Forced losing streaks: Yes it is a skill issue… my teams skill

They f up the matchmaking/ranking system and its not exactly a secret… it’s literally in the patch notes etc :rofl: It needs fixing not glossing over.

The rankings for a small number of players were bugged yes. This was fixed.

The match maker is getting small tweaks to improve queue times in the higher ranks.

The match maker is still only working off MMR/SR as it has always done, and this is totally irrelevant to the in match issues. If you would provide codes I could show you.

Do you mean they manually adjusted MMR for the “small number” of well known streamers and league players or did they fix the core issue with the ranking/matchmaking itself ?

No, once the bug was fixed, the applied a boost too all impacted accounts. When they next won 7 games, they jumped quickly.

Ranking/matchmaking is ok. Just visually looks bad.

I have to disagree. If it was then new / unranked players wouldn’t be getting into games with plat players. At the time of that game I was silver 1. So a silver 1, new players and a plat player all had the same MMR :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sooo….Are you telling me I currently have the same MMR or SR as a plat player ? Well, I must have if I am matched with them in my games, right ? but I got a bronze 3 placement, Seems like its working correctly to me….

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If you are playing Ranked, this is entirely possible. The would have played enough games (50 wins needed), to play it. Their MMR would be fairly accurate.

If you are playing Quick Play / Arcade… who cares, it doesn’t matter in those modes.

The badge rank isn’t what is used to make matches, MMR is. My MMR is around Plat. I placed in silver and quickly climbed up.

But the new players clearly didn’t deserve that MMR, Me and the other plat support knew it instantly and that is why the question about rank was even asked ,it seems like the MMR system is what is broken.

And yes I am talking about ranked only, QP is for learning and trying new things, I don’t take it serious atall anymore.

Who are you to decide that?
It is done purely on their stats. Which clearly has them around there.
1 bad game doesn’t make a player.

We can summarise that either matchmaking is terrible, or more likely, bugged!

Just somebody with a brain who knows that new players and plat players are not on the same level…ATALL. Despite how many kills they get playing soldier like its a game of COD in QP to be given that MMR. They don’t know the patterns/mechanics/counters etc.

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Agreed, seen a couple of games like that today.
Unfortunately on my team.

I mean offence by this… but we are terrible at judging other players.

As I said to someone else before. How can you tell the difference between a gold Mercy and a gold Genji… You can’t, and thats why MMR (and similar systems) exist.

Well obviously if the genji has more kills than the mercy they must be the better player. What a strange comparison….

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? How does that mean they are better.

The Mercy might actually be the carry, you can’t compare the 2. But thank you for proving my point, you literally have no idea how to compare them, and you might not even have a clue how the game functions.

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You are soo slow :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

He really is. He can’t read sarcasm :clown_face:

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Clearly he couldn’t register a leading question…

Seeing as you took it as proving your point, shows you took it as a literal.

Dude, if the Mercy had more kills than the Genji there are only two situations:

  1. The Mercy is a GM playing in Bronze and getting a 5k everytime they pop ult;

  2. The Genji is utter trash.

As far as taking your message seriously, again, there are two possible situations:

  1. You were joking and your message doesn’t make any sense in the flow of the discussion (which would look weird to say the least);

  2. You really believe what you wrote and it shows the level of game knowledge you have (nothing wrong with that we all started at some point and had to learn everything);

If it is the second (which I really hope it is), there are tons of resources online you can use to learn more about the game and its mechanics: Overwatch is such a great game exactly because of its multiple layers of complexity and hero interaction, strats and little tricks you can learn.
There basically unlimited potential to what you can learn! Focus on that and you’ll see that you will be able to climb up. :slight_smile:


I’m literally crying right now. Thankyou buddy I really needed that laugh ! :rofl: