Is overwatch dead?

Personally I hardly get tilted. Not really my thing, only occasionally. Mostly its just disappointing. When I encounter a leaver/thrower etc ill try to just report, avoid and move on. Whats the point tilting like a seesaw over something I have no control over. I still try to win and I have more fun when I put less pressure on myself. It obviously sucks when it keeps happening and you’ll most likely lose which isnt fun, no one can deny that but I just try not to let it control me. Its not always easy but it works for me.


I find quick play queue times are always going up but the match making is going down which leads me to believe less people are playing, sometimes I am waiting 3 minutes to find a match and before it was 30 seconds.

I am more often than before a backfill in QP, which again leads me to believe more people are quitting matches, obviously but why, maybe they are frustrated with the game and maybe it’s become more frustrating to play.

I feel it’s dying and there’s only so many times you can mess up new heroes and balancing before people call it a night.

I’m ready to uninstall it and see what’s happening in 6 months time.

In the meantime we’re the lab rats, the guinea pigs they do the testing on. Cruelty.

I often wonder myself why do Blizzard hide the tab where we can see the numbers of players online?

You will see every games showing how many players are online on Steam and even heavy multiplayer games in PS4 as well.

Anyway, I don’t think they’re active as much as they were back then where we could find a game anytime without a problem. Nowadays, competitive and quick play is only active whereas other modes are pretty much dead.

I wonder how do PUBG, CS:GO, WW1, BF1 etc keep their numbers so high and have active bases in every modes.

What platform are you on? I’m on PC and I’m waiting, on average, no longer than 30 seconds in QP.


Yea but it is QP, QP like Arcade doesn’t have any matchmaking. Meanwhile in competitive I see the same people all the time. Lets say there are 200-300 players in my rank range I am constantly matched with/against. I can never feel these 35 million, lol

PC as well, average is probably 1 minute 30.

Dude…your twitch comparison is lame to say the least.
If this is your merit, you should reconsider some views.
OW like it or not will be a long-lasting game, this is Blizzard we are talking about, and you know it.


Diablo 3 is a long lasting game too. Like what, 6 years? It ended on a whimper, things like second expansions were dropped, the team shrunk, it is not even 100% sure whether Diablo 4 will ever come after they fucked up the franchise this badly.

So yea, Overwatch will stick around for some time, doesn’t mean it’ll leave a lasting legacy.

I paused cs:go for a long time ( because of overwatch etc. ) but I never thought that this game will die. So many people said that this game is dying and that pubg and fortinite is way better and that cs:go is hacker infested. I knew this isnt true, we just need pause from certain games, time to time.
yeah they are hackers sometimes in cs:go deathmatch or sometimes even in mm, but not so often like people say. Too much tryhard sucks you dry and can make you blind. Its very good to give all your best, but dont let tilt come too near.

I really like overwatch and I am curious what new hero will be released.
I hope a new hit scan/ projectile hero :3

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Probably not an “engaging” tank to be honest.

Hi Schorrer1

I think you had a lot of beautiful thoughts about how to play the game.
Thanks for sharing. I also have made it a point to take breaks from comp when I feel I’m getting tired, and probably would come back to comp the next day.

Streamers are seen to keep grinding the ladder endlessly for hours after hours, and the regular joes suddenly go after that mechanism. That results in a tilted individual playing way below his normal standards, and making the environment a bit toxic around him. Streamers do it because it’s there lively hood, and also I might add that watching a streamer drop down a lot, enduring the pain, and then climbing back up can be very motivating.


Slowly dying of course. Game is too team dependant and players move to battle royal games.

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Players move between all games all the time.
I know friends who said they were tired of Fortnite and Pubg and came back to Overwatch. There is a constant shuttle of players between the different games.

How does that prove that one specific games dying ? I call it people play a game for a while, they get bored, and move to another one, get bored and move again… It’s a constant cycle :wink:


Honestly, whether you hate or love OverWatch, it’s going to be around for a while. StarCraft just celebrated its 20th anniversary and OverWatch just celebrated 40 million active players. As far as queue times go, the match maker isn’t perfect so it might have trouble getting you into games with people of the same skill tier as you. That’s also why games like fortnite have such a fast queue time, they have 0 match making, meaning it only looks for people who also click the start button.

OverWatch also has more than just the game, it has an amazing backstory and lore. If people see these stories and like them, the odds that they’ll buy the game and start playing go up. That’s coming from someone who could only read the lore and watch YT videos about the game.


I would say no and yes because a lot of players are leaving the game due to mainly the ranked problems with the game. Biggest problem is it is rewarding players for win/loss instead of there performance particularly for solo’s like me. If it got fixed they would return.

An example was a GM was smurfing and he was dropping like 75 eliminations in each half on any map with a Hanzo or Widow. First words that uttered out his chat was “I don’t understand why you’re (me) in silver/gold elo because you’re a VERY intellligent player you’re Diamond at least”

I explained to him that I was a solo player who has never been seasoned by higher elo(because better players make you better) and that a lot of the lower elos aren’t as smart as me. As in thinking about the picks, or re changing picks, taking intelligent fights and thinking about the cooldowns etc and that this rewards you in win/loss not how well you play or how smart you are.

Anyways he tried smurfing for a while and whole heartedly agreed that yeah lower elo was incredibly difficult due to the reasons above. Even he was struggling because a lot of players don’t get it or compositions/strategy and if you’re solo it is VERY random.

Secondly I think the meta is going slower and slower and hit scans are becoming more and more useless. Since the 32 Years I’ve been gaming in this culture faster tempo is always more fun and better than slow drawn out games.

Just a thought


The people I know which play fortnite are mostly toxic people who cant play in a team. People who blame teammates etc. good that these people play fortnite/pubg.


Delete snipers thanks jeff.

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Good trow, let’s see if someone catches it.

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what has this to do with the post? ^^