EU servers high amounts of ping (DISCUSSION)

So lately, the EU servers have been on a fritz like crazy with large amounts of ping staying within 180-200+ and sometimes going to the extreme of 1000+.

I’m beginning to doubt its the Internet Network (the one you use) itself as I just got a new PC a few weeks ago and have been lagging like mad.
I decided to test this out on other games and they seem to work somewhat fine, yet Overwatch is going haywire.

Since I still had my old PC, I decided to test this out on that PC with the same network I used for my other one and even that was lagging, so it may be possible that there is something going on the servers that’s causing it.

Now I’ve noticed that since the Middle Eastern servers have been created, ping has gotten very high and you would sometimes connect towards the ME or vice versa despite not living there, thankfully SilentStorm had a guide on how to go to a different server but high ping has still been occurring.

Which leads to the most possible factor of the whole thing, Covid-19, or rather the lockdown caused by it.
Because of the lockdown, loads and loads of people will be at home and obviously on their computers, which is the likely cause due to loads of traffic happening, even if they aren’t playing Overwatch.

Of course it could be something on the EU servers itself that’s causing high amounts of ping, but honestly I don’t know.

Could be one of these that are the issue:

  • Middle Eastern servers are likely the cause of it (Both the servers are mixed together even though they should be separate)
  • Covid-19 Lockdown is likely the cause of it (due to large amounts of people being at home)
  • Issue with the EU servers itself (Not sure about this one).

Again, I’m not sure as to what the cause of this is, hopefully the servers get better.

Anyways discuss.

Most likely ME servers, the COVID-19 Strain should have been resolved a bit back.

You can check your server if you press CTRL + SHIFT + N and look in the top left corner, if it’s the ME servers it will display as [MES1]

Also, you’re using Ethernet correct?

Dont know where are you getting this but this is absolutely not representative for 90% of EU for sure.
Ping is still 30-60 for the rest of the players. Sounds like a “you” issue so you should try a VPN.

It is actually.

Blizzard had acknowledged an issue with localization of EU players, meaning they would get re-routed to the wrong servers.
This issue has arisen since the ME servers have launched, even i myself get sometimes the MES servers or CDG servers whilst the closest are actually the AMS servers.

Customer Support has provided a reply on this:

Regarding collection of data.

This thread should also be of help:
[Main Thread] Middle East Servers - High Latency - #9 by PlataOPlomo-21973 - Technical Support - Overwatch Forums

Wrong link, ignore that one though read if interested.

The re-routing issue can also be solved with the steps provided in this thread:

Hold in mind that this is not an official guide so it’s not directly endorsed by Blizzard to use this. Though this guide can be of used it’s not guaranteed that this will fix the re-routing issue.

I use Netgear so I’m beginning to think that Netgear as a whole is the issue.
I know that Virgin Media is completely down in the UK (just checked Down detector, its really bad).

Anyways I went to check custom game a few minutes ago and it was all on Red one bar, I just checked it again and now they are somewhat green.

It isnt though. Read what you just posted:

It literally means there is an EXCEPTION, not a rule, that happens to ONLY certain little amount of players.

You should track the IPs you see in the connection routes inside the game. For now, in UK and Ireland, zero issues to me and my friends. Must be a very very location related issue or only for a certain provider.

I live in Chelmsford so probably an issue there.

Anyways, I’ve been doing another test which focused on using Ctrl+Shift+N.
Basically there seems to be two server types, cdg and ams.

It seems both are completely random in terms of ping, sometimes one of them will work fine whilst the other goes crazy, problem is it that I can’t tell which I’m connected to without using Ctrl+Shift+N.

(I tested this in Custom game and Practise Range)

“Most Likely”

I’m only providing solutions as of this moment for the most common issue.

The strain on the ISP’s should is most likely resolved in a big part.
It’s best for OP to play another game to make sure if it isn’t a re-route or not.

I used the guide provided by SilentStorm to prevent me from connecting to Middle East servers so that seems to be fine, I’m connected only to the EU ones.

However I am still receiving high amounts of ping, I don’t think its my network either as I went to test this out on a different game (Sea of Thieves) and it seems to work fine.

Ah i understand.

Are there any icons flashing in the top left during the periods of high pings?

To make sure, the high ping you’re recieving is constant correct?

You mean the Yellow icons such as the Lightning bolt and box thing? Yeah I’ve been receiving them a lot.

Weird thing is, a few hours ago it all seemed to work just fine, no ping issues or anything. Wasn’t till a few games later that ping went mad (All my games today were on Uprising, also can’t check when I started playing because Replays don’t count Uprising games).

Anyways I think it could be application based as well, something on my computer might be interfering with it, I have Bullguard Anti-virus software installed (came with my new PC) so that might be it.

What I’m gonna do quickly is disable Bullguard through Task manager and test Overwatch again, will need to close Internet Explorer however just in case, will come back once I’ve done some testing.

EDIT: Task manager is preventing me from closing any Bullguard related background processes so I can’t test it.

Hi i have started facing this issue today with my ping going to over 240ms
and when i got into the server the guys said that i was in a middle east server?
i am based in jersey Channel islands
i have 1gb fiber my ping in all my other games steam based or call of duty etc are euro servers and i ping 10ms?

so i am not sure what has happened but my game is unplayable
if anyone know’s any reason for this please let me know so i can try to get it resolved.


It is 100% their end, but they are just ignoring EU.

I am currently sitting on the CDG1 server (Paris) and getting 219ms (from the UK, which should normally be 27).

This is their only real response from the NA forums…
“Usually their ticket queues and forums are flooded when it’s a server issue (haven’t spotted any floods of posts here or on EU forum), so it’s hard to be sure. Plus, only the one EU WinMTR is showing issues, not both. I’m sure if there is a server issue we’ll see a tweet from Blizzard, or perhaps they’ll share some info in the EU forum.”


Update from NA…

TL;DR - Don’t post about it on the forums, it is a waste of time).

“The forum is a player-help-player area, with no guaranteed responses from staff in any region. They read some threads, but not all. Instead, the ticket system is always recommended if you only want to speak to employees of Blizzard.”

thanks for the response ,
as it stands today the services are working and my pings are back to what they where around 30ms
i guess they resolved what ever the issue was.

Yeah. Wonder if they’ll ever even acknowledge something was up.

They most likely wont. Last time there was a problem on their end and I asked for help they made it sound like it was on me, making me lose my head to the point I became toxic and got a 3 day suspension from the forums :slight_smile:

Looking through the comments, that is pretty much what they’ve done to others.

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