Help me not lose so much

Okay, so i recently started replaying Overwatch, i used to be gold/plat, ranked as gold. Now am silver. I primarily play, but also Orisa and Moira.
I can’t seem to win anymore. I’ve played 58 games as of writing, and lost 35 and drawn 2. I’m getting good amounts of “On Fire (boomshakalaka)” and performing well in each game, with things that I do wrong that i’m working on (still use too much defence matrix, better bombs, shield placement, heal priority etc) But I’m a better player than i was last season and the season before. But my win rate is tanking. I was on 56% with before, now on 46%. I talk, call targets, teamplay, flex, but can’t seem to get anywhere. Group up when i can. I spend a large amount of time on the payload, objective focused, defending my teammates. I don’t really care about medals and focus on helping my team. It seems I always lose more SR than I win, which i don’t really understand, and that seriously should’ve changed like they made for diamond and above like 2 seasons ago.

Seriously, what am i doing wrong? I play solo, none of my friends play Overwatch and it’s difficult to get anyone you meet on OW online at the same time, so I honestly don’t understand what else I can do. I’m struggling here guys,

Could just be the mmr system being wonky, I’d reccomend finding a team of 3-4 and playing with them. You could do this by either going on reddit or the official group up boards

Why don’t you send your game play videos to RagTag ?
He’ll give you some good coaching advise.

Without any vods its impossible to tell what you are doing wrong.

One thing that sticks out is “stay on the payload.”

As Dva, that’s the last place you want to be. You’re likely not peeling enough, and probably not going out with your heavy hitters, allowing them to be aggressive. As Dva, you want to be doing things all of the time, even if it’s just going forward to scout after a team kill. You have mobility, damage reduction, burst damage and are f*cking scary to anyone away from their team. Use that to keep them in line, and to enable your team mates.

The meta right now is extremely rigid. If you play tanks who are not called Reinhardt or Zarya you will most likely suffer. D.Va in particular got nerfed and on top of that got completely decimated by the current shield wall. Switch to Zarya and your rank will rise.

Funny. I’m busting balls playing Dva, if the map is right.

Well, the higher you go the less success you’ll have with heroes who are outside the meta.

Dva is not outside the meta. The “meta” has expanded.

She is currently the second worst tank with Orisa being the worst. The meta has not expanded one bit, Reinhardt and Zarya are still head and shoulders above the rest.

In the lower tiers i like a diva more as an off tank then a zarya.
Getting a combo together with a hanzo is almost never happening in games where everyone runs in solo.

The current meta with brig+ rein has a high ground problem.
Having a diva with you who can charge players on high ground will help a lot. Also a counter setup against current meta is having a pharah. If the enemy have hit scans like a widow a dive tank is also better to protect the pharah. A pharah who cant fly above the shields because of a hitscan, is of course not as good. And if the enemy is also running a pharah, diva is also a good counter against pharah.

What i have seen lots of bad diva’s do is:

  • shoot over range at solo targets on high ground… dive them!
  • stand in the front line doing damage in a group vs group range battle: diva doesn’t do much damage over long range… so it is better to shield your team as much as possible and let them do most of the damage.
  • as an off tank help your main tank as much as possible and stay with him, except when you have to dive someone on high grounds.
  • don’t play an off tank as solo tank against a main tank(try to stay away from them). If the enemy has stronger tanks as your team, and your team don’t want to swap, just try to dive the healer/backline and play diva as a kind of flanker(dive).
  • focus main targets first and dont focus just any enemy you see.
  • peel enemy flankers and protect healers getting dived with your shield. So always focus more on defending your team then doing damage.(defending also mean killing a high threat solo target)
  • try to eat as much as ults as possible, especially hanzo’s ult (after a grav be ready)
  • eat moira’s damage balls.

You made it painfully obvious how little you know. I’m done with you, I’ll spend my time trying to teach my kitten how to play instead. More bang for buck.

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Exodus, I’m working on teaching my kitten to shake hands too. They seem to be getting it almost :stuck_out_tongue:

I am not sure a high bronze player has the integrity to teach someone double their SR. Maybe you should settle with mentoring low bronzies?

Bustar now that’s exactly what I told you before, isn’t the right thing to do…
Aren’t you gonna be the better man here ?

No reason to be when the other party already proved to be arrogant.

Exodus, has been meaningful in his posts. You seem to be taking a blind eye towards what he’s been saying.

The meta, I must remind you is the state of the game, defined at the highest levels of Overwatch. Just because you see a particular set of tanks in the lower tier doesn’t make that meta. Therefore strictly speaking the meta is what the pro players find the most optimal at any given point of time.

With that out of the way, lets talk about the meta that we have been seeing in OWL. I see dive still. I see Rein / Zarya on a number of maps but relatively less.
The meta it appears is in a state of flux, and hasn’t yet come to a concrete settlement as to what it is. So although at the highest level dive’s still played a lot we see variations from it.

And maybe, for the first time in Overwatch history, the meta could be not having one single meta!

Okay, first of all, thank you very much for your posts and help, though arguing and attacking each other isn’ty really what I had in mind :stuck_out_tongue: But then again that is exactly how every match of Overwatch goes!

I prefer solo because I don’t want to have to revolve my life around when others are able to play, I want to play when I want, like literally every game on the planet. I know that people recommend grouping up, and i do when i can, but it’s just not for me, but thank you Atrophy.
I don’t think I’m interested in sending my videos to a youtuber or whatever, but I will think about it, so thank you Star.

TheExodus, I know what you mean about being on payload as, but honestly, if I don’t do it, no one else will. I follow other divers and heavy hitters as you say, but will try to do more.

Bustar, I can’t play Zarya, I am rubbish as her, I die way too quickly and never seem to have the same survivability or effect as other Zarya players. I experience the same with characters like Brigitte as well or Rein. Also, i’m not a meta slave, it just does not seem to matter at low ranks, if i was higher up that would make sense.

DutchAres, I don’t understand a couple of your bad dva points, why wouldn’t I eat ults or Moira deathballs? I don’t find Dva to be a good Pharah counter, just merely a deterrent, you can’t get close enough to actually kill her or get her to damage herself unless she’s ulting. I can’t dive healers unless they’re unprotected, whilst dva has a big health pool that’s useless if everyone is shooting you, so the opportunities for that are low.

I think one of the problems I’m noticing is that is countered by so many characters now that it’s hard to play effectively. If I have heals then I do very well as both and Orisa as I can actually funmcytion as a tank, but tanks in Overwatch are nothing like tanks in other games. I’m doing okay as Moira but win rate doesn’t reflect that either.
Honestly it seems too late now to try a new character or whatever. I’m terrible at dps and don’t like it anyway, heals i’m okay but there’s often 2 healers anyway (or someone takes Moira first and I’m not as good with other heroes) so that leaves tanks. I’m trying to improve as Rein but unless I get support I can’t do anywhere near as well as the enemy Rein, I hate hog, and Winston I have issues with diving and insta-death.

Hi Coldstar :wave:
These arguments are nothing but different view points being discussed. It’s how most things are when there are multiple minds with varying experiences look at it. Then there’s bias and having fun that also plays into those initial thoughts a person had. In all this thread is pretty much “normal”, by all means :smiley:
There are a lot more heated threads out there :wink: . Trust me !

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I think the “bad Dva points” got kind of mixed up there. You should definitely try and eat ults and Moira orbs.

Pharah can be killed using Dva, but you need to be prepared for directional changes, and fire your rockets when you’re fairly close so they deal maximum burst.

Basically, the main point of Dva is to use her mobility+burst to pressure, and her survivability and DM to enable other players.

As to your Zarya issues, I can tell you straight up that you’re using bubbles on cooldown. Only bubble targets that are taking damage, and stay off the front line unless you are planning to actually tank damage to build charge.