Forced losing streaks: Yes it is a skill issue… my teams skill


This is far better than crying about things you’ve made up, looking for fairy tale excuses to pin things on.

Made perfect sense if you don’t have any issues :rofl:

You can’t read either because you reversed the order of what I said in your comment :wink:

Update: I went on like a 9 game winning streak yesterday and ranked up, I logged off when I felt the team quality switch was happening, today when I logged on I got the exact team mates that I expected to get….

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Maybe first go to school and learn some manners first for talking with others . But then again you lost the argument .so you are showing frustration .keep on it.
Also have some balls instead of editing.
Do keep making excuses irl too. You wont survive much longer anyways .people who think that the whole world is against them are the ones who achieve nothing in game nor in life .

I was laughing at the end of this conversation so that’s a win for me.

Seems very personal and your name looks familiar… sorry I beat you or outperformed you in game and I hope you rank back up soon.


The people I “lost the argument to” also edited… I guess not everybody is gifted with a functioning brain.


I don’t owe people that read what they want and not what is written any manners. Ironically your punctuation is actually terrible so maybe you are the one that needs more education here.


I don’t think everybody is against me, infact I actually decided to make a compilation video of all the compliments I get from people in game, there is quite a few.

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Just had another one mate.
641 dmg dps across an entire match… who just played as Tracer and then pharah.

lol… I just played a game were the opposing team had a Genji with an impressive total of 0 eliminations across both attack and defence rounds.

I am not even sure how 0 elims is possible because you only have to do a little bit of damage and not even secure the kill yourself to get an elimination.

I believe it has just been a matter of luck that I have not had many bad team members this season, but there is still time.

I have had a couple, but it does actually seem far less frequent this season than it was in the last if I am being honest, maybe the changes mentioned in the patch notes with the aim of “improving match quality” have actually done ‘something’ but a few are still slipping through the cracks.

I do expect the odd bad team mate and it is still too early to tell if things have improved overall. Time will tell I guess.

My games are getting worse. Either really bad players, or ones who just go off solo, and die.

Yup, I just had a game with a “Diamond Challenger” team mate and everyone played extemely well, that was actually alot of fun and we won but only just and it was a very fair match, the very next game both my DPS ( both level 1 endorsement) played like Bronze 5’s and I had their eliminations combined… still definitely some inconsistencies.

Just had another game with a DPS who went 4-16 across both attack/defence rounds (level 1 endorsement) seems to be getting worse….

There seems to be a pattern with these level 1 endorsed players and I really don’t want them on my team no matter what their MMR or mechanical skill is…

To be level 1 they are either brand new to the game or don’t do anything worth endorsing them for (I normally want to report them for feeding, not endorse them). Please pair them all together and not with me, I will happily wait longer que times, thankyou.

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Good idea in terms of pairing them off into their own areas until their ability can be more understood. Blizzard no doubt will not understand what is good/bad though. :smiley: They seem so out of touch with the actual gameplay.

Just had another game where the two dps on my team didn’t even hit 2k dmg over a payload map. They were so gapped.

This! Why am I at diamond 5 getting silvers in my lobby? It’s already deranked me into plat 2 because of it, now every game theres like 1 or 2 other plat/diamond and the rest are silver. It’s just feeding loss after loss. When I was climbing start of season it was all diamond/masters and top 500s in lobby and best games Ive had but now just this. Every. Game :,( wtf happened blizzard…

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It is if they want to keep player numbers in a tier high for que times sake…

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