I am quitting after more than 1000 hours. Here's why

Some will. But only a small percentage.

They get reported and dealt with eventually.

reporting is useless and they still come back time and time again

And that attitude is why nothing gets done.

The “Reporting is useless” mindset leads to people not reporting… if you don’t report, what can they do.

Reporting 100% works, it just takes time. And volume.

i reported a lot of players who were excellent one game and very bad/afk the next. i barely got feedback and see them all the time over and over again. i stopped in season 18 and got message a couple of weeks ago that they dealt with a player…

Probably because there was zero evidence of wrong doing.

People play well one game, badly the next all the time.

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what do you want? People permanenently losing their accounts from 1 bad game??

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Yeah, we only had a couple of days in OW2 launch without the Smurfs and alt-accounts. It was a beacon of light as of what the game could be, but when they figured out that they could log in on alts/Smurfs without having to do anything special in order to play them, the game got multitudes more toxic and disruptive.

When you’re in diamond or higher we refer to ‘smurfs’ as good players

No, Smurfs are players that intentionally get accounts to play against players of lower rank in order to grief them.

It is literally the definition of toxic behaviour.