Failed update application

it is not like any players have caused this to happen i have looked through all the other forum pages on this. its like it happens all of a sudden. in my case i was playing in the morning then that evening i cannot play. i had not turned on my computer so it can not be a thing that the players are doing on our ends.

youre Right… i tried everything the devs recomended and i just tried 30 min with the constant logging in… this is litteraly crap Blizzard like wtf… let me Play the game please… :frowning:

i can understand your frustration but just dont bad mouth them its not productive in solving the issue. just help cooperate and it will be easier.
but i do agree it is annoying.

yeah I was just Looking Forward to playing overwatch with my best Buddy this Weekend work this week was really stressfull and this happens… im just pissed but I understand they are trying everything
K so now ist telling me that I don’t have a Licence so yeah lets see where this goes xD

a load of people on my discord server have all of sudden occurred in to the same problem in the past ten mins.
yes its annoying because i have been left behind by my team stack because of not being able to load the game.
in short this really sucks…
i appreciate how hard it is being a game developer myself but still.

understandable but you know…

Hi, Joe.

The issue you are mentioning that affected your friends just now seems to be something completely different, and is affecting all our games. It just started like 20 minutes ago, and we already have a team reviewing it, and hopefully get that resolved as soon as possible.

okay thanks for the response.

Right thats what I thaght now there’s a completly other Problem?
hope you guys fix it fast, sorry for being pissed

Hey, Şĥĭfŧ.

You don’t need to be sorry. We understand that these things are frustrating, specially because it’s not always clear what’s the cause, and so, the solutions we attempt sometimes have no effect at all.

But as long as we keep things civil and respectful, it’s ok to be pissed and frustrated. We are players too, and we understand perfectly how it feels to get stuck in one of these.

youre the best man

i dont know this is related but this problem only occurred on the forums with the release of the lego bastion add in and the patch for hero.

Yes thats what I thought too so i even tried joining games that have the skin

we are no unable to connect to the servers. is this because of the situation thats occurred?

I Play on Eu and I can connect on Na but then theres the update Problem

Hi again! o/

That is correct, there are some players that are being put on queue when connecting, or directly unable to connect, and this is the issue being investigated. This seems to only be affecting EU servers.

huh so youre trying to solve the update Problem or why is this Problem occuring now?

Hi again! o/

This is being investigated at the time, so I don’t have much information yet, but this is most certainly not an attempt to fixt the Failed Update issue. If we were applying such a fix, and knowing it could cause connection issues, we would let you know in advance if possible, and wait until a less busy time, like 3-4AM, for example.

hm so no Point staying awake for another 30 min just in case that It could be fixed?
Okay so I could logg in the update Problem isn’t solved yet so Imma go to Sleep bye and thanks for the help and Patience <3

I wouldn’t say it’s impossible, since whatever they do to try and fix the connection issues may actually fix other issues (they could be different symptoms with the same root cause after all), but the focus currently is the connection issues, as they are affecting many more players.