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Hello everybody!
As you may already know, the new forums allow you to use HTML code within your own posts. I decided to create this ‘Cheat Sheet’ to show you all the different things and tools you can use in order to customise your threads and replies.
Feel free to save this page as a bookmark in your web browser!
(Note: You may not be able to use some of the following codes, depending on what trust level you currently have. You can read more about the new forum changes here.)
Select a Category:
Text Formatting
Bold Text b
<b>I need healing!</b>
🡺 I need healing!
Italic Text i
<i>I need healing!</i>
🡺 I need healing!
Strikethrough Text s
<s>I need healing!</s>
🡺I need healing!
Abbreviated Text abbr
Hover your mouse over the abbreviated text to see the full message!
<abbr title="Well played">WP</abbr>
🡺 WP
Inserted Text ins
<ins>I need healing!</ins>
🡺 I need healing!
Deleted Text del
<del>I need healing!</del>
🡺I need healing!
Keyboard Text kbd
Press <kbd>H</kbd> to Change Hero
🡺 Press H to Change Hero
Code Text code
<code>I need healing!</code>
🡺I need healing!
Quoted Text blockquote
<blockquote>I need healing!</blockquote>
🡻I need healing!
Superscripted Text sup
I need <sup>healing!</sup>
🡺 I need healing!
Subscripted Text sub
I need <sub>healing!</sub>
🡺 I need healing!
Font Sizes
Big Text big
<big>I need healing!</big>
🡺 I need healing!
Small Text small
<small>I need healing!</small>
🡺 I need healing!
Heading, Size 1 h1
<h1>I need healing!</h1>
🡻I need healing!
Heading, Size 2 h2
<h2>I need healing!</h2>
🡻I need healing!
Heading, Size 3 h3
<h3>I need healing!</h3>
🡻I need healing!
Heading, Size 4 h4
<h4>I need healing!</h4>
🡻I need healing!
Heading, Size 5 h5
<h5>I need healing!</h5>
🡻I need healing!
Heading, Size 6 h6
<h6>I need healing!</h6>
🡻I need healing!
Links & Images
Text with Link a href
<a href="">General Discussion</a>
🡺 General Discussion
Start with the img tag. You can now add additional attributes:
- src indicates the internet source of your image. Make sure that the link ends with a format such as
. - If the image is taken offline or is no longer available for whatever reason, the text message behind the alt attribute will be displayed instead.
- To adjust the width (X axis) of your image, use the width attribute.
If you leave this attribute out, the image will use its original scale. - To adjust the height (Y axis) of your image, use the height attribute.
If you leave this attribute out, the image will use its original scale.
<img src="" alt="Move the Payload!" width="400" height="230"/>
Image with Link
Combine an image with a link to make that image clickable!
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
Videos from YouTube and Vimeo do not need to be inserted with HTML code.Just post the link of the video and it should embed itself automatically!
Tables & Lists
First of all, a table is defined with the table tag. You now need to add these:
- The first line of your table, the header, is inserted using the th tag.
- Any data after that can be added using the td tag.
- Use the tr tag to continue with the next line of your table.
<table> <th>Win Rate (%)</th> <th>Ana</th> <th>Doomfist</th> <th>Junkrat</th> <th>Zarya</th> <tr> <td>PC</td> <td>46.01</td> <td>51.06</td> <td>49.94</td> <td>51.05</td> <tr> <td>PS4</td> <td>42.63</td> <td>49.17</td> <td>50.21</td> <td>50.77</td> <tr> <td>XB1</td> <td>43.38</td> <td>49.81</td> <td>50.27</td> <td>50.75</td> </table> 🡻
Win Rate (%) Ana Doomfist Junkrat Zarya PC 46.01 51.06 49.94 51.05 PS4 42.63 49.17 50.21 50.77 XB1 43.38 49.81 50.27 50.75
Unordered List ul
A list in no particular order. Each list item is added with the li tag.
- Eichenwalde
- Hanamura
- Junkertown
Ordered List ol
A list in a particular order. Each list item is added with the li tag.
You can (but don’t have to) set the starting number using the start attribute.
If you leave this out, the list will count starting from 1.
<ol start="25">
- Eichenwalde
- Hanamura
- Junkertown
Frame iframe
Although I do not know what this is good for, I thought I’d include it anyway.
The frame can also be customised using the width and height attributes.
<iframe width="300" height="145">
Break br
When you want to put some empty space between your paragraphs.
I need healing!<br>I need healing!
I need healing!
I need healing!
Details details summary
Create a small menu that can be opened for more details.
<details><summary>Shimada Brothers</summary>Hanzo & Genji</details>
🡻Shimada Brothers
Hanzo & Genji
Horizontal Line hr
Description dd
Descriptions are normal texts, but are placed a little further to the right.
<dd>I need healing!</dd>
🡻I need healing!
Comment < >
Comments are only visible in quotes. Perfect for hidden messages!
Nothing suspicious in here. <Nothing at all.>
Nothing suspicious in here.
Thanks for reading! I’m looking forward to your feedback. Please don’t hesitate posting any additions that I’ve missed, so that I can add them immediately.