I finally know how to cancel my ult as Phara

It is so simple… Alt+F4.

Any reason why she is the only hero that can be killed by her own ult? I remember there were a few in the beginning (e.g. Junkrat, DVA, Tracer - is she still autokilleable?).

Maybe next time don’t try to hover barely above ground because you cant track and hit anything otherwise.


Tracer still dies to her own pulse bomb.

If you’re going to ult ask your Mercy to pocket or your Lucio to beat or your Ana to nano if necessary and your tanks to protect you.

Also don’t be dumb and ult in a super obvious position, you’re asking to die if you do that.


I’m a Mercy, so I know that me pocketing an ulting Pharah doesn’t offer her much protection at all. She is still a sitting duck and my measly heals won’t protect her from the sustained fire she’ll take when ulting.

You can say “use a barrier” and that’s fine, Sigma can work decently when coordinated properly, but it requires more team work than many other ults.

So, I’m with the OP on this one, Pharahs ult is one of the weakest in the game.

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Pharah’s ult should be used in 1 vs 1 situation to quickly defeat your foe when you’re out of ammo. Situations where it can be used effectively otherwise are rare and it’s quick to recharge.
I think it’s best use is to quickly finish off Hog or other tank.

i personally wouldnt mind if it was canselablöe after all then you can spook a pharah out of her barrage. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can protect the pharah by body blocking alongside the healing beam, that’s what I do as a former GM Mercy.

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I’m a former GM Mercy too, and yes you can body block but I still wouldn’t call it an ideal situation to have to sacrifice yourself for your Pharah.

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Well, all your tips are known and welcome. However, you may have noticed that Pharah, unlike other heroes (not Tracer, though), needs help to not die from her own ult. Well, it is in this regard that Pharah (and Tracer) seems to be a bit off balance wrt other characters.

tracer,bastion can kill themselves with the ult,sigma with primary fire,ashe with dinamite,solider with helix,zarya with secondary ,so she is not the only one

No, hold on, what the hell are you saying? Tracer can get out of her ult!!! Can Pharah do the same? No. Yeah, Ashe can kill herself if she shoot herself! Pharah is the only one that can’t get into safe distance and use her ult, so stop the demagogic speech!!

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well her ult does a lot of damage so of course it’s high risk.

Her ult is highly random…

Wydm by that???

Which means that her ult DOES NOT do a lot of dmg.

It does when you are close to the enemies plus you’re suppose to surprise the enemies and not be predictable

lol why u deleted it

Cause I cant post twice in a row…:stuck_out_tongue:

This ^, if you kill yourself using Pharah ult, you deserved it lol

While not a lot of heroes can significantly harm themselves, plenty of heroes have ults that have to be used carefully. Hog can’t heal while Hogging, McCree moves like he’s aged 50 years in a pinch, D.Va turns squishy, Junkrat won’t be on your screen anymore, Rein can very easily be disrupted, etc. When you use an ult and you do it badly because you think the q-button is there to instawin a fight, it’s your fault. Rocket Barrage has insane damage - but just like other insane damage ults (D.Va, Junk) it can easily be countered.