Ignore function on forums

The original post is also trolling and against the forums code of conduct… So I just have him the answer he wanted. But he didn’t want to accept that. Shame really.

Well sorry but after a while of getting spammed with reply posts where the guy blissfully writes stuff without paying any attention to the OP or the previous post he’s replying to i decide to follow suit…

TBH, i have run into nightwing before. He actually harassed me untill i snapped and I got temporary ban from forums. But i guess that’s how he gets his kicks. Why blizzard lets people like him use the forums and create such a toxic environnement is anyones guess. I’m starting to think blizzard has lost it’s soul. They use to care about the quality of the environnements they creat and maintain. Nowadays, it just seems about covering themselves legally and doing the absolute minimum. Regardless, This was very helpful thank you.


You got banned then used another account to post?

There is rules about that… lol

Also, answering peoples questions isn’t exactly a crime. You crying wolf after is just a weird move.

You havent come across me then lmao. Im banned until the year 3000 on the US forums.

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He did say TEMPORARY ban. If you take a look again. Here, I’ll highlight it for you:

But he SilentSword is absolutely correct in saying what he is saying. How Blizzard allows toxic people like yourself run rampant on the forums, simply because you write in a slightly eloquent way, is beyond me.

Hopefully they will take notice eventually, and see that all you do is drown out topics with your nonsensical comment that serve only to drown out and derail topics you don’t have an issue with yourself.

I simply conversing with someone isn’t toxic.

Just because you don’t want that conversation, again doesn’t make it toxic. Sadly it is a public forum and thus anyone can come in and join in.

I suppose I could have referred to everyone as a word the forum has blacklisted and then claimed I did nothing. That would have been toxic and then you could rightly complain.

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Sheesh OP you really aren’t painting a great picture of yourself here.

Got pointed out that the feature already exists, then say the person that pointed it out didn’t answer his question.
Also thinks they can’t attack other people just because it’s their thread.

Honestly i don’t think there is any severe harassement in this thread so i don’t think anything big of it, though just kinda weird imo.

Could’ve also let out the details in the thread and just asked for this feature without the specifics, decided to do without it. Really OP you just asked for it.

You’re allowed to have fun, though just note that fun is different per person.
Not going to justify trolling/harassement, though do note that if someone is trying to have serious discussion and stuff that they’re just trying to give their best to the community and Blizzard. So that doesn’t directly mean they have it against you, you just need to have some tolerance for a difference in opinion.


You are not simply conversing. I’d actually say that what you are doing is in breach of the code of conduct. I think you word yourself cleverly, I’ll give you that, but that doesn’t mean you abide by the CoC. The part of it I’d say you breach, is under the “Spamming and Trolling” section, with the subchoices of:

  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts

You are VERY much so breaching the first part, where you tend to drive topics off course with your nonsensical views, that never was a part of the topics in the first place. You don’t insult as it’s saying, but you do the other things. SOME of your comments are on topic, but the majority is completely off topic in terms of what the OP’s are saying.

That is your opinion. But as explained, by more than just me, I was surprisingly on topic. Just the answers you were getting were not what you wanted to hear.

The fact that you kept going on about it is up to you. I just gave you answers and different ways to work round things.

But, again, that seemed to upset you.

I am not the one questioning peoples conduct here, I merely reply to questions in the way I see fit to answer them.

You are then, like this, taking aim at me with your perceived grievances. I would suggest it is in fact you that is causing the disturbance. You could have simply said “thanks for your help” and moved to the next person.

Wait can you give me an example where he goes off topic?

Like give me like a thread r something, wanna see.

There is a thread by argonath where hes upset about ppl leaving 5 sec left on match leavers and want stronger regulations, so ppl dont backfill and thus waste time in que
Both i and night have commented a bit in it.

Night has gone and said ‘this is something you can do’
While Argon is more like… well read for yourself

We will see. Your answers tend to circumvent the issues, not address them directly. Which is what you should be doing. That’s what people want.

My point exactly, which is not what people ask for in the topics at all. You don’t stay on topic, just spout your personal solutions that circumvent issues.

I’m not upset at the fact that you give useless feedback. It is however quite annoying that you come to all posts and undermine what the topics are about, and send them off on a tangent based on your personal resolutions, saying there are no issues at all, only people need to adapt. Nonsense.

And this is not what the topics are about most of the time. Meaning you are making off topics in the posts.

Laughable. People are addressing issues here, and you are undermining other peoples opinions.

You would like that now wouldn’t you? You are not as intelligent as you might think you are, and nobody here has a view of you that you are some sort of pillar of reason and intelligence. There is no reason to be thankful for your non-topical opinions that don’t address the issues being raised. Your narcissism surely have no limits.

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I addressed your issues with a solution. What more do you want.

We can’t change the game for you. If people didn’t just give you workarounds all you would get would be people agreeing blowing smoke up you, or disagreeing calling you names. And calling people names is just a weak way to do things.

So, I gave you a workaround solution. Instead you kicked off and caused a disturbance.

(then again, this last post of yours is just trying to take apart someone, and that is pretty toxic behaviour. irony).

Hmm that’s a pretty fair example.

Honestly i don’t have enough context nor time to get a complete view of this so i don’t really have much power to judge here.

Though i think Night mostly is a realist and tries to have things fixed with the things we already have. At least that’s what i think.

In this linked thread at least,

Hes presented with a problem.
He understands the problem will not, get fixed, anytime soon.
Offered alternative solutions that does not DIRECTLY fix the problem.
But gives argon the result he desires.
But thats not good enough

You have 2 options.

Change the game, or make the game work for you. (this can apply to literally everything in life).

I cannot change the game, so I look for ways to make it work for me.

It is just a video game, I don’t have the time or resources to pull it apart and recode the thing to be how I want it, and I doubt anyone cares about how I’d change the game if I could.

So best thing I can do is learn to work round and pass on any lessons I’ve learnt. All I want is for people to enjoy playing and for everyone that wants to to be better players (hence my VoD review thread for everyone to jump in on).

And what exactly do you think the forums are for? It’s feedback and discussion of ideas. You literally said in my post that the problem I wrote a topic about doesn’t exist. Yet, if you look at what Jeff wrote in a post in March 20th in 2020, he acknowledges that there IS a problem, but it’s tricky and time consuming to fix. But they are aware, and they are working on it.

You stating that it’s “not a problem”, because YOU don’t find it a problem, doesn’t mean it isn’t one. Nobody comes here for your circumvention. We come here to find solutions, share facts, and raise topics as feedback and so on and so forth.

The fact that you try to undermine other people’s problems by saying there is none in the first place, makes your comment useless.

As an example, lets say I made a topic called: “QP is awful”. How do we fix it?
What we DON’T need in that topic, is non-constructive comments like: “just don’t play the game”, “just play comp” or any similar responses. As this doesn’t address the topic that was raised in the first place. Stick to the topic, or don’t comment. Keep the posts topical. That’s literally all.

Well seeing as you can’t abide by these VERY simple and straightforward rules, that means people will raise it as an issue with the forums. As the Only place to reach out is being polluted and drowned out by nonsensical, nontopical life-advice on how to accept something bad instead of reaching out with feedback. I’ts incredibly counterproductive. That’s why people get mad at you.

I don’t blame you, as you can see, there is ALOT of writing there. And alot of it is just repetition, and me trying to correct the topic back to what it is about.

Those suggestions to fix QP are actually pretty sound.

They work based on play rates. QP play rate is high, so why would they change it.

If people stopped playing QP, they would question why and make changes.

Don’t like something, vote with your feet.

Just because the problem won’t get fixed anytime soon, doesn’t mean the problem doesn’t exist, nor should it be ignored. The problem exists, and has been addressed by Jeff himself. They are working on it.

If I wanted alternate solutions, I would have named my topic differently. Something to the effect of: “I don’t like that leavers are ruining qp by leaving at the last second. What are some alternative game-modes when I don’t have fun?” Or something to that effect. I simply said he should keep it on topic, and I have over 2000 hours of playtime in this game. I’m well aware of all the things he’s saying, but it’s not a solution, and does NOT give the end results I desire.