Ignore function on forums

I remember that thread, I even liked your initial post if you check because I agree that leavers are annoying, but nowhere in that thread did I see Nightwing being toxic to you or insulting. You believe leavers in QP are a problem, he thinks it’s not that big a deal.

I think we can all learn to live and agree to disagree on some things.

Ahh, yes, I remember you now:) I thought there was something familiar about your name. He was not being insulting, that’s correct. Whether he was toxic or not, I’m not so sure about. I don’t blame you for not reading the full thread if you didn’t, but it’s about his demeanor, and his constant derailing of the topic that irks me. He even say at some point that he didn’t read the post I replied to him as he thought they were too long, and said he got bored while reading, and chose to address like one sentence in the post to zero in on, and make that comment be his main focus. Had he however read the whole thing, the context of the thing he picked would explain what I meant, but he simply didn’t care about that.

And I completely agree:) I wish more people here had the same attitude as you do, and I would love to hear different opinions from other people! However, the way he drowns out the post by his constant spamming, it would deter and repel people from bothering to read more in the thread, as it simply turns into a derailing “drama”, which was far from what the thread was intended for.

He never said anything that is “wrong” per say, but I specified in my post that there is a problem(which later I discovered Jeff himself has said it is aswell), and I wanted to address the problem directly, not hear about his personal solutions.

His solutions are on par with logic similar to this:

Me: I wish qp was in a better state.
Him: Just play something else.

It hardly addresses the issue at all, and that was what the topic was about in the first place. His “help” isn’t really what the topic was about at all, but since he refused to accept that, he just keeps writing inflammatory comments that ignores the context in the post, in order to bait people into pointless discussions. Atleast pointless in that thread.

Had I named the topic something like: “QP leavers are so frustrating, what are some optional modes that have less leavers?” or something to this effect, his comments would have been greatly appreciated.

But I’m glad to see there are still people like you who agree that we can have a constructive thread where people both agree and disagree:) That’s what I wanted to see all along!

Cross linking threads? Tut tut tut lol

Imagine having a different idea to solve a problem to you. All you wanted was your specific answer or for people to applaud you for being right.

Sadly there is no right and there are loads of ways to get round your problem.

You just didn’t want to hear them. Shame really. You derailed the topic with your attitude

Imagine not understanding what the topic was about. Shows your lack of intelligence.

Clearly you didn’t understand the point, and yet again failed to read what was said. Applaud? please… you crave attention, I wanted different viewpoints just as much as I wanted to hear people in agreement. Clearly you didn’t understand that. Pathetic.

playing a different mode doesn’t address the problem, but I know you have a hard time understanding this.

Exactly, because they wouldn’t address the issue. I know you have a hard time wrapping your head around this, quite sad.

I simply replied and answered your already nontopical, questions to make you understand that you misunderstood the topic, in order to try to deter such nontopical suggestions further, and try to correct the topic back on track to what it was really about, but when you don’t even read what is being said, there is little I can do. It’s a shame, really.

Again you make personal attacks. Shame. I’ve already got your comments hidden because you can’t just talk to people in a civilised manner.

No it doesn’t address it… That is why I didn’t use the word address… I said work around.

Then again, you want a fix. No one on the forum will know how to fix things. They can discuss ways to work round problems and help each other improve their game play.

You made the mistake of thinking the devs read this. They don’t

You made the mistake of thinking the forums were for giving feedback, “General Discussion” is a bit of a clue as to why that isn’t the case.

Also, you keep banging on about this here… This is about the ignore button, stop going after people who don’t agree with you and everyone will be happy. (the irony of you having a go at me for “derailing”…)

Pretty much.

Or, “Play / get better”

The guy’s toxic af, best ignore him.


Yeah so toxic wanting people to get better for the benefit of everyone.

And what you said totally isn’t toxic. Lol.

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Reporting him for spam too. Dunno if it will work. He has like 10000000 posts, where he spams pretty much the same toxic stuff so.


Yeah, suggesting that we all need to improve as players is very toxic. I’d report it too…

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Pretty much, worth a try though.


Yeah, he just goes around strawmanning people when they raise genuine issues about the game.

E.g. smurfs make the entire competitive rating system pointless, and spoil games for people. His response ‘jUsT bE gO0deR’. It’s a complete strawman and has nothing to do with the issue.


Lol. At least I don’t sit there crying about things I have no control over, blaming everything other than myself.

I will continue to attempt to “git gud”.

Yeah exactly, the guy lives on the forums so he must be bored a lot since all he does is troll. BuT Sr DoEsNt MaTtEr, just ignore it. You’re right, smurfs ruin competitive.


This is hilarious.

Complains about toxic behaviour and then does this. Love it.

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