It's happening again!

You said you haven’t been penalized… Are you currently penalized via silence, ban, etc. or not?

If you are, then appeal to lift the penalty so this discussion can move forward!

The number of reports you have to have to see that message is quite huge mate. The fact that you already got silenced one time at least is proof enough.

Ive been sarcastic and pointing out flaws in my team in both accounts on a daily basis and … never got silenced once. Never seen that screen happening either so … yeah, not buying it for a second.

The system is flawed thats for sure but its not all smoke in all those 200 or 300 reports you have and you know it.

Like I said,

I rarely use the chat, it’s usually people who get angry with me for being better.

Read the original post it’s all explained there.

I have been reported for being better, for giving call outs, for suggesting different comps etc.

People are just too toxic.

And 200 - 300 reports? thats more reports than I have played .

No, It is still way under the threshold.

You have played a lot more games but data shows that you’ve won 358 Games. It would be already enough if one player report you every game. Given the fact that 11 players in total can report you per game and you have played a lot more games, reaching so many reports is definitely possible.

Also, one thing that might be interesting: Only one report per player counts and each report decay over time. Reports when being silenced don’t count.


I couldnt agree more! Jesus this is so true. Im a girl and i play dps and just for that people report me. I LOVE to play Torb, Sym,Junk and Mei and my accounts are taking turns in ban periods …its so fu*king lame and boring and i wanna cry. Report me for the HERO I PLAY AND I GET BANNED FOR IT EVEN WHEN I DO GOOD? LIke wtf… ? And then i try to appeal my banns with CLIPS from my stream and blizzard be like "it doesnt matter if u got clips a ban is a ban "4Head

that’s not since my last silence? lol

You’re again making assumptions.

For example yesterday I played like 15 matches.

All with 3 different positive LFG groups. so that’s a total of 15 different team mates.

but let’s say the enemy team had unique players every time that would have been 15*6= 90 unique players.

And if they all reproted me for saying good game well played that would have made 90 reports in 1 day.

Yes that’s the only thing I write down in chat, it’s called sportsmanship not toxicity.

Oh and I lost 2 matches and no they were not all unique players, some were opponents we had before.

Some even raged at me thinking I’m a smurf while I’m new, some even called me a cheater. So yeah, like I said before the community is abusing the system.

When you get penalized again, appeal to lift the penalty.

If you are innocent, the penalty will be lifted. It you are guilty, it won’t and the gm will tell you why.

This is the absolute evidence. Right now, you lack credibility because you’ve been penalized once and you already got a new warning. You also behave offensively on the forums which might reflect your behavior in-game.

In order to prove that you are not breaking the CoC, you need the verification of a GM. Otherwise, we are running in circles.

Also, you said the following:

For me, it sounded like you meant that it would be more reports than you have played the whole time. If you meant “since the last penalty”, you should’ve been more specific.

Don’t try to educate your team.
Only say how good they are.
Only tell them what they did good.
Only blame yourselves.

This guy knows the secret.

Most people tend to stay silent until a teammate dies, then it’s “pfft Tracer died AGAIN!”

Mega helpful comms. Newsflash buddy, negative comms = spiteful/throwy team regardless of how right you are! Nobody wants to put effort into a team that point out all your flaws yet stay silent on your team wipes.

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Hu, I swear that that was league, csgo, cod, any other popular video game / video game franchise.

People are smarter now. Why try to silence a guy when you can prevent him from playing altogether by reporting him for gameplay sabotage?

Thanks to the voice chat, chat abuse reports aren’t taken lightly.
I wish they gathered some data on the voice chat but they don’t and fully go off trusting the players who reported you. I’ll just add that it takes a lot of players to report someone for a punishment. At my cases i’v failed to see flamers get punished since no one will report for it. But i can see how some players might get unlucky with such a system at hand.

Agreed, shame on Blizzard for using a system that harasses their own players that paid money to enjoy the game. Threatening paying players with suspension not for cheating, but for trash talk? Completely unacceptable, unethical, and disrespectful to the entire community.

Holy necro
All of this for not being able to read TOS? cmon dude …

Please do not necro posts.

If you wish to avoid suspensions on your Overwatch account for ingame chat, don’t trash talk or harass/use derogatory terms towards other players.