I've started to really enjoy Overwatch again

I don’t know if it was due to taking a year long break from the game or the fact that OW1 is soon coming to an end, but I’m starting to enjoy OW again like the old days.

I find myself going on those 1-2 hour long competitive sessions at night. It has it’s ups and downs but Overwatch is one of the best games I’ve ever played, top 10 for sure.

Here’s hoping Orangewatch 2 will carry on the flame.


I’am glad to hear that am with you The18thFret!

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Lets just hope u dont have to buy new heros in the future lol

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I genuinely have no idea why people think this could even be a thing. Makes no sense whatsoever.

it is a shame they are gettin rid of ow1 ;(


other play for free models does it like that, but usually they have an in-game currency that lets you unlock the character for free but it takes time to grind that currency.

I know some other games do it.

My statement still stands for OW, it makes no sense and I doubt anyone could feasibly argue even a vague business case for it.

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Get yourself a tissue dude.

well they are turning the business model into how other games are doing it so it’s not farfetched to think it would emulate those models in that aspect aswell.
but really it’s probably gonna be like
buy the battlepass to get all the upcoming heroes when released in that battlepass season.

and you could probably buy the separately if you didn’t buy the battlepass if you wished etc.

but you’re right it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense for overwatch as it’s a very team compositionally heavy game with swaps mid-game and not having access to all characters will interfere with your ability to compete as characters are not balanced around that concept.
but that don’t really stop other games from doing it like that because they are ok with you losing on the character select screen.

we will just have to wait and see what the devs do on that one, but it wouldn’t surprise me, blizzard are not really innovators, they just copy and make more accessible and sometimes more polished versions of things that allready exists.

Just Warzone. Not other games.

So it won’t be happening. It’ll just be cosmetic items.

well have they said explicitly that the model will be exactly like warzone? or are you just guessing that’s what’s gonna happen?

because if they stated that then they are beholden to that statement, but they aren’t if you are just assuming they are gonna do one thing.


I did think of offering nothing else just for a laugh, but you’re a good egg.

It was spoken about in the annual accounts.

this is why i don’t claim to know something i don’t, because i can and probably will be wrong and i learn.

but sometimes it’s good to be wrong too because the fastest way to get a correct answer is to answer wrongfully because people love correcting people more than they do answering questions.

Essentially they said cod/warzone is doing good. We going to copy that model across more/all of our games when possible. This was 2+ years ago.

So here we are.

so plausible deniability exists, well.
don’t get your hopes up too high if you dislike that model, it can still happen.

they’ve done a lot of things i never thought they would do.

There is no logical reason for it, and it wouldnt work for the game.

The only time it could become even remotely plausible is if they upped the number of total heroes to maybe 100, but there was lots of repeat abilities so that, for example. You have Rein… But you can buy this dude Dave who does all the same things just looks different and have a different voice.

At that point, fair enough, if it makes money do it. But that’s never going to happen.

i don’t think they will put existing characters behind a wall, but maybe the rest.
after all it’s probably gonna be characters like “dave” etc who are a bit of a clone.
hence the battlepass would make a lot of sense in that way.

The rest is just skins, emotes, weapon charms, taunts, sprays, maybe even special voice lines… And that will be behind the magical paywall of battlepass and shop.

I agree. It would have been nice to have them both side by side but ultimately I think it makes better business sense for Blizz to do it this way. Like I’ve said before, imagine if OW2 isn’t enjoyed as much as anticipated and more people are playing OW1 instead of 2 in a years time. That wouldn’t be good for business and just replacing the first game saves them a lot of potential headaches down the line.

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Will never happen in OW. Community would revolt