Genji still broken

it’s practically the same argument, low skill floor = ease of use = strong for that rank = not strong character, just strong for that environment.

i never said reaper was a good or strong hero, i pointed to the opposite, but reaper is ment to be an ease of use character which does work well in lower ranks but will never be strong in higher ranks. so reapers true power is weak as hell but reapers realised power that he can offer a player under the perfect circumstances is really high which is in low ranks.

ergo reaper sucks in high ranks, some other characters aren’t therefore the characters are unbalanced by design.

some characters are made to be easy to use and some are made with insane potential, guess who fairs the best in high ranks, it’s unbalanced by design.

to say that some characters aren’t better suited than others in certain ranks is being willfully ignorant.

and this is why the characters don’t get changed, remember when i said reaper was balanced for high ranks for 2 weeks and then promptly nerfed? this is why, because he was creating havoc in lower ranks, everything that’s balanced in high rank doesn’t legitimize the balance in lower ranks especially in this game.

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I think Reaper is actually strong, especially in 1v1 battles.

reapers supposed strength was supposed to be in 1v1 battles upclose but.
when most of the cast have ways to stay away or just kill reaper faster than reaper kills them reaper becomes practically useless compared to characters who can do his job but better.

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i mean… if you’re close quarters with a reaper, you’re basically dead unless you hit some fairly crazy shots. reaper can two shot with just bodies or one shot on a head

reaper has to be 0m away to one-shot the face on most characters, in a game where characters move 5,5m a second or faster, it’s a harder feat to do than land a headshot with widow not to mention actually getting that close in the first place, that’s hard to pull off even against beginners, which is why you don’t do it in the first place.

you really always calculate that it will atleast take 2 shots no matter what because characters can turn around and delete you before you do the second shot or run away so you have to factor that in always.
reaper is the most counterable close quarter dualist character in the game.

reapers inherent design is so useless to the point where if you want to make him work in any sense at higher ranks you have to build an entire composition around him and ferrying him around to push his victims into a corner where he can fire at them with impunity with a barrier and movespeed and insane healing on him because pounce play and sneak strat don’t work because other characters shut him down way too easily if he tries.

but obviously he’s a menace to people who don’t play as a team and can’t aim and have zero awareness.

wasn’t a reaper one trick rank one this season

Exactly, his fade ability allows him to get closer to do that. Not to mention his life stealing is very strong 1v1. He’s not the best hero but he’s certainly not one of the worst.

forgiven or spirit? or who are you talking about?
i mean i used to one-trick reaper got fairly ok results but pounce play and being sneaky got more or less impossible when i started facing better opponents and after that you play reaper like a tank because there’s no point in trying to be clever with the character.

idk which one but i remember seeing a hardcore, like no other hero played, reaper one trick, as rank 1 this season.

his wraith form is really his only get out of trouble ability and his counter ability wrapped up in 1, you don’t use it to get close because if they see you coming you’re a big easy target, what you want is to get close and shoot and then use wraith either to bait the counter to you or get out if you failed to kill the person.

this one?

probably, yes. My point is that reaper isnt that unviable. sure he’s not great, but he definitely isnt bad even in the higher ranks. unless the enemy pick widow or hanzo. then he does kind of suck

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i mean these players look worse than the players i played against in quickplay.
seems like ranked have really taken a dip these last past years.
maybe everything is playable if this is the state of affairs where nobody lands their shots or actually shuts down flank routes.

my point was this, why play reaper when there’s better characters where you get more value for just playing another character and have more options and more versatility and where you can’t really play reaper in higher ranks with his intended playstyle of flanking around, lurking, pouncing etc.

but watching this just makes me question the state of overwatch instead.

Ranked has taken a nose dive in the last few weeks since the beta ended (was possibly the worst move they could have made, leaving such a gap between betas).

Ranked should be moved to the OW2 beta when it returns, and make it an open beta. This season should 100% be the last on OW1.

wasn’t there something weird how the league was going to play on OW2 rules and people can’t play it yet?

Everyones had the chance to play OW2 now. But now they have turned the beta off, even the pros can’t play on it. So they are competing on a game they can’t practice.

wait so they can’t practice OW2 but they are competing on it?

At the moment, this is correct.

First couple of weeks were fine, but now they have nothing. Luckily they have a week or so off before the next tournament starts. First round of games for that are on the same day as the next announcement. So they won’t be practicing on OW2 before the next tournament.

that’s crazy.

Yeah. Like I said, turning the beta off was the worst decision they could of made. For so many reasons.

Should have just left it open, and updated it with the progress report they are doing on the 16th.