Hackers On EU and US servers, When is the mass ban?


At this point it’s like screaming into the void but when will blizzard actually start rolling out bans for hackers and cheaters, Like for real i get Asia servers had a recent wipe of around 5000 but when will it happen for The EU and US? It’s getting so bad for hackers in this game some even troll on QP for youtube videos, And I honestly feel reporting does nothing as I see the same Dodgy named bots running around in random matches, And I know i’m not the only one that has seen this, Btw i reported 3 today, all snap shotting with doomfist and sol76, Blizzard please do something for pete sake.

Also for crying out loud buff widows health a tad, even just a little, she is far too easy to spam kill in this game by almost everyone.

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widow is the most broken hero in the game, she doesnt need buffs, she needs to be nerfed into the ground

Yeah because she wasn’t already, clearly someone didn’t read the patch notes. :roll_eyes:

Bro i think i didnt encounter ONE cheater in more than 300 hrs on eu. Not everyone who clicks your head is cheating…

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Well than you are obviously blind or you play in the lower skill brackets of the MM, high performance players like myself see hackers about every second game now. It is nothing short of a joke.

which patch notes???

I Honestly can’t understand how you think Widow is broken.

She’s a sniper. She should be able to one shot any squishy (200-250 health) in the game if she hits a headshot. and ONLY a headshot (Not counting damage boosts). She isn’t exactly one shotting any tanks or anything.

besides that, the only thing that really makes her good is her alternate fire mode (her actual sniper) Her primary fire? useless if someone is up close to her. Characters like Genji, Doomfist, and even Echo right now can deal with her easily. Her venom mine does too little damage to be even considered deadly, it only makes it able to see someone for not even what, past 7 or 8 seconds?

If Widowmaker was the most broken hero in the game, everyone would pick her, which according to the statistics, everyone does not. I can’t understand why so many people says shes Overpowered or broken.

P.S., I’m a Widow main on console with over 300 hours across several accounts, so I know what I’m talking about.

Im playing in about mid diamond, and as i said, not everyone who is good has to be cheating bro :wink:

If you are getting spam killed as Widow… your positioning needs work.

But She does need her mobility nerfing hard. Happy for the dmg out put and the one shot kills. But the compromise should be f-all mobility.

As for the mass bans, they’ve just done a wave. But don’t expect any more any time soon. They are not giving OW1 much more in terms of resources. Everything is pumped into OW2 as it gets closer to release.

well of you defend widow, your a widow main. no one thinks their hero is busted

SR means nothing in this game as everyone is placed in individual skill brackets within that SR range anyway. Hence why higher performance player obviously gets tilted against other “good players” only there is a huge influx of cheaters not really qualifying by their own merit. It is kinda obvious when people cheat in this game btw. Like I said, you be blind not to notice when people do.

Considering how I main widow and a lot of other heroes (I just have a little more time on widow than any other character if you check my statistics), then I would know if the hero is busted or not. I’ve played the game for 3 years, hit grandmaster, I would know.

Ah bruv im 60% wr and usually have good stats i dont think im in the lower bracket. And aslong as they dont rage hack at level 1000 i belive they are just smurfing or good :wink: dont be so petty

So i’m guessing the thousands of bot videos on youtube just don’t exist, Ok buddy :+1: if you say so.

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I can show you cheater “almost” every game at dia-master ranks. Dont know other ranks.

I m gonna quit. There is only hacker lobby trolls leavers throwers here.

You have to see a doctor. Your brain is not working .

first of all, his brain is perfectly fine and I agree with him 100%. second of all, im flagging you

Bro you guys are just crying everytime someone headshots you. I can show you all my last 20 games, not one hacker.

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you are clearly here to troll, whatever dude :+1:

Probably he is one of the cheater.