Free to play ruined overwatch

All fair views.

I personally don’t agree about the F2P part, and don’t see any proof of the MM doing anything of any real note. But that is for another day.

Something tangible… Tank synergies. Losing them did suck. They were super rare (only really if you duo’d). But it was why I started trying to improve at the game (started as a donkey playing DPS in low bronze).

I think they are right to test tweaks to role queue first. But I think people will be asked the question, of if 6v6 is to come back, will you be happy with significantly longer queue times with no guarantee of improved match quality.

I think that’s a misconception. I played many games almost on a daily basis while soloing in OW1 competitive where I found great tank teamplay, especially rein zar duos. It was exhilarating and probably the best part of the game for me.

Personally I don’t see a huge difference between wait times now and back then. It’s not significantly better imo. Is it worth the slightly shorter wait times now for losing a player on each team? No. Will I be happy with a longer wait queue if we back to 6v6, yes.

It’s a no brainer from me champ.

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I am certainly not as dead set on it as you, but I Do prefer 6v6 (its more a 55/45 split for me), so I certainly won’t be disappointed to see it return.

Reading what they said in the interview last night though, makes me think it seems unlikely. And that the tests won’t be happening for a couple of seasons at least.

They also noted that their biggest market (Asia) seems to prefer 5v5… Which felt like they were planting the seeds early that they don’t really have any intention of going back. But they might just slip in a 6v6 mode from time to time.

they are like an indie game company now, don’t expect much from them

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My man. 55/45 is still 5% more on the right side of history :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Assuming it’s the right side is flawed tbf.

I preferred it, just. Doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for the game as a whole. It MIGHT be, but that’s why they’ll test things. If it isn’t, and we stay with 5v5 then so be it, games still pretty fun most of the time. (For me the biggest drag on fun is the same as it was in OW1, the people playing the game. Same as any game really)

But the way they spoke about it last night, I think they know where it’ll go. And they Asian market it very powerful in deciding what they do.

Well at least I know who to blame if they stay with 5v5

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No, that’s the point. Do not dare to question what I experience. Actually I do think you are working for blizzard and trying to convince people that they did right with every move they made. Maybe you are behind these bad decisions. I do not have the same MMR. It is not possible. Game puts me with lowbies and want me to carry and together with them I lose games cause they have no clue. That is what GAME does. I play with masters np, gms np but with silvers it is HELL. And guess what, those lobies have new players so is smurfs. So unbalanced, no fun games 90% of time. It is total mess.

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Shocking. You play with worse players, the games are worse.

It’s questioning your interpretation of what you experience.

Support is almost impossible to rank up with. Tank is easiest by far and then some DPS heroes are good if you have elite mechanical aim. Outside of that it’s just counter pick and playing meta heroes.

The only easy support for ranking up is Moira and that depends heavily on having passive tanks/DPS.

Probably the only hero worse than support is widow right now. I don’t see a place for widow anymore as there’s so many counters and cover options.

Moira will only get you so far. You can bully lower ranks by being an aggressive “DPS” Moira. As they are less likely to handle that aggression.

But when you hit players with some game sense you need to start playing “normally”. At which point you’d be better off swapping (current patch Illari Bap seems to be a strong combo. The addition DPS is just overtuned right now)

No role is any harder than any other to climb in reality. Personally I find climbing on tank easier. Because I’m a tank player.

100%. I mained tank in OW1, and loved it because of teaming with the other tank. Now it’s just not as fun, and ruined.


This is kind of crazy since all accounts made after the release of ow2 require phone numbers to be able to play. So It isn’t new accounts.

I completely agree I haven’t enjoyed playing since 2017-2018 probably I just don’t like the way the game aged every time I hop on I’m disappointed one way or another

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no f2p didnt ruin Overwatch

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OW2 is a dive and a downgrade to OW.
Perhaps they wanted to save money so they employed junior developers and GCSE creators?

Miss the fun of playing tank. OW2 tank is dead boring.


Yeah just played a game. So boring with 1 tank. You get blamed for everything.

Love you xxxxxxxxxxx

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Love you too <3 Keep up the good work on OW2 bro.

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This is why whenever I do play, I play OpenQ comp, never roleQ. In OpenQ more often than not, people do pick 2 tanks because I’m guessing that’s the whole motive for opting for OpenQ over RoleQ.

But even then, it’s just not the same. These new maps man, they’re just so lifeless. I really wish we get an OW1 classic release one day, give players back Hanamura, Lunar, even Paris was more fun than these new maps.

One can only hope blizzard do the right thing one day and revert this mess.