I knew it happen eventually

Once enough people complained and the money wasn’t coming in as before, they will reintroduce 6v6 as a new mode.

It’s so sad. Blizzard could have made all their delayed PVE changes, battlepass, etc, without changing it to 5v5. That might just have been the worst change in Overwatch history that I can remember.


All they’ve said is they are going to talk about it in an update.

There is zero indication as to what they’ll say. Could just a well be a “get over it” (I’m a much more tactful and long winded way)

Trust me, it’s coming. This is typical blizzard behavior. Ruin something, wait for enough complaints then act as if they’re doing us a favor


Personally, it’ll make no real difference for me. I play when games fun, that’s it.

But logically. It doesn’t seem to make sense to bring it back.

We shall see what they say.

Doesn’t make sense for you because you aren’t a tank main and probably didn’t appreciate 6v6

Tank main, Ball main, former Rein main. Played since OW1 beta.

So no.

It doesn’t make sense for many reasons. One being all content, heros, maps modes that are currently ready and being worked on for future release are based on 5v5. These would need to be stopped and reworked, forcing another content drought. Which went well last time… Lol.

Another would be that they’d take years to rebalance everything to work in 6v6 now.

These are just 2 that quickly come to mind.

I’ll happily play if they do it. I’ll happily play if they don’t. But my bet will be they’ll not commit either way publicly, but tell people it’s unlikely anytime soon.

What they should do is pick one, commit to it and move on. I don’t really care which.

I can’t wait to feel that rage of facing a Mauga + Rein combo :smiley:

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Mauga, zarya is worse.
Whenever you face that in oq, you know you’ve lost unless you mirror it with a good ana and kiri on top of it.

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I’m sure they will adjust the tanks for 6v6. In QPC (which I play a lot), it’s rare to see a group with only 1 tank. Most QPC groups have at least 2 with 2 healers and 1 DPS or 2 DPS and 1 healer. There are, ofcourse, exceptions in which I face 3 tanks or no tank at all but the majority of matches? 2 tanks… period.

They’d have to totally rework multiple plus cancel the release of future tanks until they are reworked.

Maybe because it’s more fun to tank when there’s a second tank?
At least i only tank in oq because it’s more fun.

If the devs will run a 6v6 trial. It’s more likely that it’ll run on purely oq tank settings. Or be a 1/3/2 team

Which is what Jeff Kaplan wanted OW2 to be. Apparently it was always going to be 1 tank.

Tbh I’ll take a content drought if it means going back to the way it was.

As for the new maps and content you mentioned, I’m trying to think but really see no reason why they can’t work with 6v6? Are we to believe that Push maps and other new maps would suddenly break if we played 6v6 on them?

I realize it’s not as simple as flicking a switch, of course heroes will need to be rebalanced to 6v6 but very doable.

If it goes back to 6v6… I recon it will be 132, as that is what they were planning to do before OW2 anyways.

Without the dps passive and a good adjustment to some numbers for the supports (both up and down) so that they can handle it, after that it could be pretty fun.

I do enjoy solo healing in oq when my team reacts to enemy flankers fast enough.
So on one hand there might end up being 3 flankers on you, but hopefully at least one of your dps would be there to help.

I might actually try some dps if it went to 1/3/1. There will be less pressure on individual play in that case and i’ll be free to play bodyguard and objective while the other two run off into narnia and have their fun.

I think if they went 132 they would have to buff tanks even more… and no one really wants that.

No tank wants to play in to Sombra Tracer Pharah right now. Would be awful.

6v6 would need A LOT of work to make viable.

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No offense but I couldn’t care what comp or meta blizzard wants. 6v6 openQ, that’s all I want. I think I speak on behalf of many players especially tank mains when I say I just miss the old 2-2-2 experience. Even players skill levels were higher back then. Now I’m supposed to solo tank and hope my team knows how to group up, which most teams at plat/gold really don’t, at all. And if you ask them twice to group up or we’ll lose, you get mass reported and get a one month ban.

When I think of “don’t fix it if it ain’t broke” when it comes to the world of gaming, I will forever think of what Blizzard did with OW1.

ok rant over.

OW1 was broke. No matter how much you enjoyed it., it was very much broken. Something had to change.

No man the last 2-3 seasons of OW1 before they scrapped it was actually amazing.

OW2 was all about making more money imo, not because OW1 was in some horrible broken state. Far from it.

They were fun, once they got over double shield. Ball Dva is enjoyable.

But balance was only ever a symptom. It was broken because they were slow to do anything, weren’t making enough money and had a disgusting management structure constantly moving the goal posts.

Indeed. But even if they stayed with OW1, they’d of had to go F2P and Battlepass, because that’s where the money is. And they were already testing 132 as they couldn’t balance tanks without making combos busted.

If they go back to 6v6 now, it’ll still be 1 tank.