Genji still broken

“genji has to do this, genji has to do that” yeah but genji can do that which is the problem.

he is in the dps class what brig was to the support class on release.

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If Genji does it, he is playing well, above his ranks performance. So well done to him.

All things being equal, Genji gets little value.

Genji is one of the weakest, if not the weakest DPS in OW1 currently.

Man, all you have to do is play double shield and he is irrelevant. His spam chip damage is insignificant.


Enough said…

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genji is pretty decent against double shield what are you talking bout?
nanoblade don’t give a damn about about barriers.

not so good vs zarya winston though but that teamwork has to be spot on to make genji useless which doesn’t happen in almost any games on the ladder.

if you want a weak dps talk about junkrat, he really becomes worse and worse the higher he gets in rank.


You disagree (shock)

Please do tell me where you would rank him then.

Hows he going to charge his ult against the proper double shield comp…

Agree. Junk is right down there in the DPS power ranks, with Genji.

Definitely not the weakest, that’s just trash talk.

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It isn’t. But okay.

If he is so good. Get in the game and play him, show me how good he can be.

no you can’t argue that junk is down there with genji when genji is just mediocre in high ranks and pretty damn good everywhere else.

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You seem to want to add player skill into the calculation for a heroes power.

That isn’t very smart.

A hero is good or bad in all ranks. They game is the same for everyone, be you a bronzey or a pro.

You don’t have much of a clue tbh.

that’s just not true though, some heroes are easier to use in different circumstances, true power which you are speaking of is different from realised power.

there’s several axis you have to contend with when you’re speaking of power when you have a range of skill.
there are different metas in different ranks.

genji still works in high ranks, it’s a bit difficult but everything is difficult in high ranks, where as you could argue that junkrat barely functions in high rank at all.

genjis value increases and plateus with ranks, junkrats value plummets with ranks.

and where it bothers me it’s the ranks where most people are playing is the most dysfunctional ranks, and that’s no coincidence.

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Doesn’t matter. A heroes power is their power, no matter the rank of the squish organic matter pressing buttons to control them.

Genji meh.

Can Genji be effective, sure he can. Bastion can be effective. But they are still both meh heroes and require a lot of factors out of your control (mostly the enemy playing badly) for you to get value from them (assuming all players are equal).

Now, you put me on Genji in a bronze game, and even I can make him look OP even with only minutes of time on him.

You are right, it isn’t a cooincidence. But as explained, that isn’t a ‘Genji is good’ thing… That is those players are bad at dealing with him thing. In those games, that Genji player could probably blind pick any DPS and roll the enemy.

I watch my friend in Bronze a lot (the games are hilarious) and the amount of times you see Orissa Rein as the tank line and it just works, makes little to no sense to me, but it works. Is that because it is a good combination… not in a million years. It is because the enemy walking into it are too dopey to realise you can just jump past them.

it isn’t that genji is only good thing, it’s that the game is massively unbalanced by design.

some characters are made to be better in higher ranks where as some aren’t.

the fact that genji is the best dualist character in any 1v1 scenario speaks to his design and why he shouldn’t even be playable in high ranks but due to genjis kit to circumvent the meta to some degree just points to how insane his kit really is.

and i think we can agree on that the meta is teamwork and composition in the best absolute circumstance in order to deal with the massive unbalanced abilities that players are offered.

but let’s just remove the ability to teamwork or to build a coherent composition and it only points to one thing, genji being absolutly busted everywhere else if you can manage to utilize him half decently.

i don’t think that’s something controversial to say that the game have too powerful abilities in the game for it to be balanced which is why majority of players experience the dysfunction of such a system.

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[quote=“Renegade-21659, post:34, topic:28131”]
the game is massively unbalanced by design.

some characters are made to be better in higher ranks where as some aren’t
[/q uote]

Yes. Balance is near impossible with the amount of variables at play. So of course there is imbalance.

But saying something is made to be better in different ranks is so incredibly words I can’t say here.

The game is the same for everyone. There is no balance difference between ranks, only people’s ability to use them.

1 full charge widow shot does the same damage in bronze as it does in GM.

yes but 1 full charge widow shot is hit more often than not in higher ranks which is why widow is better in higher ranks.
like widow is scary good but you couldn’t tell by how people on the lower end of the skill spectrum is able to utilize her, her true power rarely gets seen because it’s really hard to access.

you can just look at a characters kit and see the potential in it and there’s a huge gap between characters.

i mean let’s take a look at reaper and widow, a widow can one-tap 4 enemies in 4 seconds, a reaper can never achieve that from his base kit due to his range.

there’s an inherent power difference in characters from face value.

like you have to admit that some characters are just better in lower ranks because they are just easier to use where as some characters are just factually better in higher ranks without taking into consideration of the characters ease of use because it really doesn’t matter, a powerful character is a powerful character and it shows there.

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Agreed. Doesn’t mean Widow is stronger in higher ranks.

Just means the players are better.

No. They are usually more effective.

The hero isn’t any better. That is just because players are fundamentally bad.

You are mixing hero strength with player skill. SR/MMR is there to try balance for the player skill so we don’t need to worry about that.

ease of use is not true power, it’s just ease of use for people who aren’t as skilled.
but they are better based on the environment they are used, you are mixing up my interpretation of power and ease of use and the difference between realised power and true power.

realised power is reaper being an unstoppable killing machine in low ranks, however reapers true power is bottom tier in high ranks where you can barely play the character simply because there’s just better characters to pick that does what reaper does but better and safer and more efficiently.

it means that both the players are stronger and the characters actual power gets shown it’s true potential and there’s massive discrepancies between how useful different characters are in their truest sense.

and with that said, there’s no reason for why a dualist character like genji who specializes in 1v1 should be good in any sense of the word in any high ranked gameplay due to how composition and teamwork is how the game is played in its highest rank, if genji gets a 1v1 your team messed up in high rank but people rarely make that mistake so how is genji even remotely decent? because his kit is too versatile for what he really is and he doesn’t have to rely on it and still gets value despite being the best 1v1 character.

ergo the character itself is unbalanced.

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Problem with your argument is (although coming from a good place), it is just wrong.

No hero is “easy” to use. They all have skill floors and skill ceilings, that require different sets of skills to master (be it mechanical, reactionary or game sense).

Someone like Junkrat or Reaper will usually get more value in lower ranks. That DOES NOT make them a strong or good hero. It just means that the enemy team are playing closer to their skill floor on their heroes / overall game play.

Ergo, the characters aren’t unbalanced. If one hero gets a lot of value, the human controlling them is playing much better than you (or cheating as that does, on rare occasions, happen).