Ignore function on forums

These days it seems theres alot of trolls around. I would like to make a request to blizzard for the implementation of an ignore function on the forums.
I’m kinda tired of reading posts from the same person over and over again. Said person just posts on my thread cause he has nothing else to do with his time and troll/harasses me. He incessantly analyses every little mistake i make and ignores or disregards the main topic of the thread entirely. He just posts continuously trying to tilt me with off topic information looking for some mistake on my part to get his teeth into… Sad face :frowning:

Sorry to do this to you. But like your last post, this feature already exists.

OMG, can you leave me alone.
This is harassement.

No I am answering your question.

If you click on someones activity, that will lead you in the direction you require.

It is explained in the forum guide if that helps also.

But i don’t want your answer. I hate your guts. You understand? Your opinion doesnt matter to me. Plz go away.

I haven’t given an opinion. Just told you the fact. What you are asking for exists, you just need to use it.

(also, it is a public forum with open discussion, therefore replying cannot be harassment)

From the code of conduct to help you. Answering your question is not covered. (although what you’ve just said about me by creating this is covered… funny that).

Harassing or Defamatory

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to other characters, players, Blizzard employees, or groups of people

You bore me. I am on these forums to have fun. And you my friend are not fun at all. Your boring, you ignore thread topics and you are just generally unpleasant.

More insulting or defamatory words. Excellent.

Have you found the ignore button yet? Clue, it give you 3 options Normal, Muted, Ignored

Wow now im the bad guy…

Yes. As you made a post to take a shot at someone. That is against the rules.

I have given you the tools you require. It is up to you to use them.

Match chat can be hidden
People can be muted on the forums.


OMG :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: this is so total nonsense u wrote on my thread and now im the one attacking you??? LOL

HHAHAAA This is so immoral its insane.

You created thread.

I answered question.

You created another thread taking shots at someone (me incidentally).

Again, I simply answered your question both times giving you the solution you cried out for.

I don’t care if you like me, that is irrelvant and off topic nonsense.

Your topic was you want to mute someone. There is a button in activity. Use it.

No you didnt answer the question. Mainly because there was no question. The thread was about blizzard policy on TnC violators and my thoughts on that. And how we can help blizzard make the game promote a less toxic environnement.
You on the other hand ignored the topic entirely and just said that u hated toxic people.

Preferences, users. And then just type the bnets in.

E.g. these are completely made up just for the purposes of helping you:



I join a thread, see ‘Hidden Reply’ and then the responses to that hidden reply are usually exactly what I quoted from you. In every single thread.

That only suppresses notifications. Apparently you can’t block.

I must be dumb but i dont understand this at all.

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Every thread I go into, I see the first comment is a ‘Hidden Reply’ from one of two people. Most likely the one you’re talking to in this thread.

The response to that hidden reply is almost always the thread’s OP saying that the person is missing the point or posting something irrelevant.

It’s the reason I blocked them in the first place.


Wow, this is news. Thanks!

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It’s already there, but a bit hidden:

Click on the username, then “View Activity”, then on the top right there should be a button named “Normal”, click on it and select “Ignored”

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He lives on the forums sadly. just ignore him


No, just putting fuel on the fire. Hes ACTUALLY telling you EXACLTLY how to ignore him and you pour gasoline over the fire.