Ive been banned and i dont know why

ive been perma banned from overwatch 2 and i dont know why i havent been cheating or being toxic in chat the only thing i could of said which is bad is me saying s*** one time in a quick play game and i dont think a perma ban is justified for me just saying a slur not towards someone but as me saying it instead of “oh” so if you could pls tell me why i am banned and if you can unban me or give me some other form of punishment (like a month ban or a chat ban or smth)

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Is it just comp or from logging in?

its banned me from logging in

I got a 2 week suspension myself until 1st may with no warning and day 1 of season 10 i suspect its a bug as my email contain zero details on the offence and ticket made and autovresponded to just contained date of expiry

Check this post out. Happened to many of us sadly, just Overwatch being Overwatch…

That one is slightly different. This topic sounds more of an account suspenion rather than unable to play competitive

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unsure tbh but all my mates when we played also have been perm banned - first one happened when network issue and kicked us all before we loaded into the game and last one must have happened after we finished our last game

Logged in today. And boom suspended for season 10. No mail, no explaination nothing, no earlier suspenions or bans. No idea what happenend.

Same, doubt they’ll do anything to correct it though knowing this shady tin pot company.

They are not gonna do anything about it. I openend a ticket and got a bot to respond with the standard answer…

Just because they didn’t do anything yet, doesn’t mean they won’t do anything.

Tickets always get a bot response. Unless countless times of tickets from player. They would have 100s of players sending same issue right now

Same thing happened to me yesterday, banned for the whole season in competitive for no reason.

I haven’t even got any reply what so ever. When the error occured, i was playig with a full squad, got 15 min suspention, but the next day, 3/5 of us got banned. Now i just watch them play cause i’m demotivated. It’s punishment enough waiting 20-40 min in wide queue to get a match…

The competative system is now broken thanks to the bans, cause of all the high level smurf accounts after these bans.

Re: season ban after network error
The response we got in the pinned forum higher up in this post is that they’re working on a hot fix and are aware of the issue. They haven’t given a date or time for this and it doesn’t seem like the issue is high on their priority list since this affected a small number of players (which is why you can’t find anyone talking about it on TikTok, YouTube, twitch etc) with all the big OW Streamers not kicking a fuss up about it. We’re all hoping it’ll be in the patch update that’s coming in an hour but no one will be surprised if that’s not the case.

Same thing has happened to me I got an email saying the problem had been resolved and I’m still unable to access the game on my account I hate this game