Ignore function on forums

You wanted a linear discussion.

Got mad when it wasn’t linear.


Because people are still complaining. Just because something is still playable doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reach for improvement, but I’m not surprised you are not thinking like this. It’s clear from all your posts.

People complain about Genji, they don’t change it.


Because they look at the data and see that there isn’t a net positive in changing.

So why don’t they change quick play?

Probably the same reason.

They have all the data. Walk in their shoes for just a moment and think about it from all angles.

I never said I wanted a linear discussion. If anyone is making it linear, it’s you, with all your “solutions”. I want to hear pro’s and con’s for changes, not a non-topical solution that involves “just do nothing, or do something else”.

Why are you bringing up Genji-opinions into this? what does it matter? it’s not a part of the topic in this thread at all. It’s a completely different issue, and should justly be treated as such. Again, you are just derailing the topic.

As stated by Jeff, it’s a problematic issue to fix, and it takes time. But problem is still acknowledged by him, so it DOES exist. Contrary to your beliefs.

You don’t read it do you.

I am not derailing. I am offering an example, then comparing the 2 to show you their way of thinking.

If that is not linear enough for you I can simplify it.

So what Jeff said completely confirms what I have been saying… It is not a net positive based on the resources it would take to do something… Shock. Maybe find a workaround till they can find a way to make it worth their time.

Makes me question, why have you been arguing and creating an issue if you knew what I was saying was exactly what Jeff said… oh well. Your time wasted, not mine.

They are not comparable to this situation at all. One is about a character needing or not needing balancing, while the other is pertaining to a completely different system. 2 different topics, 2 very different solutions. Just because you can apply something to one thing, doesn’t mean you can apply it to the other.

He didn’t state that. He stated that it’s a complex issue to fix, and it takes time. Has nothing to do with net positivity at all. There just isn’t an “easy” solution for them to fix the issue.

If I requested ideas for this in my topic, then sure. But since I didn’t, it should be seen more as feedback that the community still isn’t pleased about the current way of things. More like a reminder, if nothing else.

Your way of interpreting what was said has been spun by yourself to fit your own narrative. It’s not what was said at all. He directly addressed it, while you spin it by “reading between lines” that are not there in the first place.

Again. You are thinking to linear. Not everything is exactly the same. But they will take the same basic approach.

1 is an issue players have. The other is an issue player have.

They are both the same, and require the same decision from Blizz… is there a net positive in make changes to address this issue.

If yes, do so

If no, ignore.

However, they are not ignoring it. They are looking into it. You just don’t accept the truth. Too bad really. Instead you prefer to breach the CoC in the forums for kicks and giggles. Sad really.

They are looking into everything for OW2

Doesn’t mean they won’t follow the same decision flow chart.

Issue -> will the change required be a benefit to the majority -> yes/no

If yes, do something

If no, move on.

Sadly I am not the one tilted posted the same rant over and over. I am just answering you.

Please stick to the original thread.

If you want to discuss this more, add me. You are flooding the forums with pages and pages of you trying to argue.

And the answer based on what was said in the thread that Jeff replied to, the answer would “yes”. Which is why they are doing something, but it takes time.

Hilarious dude. Very good. Sadly, because I probably care more about the community than you do, I try to make it better. But that doesn’t mean I will roll over and let you feel like you are a good influence on the forums. I’mthe one answering you, as is clear by my posts so far. You just keep dragging it out though, instead of accepting that you are completely and utterly wrong.

We can stop commenting, sure. Sounds good. I just wanted to point out that you should read stuff before you comment, but I guess like with my post, you got bored before you finished. So you keep missing the points. Not my fault that you can’t stay on topic. All I try to do is reign you in to stay on topic, which you are clearly not capable of doing.

And I did.

But it wasn’t the answer you wanted, so you kept going on and on to the point where your message is totally diluted and people just see you shouting at a wall.

As I said before. Keep it short and sharp. Helps with engagement and keeping it on point.

If you waffle on, you open yourself up to people expanding the conversation (and as we’ve learnt you don’t want an expansive conversation, you want linear) or completely ignoring what you say and replying with “TL/DR”

I enjoy your arrogance. Assuming you are right is the first step. I have never said I was right. I have simply tried to look at it from their point of view.

The changes you want have no net positive for the current game. Your nonsense that you are trying to use to imply you are right is about OW2. That is a different game. There is no economic benefit to them working on it for OW1.

Maybe don’t try to “reign” people in. That is a sign of controlling behaviour. And probably explains why you insulted other players and think you are completely right to do so. Remember, you are not in charge in a public space. Conversations evolve and change. If responders don’t like what you’ve said and divert the conversation, so be it. Happens on my threads too.

Anyways. Add me to continue.

You’re one to talk dude.

I’m not interested in making it short and sharp. If people can’t be bothered to read, they don’t have to. Details is necessary to the matter.


And here you are, assuming that what you are saying is “their point of view”. The hypocrisy is strong with you, young one.

I never mentioned OW2, so it’s not something I’m speaking about at all.

If that’s what you think. Shows you clearly underestimate the consumerbase who might be turned off to the idea of even getting OW2, if they are already dissatisfied with the first one. It’s wise to cater to both games, to assure more success, thus sales, thus economic benefit from the next game. A game’s reputation matters. It’s not complicated logic. Maybe it is for you.

Never insulted anyone. I’m just pointing out facts. If people like you run rampant across the forum and derail topics as if it was an olympic sport, then yes, you should be reigned in. You ruin the forums with that sort of behavior.

Never claimed to be, I simply said to follow topics. But when you bait people into debates that has nothing to do with topics, and they respond, then the responsibility of the topic being derailed is on you. Quite simple.

If they can stay on topic, then this is fine, as there could be useful comments that technically are not part of the topic, but serves more as an illustration to prove a point that IS relevant to the topic. Like an analogy or a comparison. But then as soon as this is done, it should be brought back on topic, which you are clearly unable to do. You just want to bait even more, and keep derailing by baiting a new subject.

What for? You live here, essentially. I don’t like you, and I have no intentions of adding you to anything at all. Your behavior is the sole reason I commented here, as I completely understand the frustration SilentSword feels.

Now I will leave the thread, and I wish people good luck in their future conversations with you. I feel for them that they will have to go through all that. Peace out. Take the last word again if you want, like you so sorely need.

Why do you have to make everything personal.

Calling people names, telling them if you like them or not.

Insulting someone is insulting someone, you can twist your reality to justify your actions how you like. The evidence is there. Like where you’ve tried to be subtle about insulting me (personally I just found it cute that you cared that much).

You like your linear ways, but clearly it isn’t very effective.

Because the word “annoying” doesn’t even begin to describe you. You’re a pest. If you take that as a personal insult, then maybe try to correct yourself, because you certainly fit the description. I’m not twisting anything, I’m just saying it as it is. If that means I get booted off the forums, then so be it. If this is the future of the forums anyway, then it’s no need to be here anyway. Keep telling yourself whatever you want. Whatever makes you sleep at night. Good luck in your “home” here. Would be a shame if you got booted out of here. I’m sure you would be missed by most.

Now, farewell. I’ve lost interest in you. You’re incredibly boring.

And that there is how you breach the CoC.

(discussing actual or potential account actions is frowned upon sadly).

Anyways, you have gone on the the ignore list. You spout too much factually inaccurate information.


doesnt matter anyways. sadly, the forum is already pointless with people like you here. So nothing lost on my part. It’s a shame though. The forum should be the place to go if you want to give feedback, but I guess I’ll just NOT go to forums. Let them figure it out themselves. Peace out.

I’ve seen multiple threads like this posted asking how to ignore Nightwing :rofl: sorry I shouldn’t laugh but it’s becoming a trend here and the funniest thing of all is NW is always the calmest and most composed member here and is just answering people’s questions. He even helps these people find the ignore button.

I must be missing something.


You haven’t even said what he did to you that’s so horrible. People disagreeing with your point of view on video games doesn’t automatically equate to them being toxic :man_shrugging:


Does it all the time.

Hey mate. This is sort of an ongoing thing I’ve had with Nightwing for like a week now, so I completely understand why you feel that way. To try to summarize it:

I made a thread where I was addressing the issue about dps leavers in QP, who leave at the very last second, and how annoying it is to sit in queue for 12 minutes, only to get a defeat screen instantly, and then sitting an additional 8+ minutes in prio-queue after. 20 mins to wait for one game is a problem with the game, especially when it could have been 12 minutes. I go more into detail in my thread if you are interested in reading about it, and I’ll link it to you.

But the reason for this comment you wrote that I’m currently replying to, is that he constantly derails the topic with coming with suggestions that are of no help, and doesn’t address the issue in the thread I made. If I wanted the suggestions he gives, I would have named the topic differently, but sadly, this dude more or less lives here on the forums, and drowns out and derails alot of posts. So there is no point in making the posts anymore.

Here is my topic thread, if you are more interested, but I warn you, it’s quite a lengthy and mind-numbingly boring read at this point.

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