I got banned again heres why

Fact is you’re just naively believing oh where have we seen that ignorance before

doesn’t matter how much he communicates if he refuses to swap on being countered

I know… After all, I was defending someone who would swap when being countered in the first place…

You’re assuming he swaps.

you’re believing him because?

Because you are assuming that they don’t swap. Both of us are assuming so we can drop that issue because it won’t get any further.

Point is that you should communicate with your team and swap if necessary.

I’m not assuming. It’s fairly clear he doesn’t, not only because of the bans but as i stated previously, he said nothing to my response on his edited screenshot.

The point is, he got banned rightfully so more than once and is whining about it

What about my quote? It’s a response to someone who asks if he switch when getting countered.

Here, let me make it more clearer:

Life’s post:

You are no saint eather if you never swap torb for better outcome. I hate people who report without reason, but one trick who refuse to switch when hard countered are big issue too.

Swanky’s response:

if I am counterd ok .but if i am not why should I . the problem is that people always listen to streamers . for example if xqc sayed : hey sym is a troll pick . all of his viewers will believe him .

Also, you rely on the appeal to ignorance fallacy. You assume that they are not switching because you got no evidence that they do. It doesn’t matter anyways because everything is anecdotal evidence. They might or might not switch.

The question is, when is someone rightfully banned?

Is a penalty justified when they are switching if necessary but not communicating at all?
Is the penalty justified when they are not switching if necessary but communicating?
Is a penalty justified when they are switching and communicating?

One thing is clear, the last one wouldn’t justify a penalty.

No he’s offered 0 evidence of swapping and an oddly edited screenshot which works against him.

he claims he switches, i see 0 reason to believe him. He says if i’m not. Sadly it’s real easy to counter a torb, especially at his level.

first two yes, last one no. However he’s most likely neither switching or communicating.

Appling penltiy??? also I may exaggerated a litle bit about the 29k thing
sorry I Didn’t clip the match . also if I did my internet is not that good . so yeah