and Gary do.

Discussion, debate, even a little arguing is fine when discussing opinions around the game. But you 2 always drag it down to childish insults because you refuse to accept others views.

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Factually untrue.
You have history of passive-aggressive, veiled, as well as direct insults.
For example, you directly insulted us both at the same time for calling you out on being suspended.
If I remember correctly, the insult was revolving around homosexual sex :man_facepalming:

But here you are lying through your teeth yet again, so I guess nothing changed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Oh please, that’s not even half the truth.
Saying that someone doesn’t accept “other views” when those are your beside the point thread derailing views is quite funny to hear. You always have the tendency to argue off-topic, and move goalposts while pretending that it’s the main topic because this is the only way you can win your childish argumentative tirades.


Why have you posted a long, insulting, attack again my character. This is defamation and harassment.

I don’t insult people, and when I have I’ve apologised, never been suspended (that was a fabrication from your camp).

Please stop. You’ve already had a thread closed because you attacked and insulted people.

You are literally contradicting yourself, and no, you never apologized, so you literally lied 2 times in a row.

Just stop this nonsense, and move on instead playing dishonest denial games.

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You can’t help someone that’s always in denial.

Denial would imply you’re not making nonsense attacks against me and others.

You’ve already been shut down by multiple people this week.

Is this alleged “attack on you and others” in the room with us now? :thinking:

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Wouldn’t surprise me if it was him and his alts. :man_shrugging:

My post was hidden, but there are not enough people around to hide a post via reports, so someone definitely is using alt accounts, and/or asking his friends to intentionally report posts which is a system abuse, lol

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Haha. If that was the case you’d be banned by now. If I really wanted to, I could get a whole discord server to do it, but I’ve never actually flagged a single post. Or you can believe your own conspiracy.

But if you read it back, you attacked someone, and the mods you asked for closed you down again.

Now stop the personal attacks and enjoy the OW2 game play that’s out now (note how the leaks were spot on).

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Considering how many people are active on this forum and in this thread, and how many reports are needed to hide post TWICE, it’s only logical that someone is abusing the report system, and you are the only one who has anything to gain here :slight_smile:

On top of that, you just admitted having “a discord full of followers” who would do it, then it’s safe to assume that you are the one behind this system abuse.

GJ desperately bragging and shooting yourself into the foot, lol

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Someone might be. Probably aren’t though. That level of paranoia isn’t healthy.

I can, hand on heart, say I’ve never flag a single one of your posts.

Discord full of followers? I’m not some god lol. I’m a member of a discord server to play OW.

I think you’re reaching for excuses rather than taking responsibility for your own actions.

Says the guy who just admitted to being capable of using discord community to ban someone, and proceeds to use this admission as an excuse to why he allegedly doesn’t make people abuse report system :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

No, I said I could ask them. Firstly, they’d have to actually care, secondly be bothered to do it.

I haven’t “admitted” anything, other than I’ve never flagged one of your posts.

If a post gets removed or hidden, it is because what you’ve said. You can’t blame others for that.

Insinuating there is some conspiracy is disingenuous and quite frankly a bit odd.

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wo wo wo calm down my friend. I dont see the reason to say that hes using multiple accounts to flag/hide your post.

Does it help him? No not at all.
Is it worth? No.

Youre just mad that your post got hidden because you probably said something which wasnt the best thing to say :slight_smile:

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Can’t believe he admitted it lol.

orly… lets see…

Clearly you didn’t say what you claim to say, so you lied again to change your story :man_facepalming:

Beside the point emotional argument :man_facepalming:

Trying to divert the attention from the fact that the post was reported by way more accounts than are active on the forum to hide the fact that someone is abusing the report system.

I guess too much ego driven bragging :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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“if I really wanted to”… Quite clearly show I could ask, but I haven’t, because flagging things is unnecessary, which is why I don’t.

You’ve twisted something that wasn’t there to make a conspiracy.

Have you considered that maybe, you just made a bad post and it was hidden for review?

Maybe just don’t attack people for no reason. I get that you don’t like me, I’m cool with that. No one else cares, or needs to see you attacking people over and over.

Admitted what exactly my dear?

How are you so sure about that the report system gets abused and that not many accounts are active? You dont know

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