I've started to really enjoy Overwatch again

never say never, that’s really what i’m saying.
i’d think you’d be foolish otherwise.

i dont believe ow2 will have the same success as ow1. only time will tell!

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I hope not & hope it will stay cosmetic otherwise the game will become pay to win (ie bye the OP hero in the new patch). Danger is the greed always creaps into a fremium model eventually as the income wanes. I quit GW2 when new expansions had the OP hero class it ruined pvp for any1 running the pevious expansion as their builds wer less competitive.

well overwatch was fairly succesful initially and then dropped off with time, if it’s gonna stay relatively similar i’m hesitant to think the numbers would rise just because you remove a tank spot, atleast in a competitive sense.
but maybe the PVE will attract some new players potentially.

Sigh! I supose we cant expect a 1 off payment to give us a game forever & it is a business after all so has to make money to some degree to still stay online

To be fair, this is very rare in the gaming world. 99% of the time, we buy a game and it’s ours forever, regardless of following sequels. I can understand why they did it, even if I don’t like it.

Sadly for the naysayers, this isn’t the case for OW players.

We paid for access, we never “owned” the game. And as per the agreements we signed up to, they can remove access whenever they like. This means the hard removal of OW1 is something we’ve already said they can do.

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that is how it should be tbh, unless you are paying for a subscription to play.

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No it shouldn’t, unless you buy a physical item.

Sadly that day and ages has long gone. Apple have been doing this for years. Song/albums bought on iTunes… You don’t own them either, you just pay for access.

Same but I was disappointed to find wrecking ball changed.
I can no longer spin endlessly near the objective.
Forces me to use the weapons.

Yeah that change was kind of pointless.

The cooldown out of spawn one is worse though

Looks like your concern came true, they’re locking new heroes in OW2 behind battlepass

Not really. Its the free path. So no buying, all is good.

Bigger concern will be the game possibly being delayed.

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hardly a concern, im still enjoying ow1!

Cool story. Didn’t ask. Although that statement does prove that this isn’t your main account, because you are clearly not playing on this account.

So either the claim it was your only account is utter BS, or that you are actually playing the game is BS.

(if you don’t want me replying to you… maybe take heed of your own advice too).

Oh good. Stylosa lied to me then!

Its the same with every game from Blizzard! They release a gold game, and after some years they totally fk the game up.Just like they did with wow.I have played overwatch since the release and often play 4-6 hours a day.The overwatch 2 beta i didnt like at all.Same with 3-4 of my friends who have played overwatch for years, will skip ow2.Overwatch 2 beta was just a big fkn mess.No fun at all! almost every ow player i have spoken with told me they didnt like it and will skip it.5vs5 with 1 tank was so boring that i didnt even played the beta when i had access to it.Blizzard will lose alot of their players with this update.Maybe in some years we will see “overwatch classic”

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Stylosa is a click bait merchant now.

The hero is locked in the free path of the battle pass. Everyone will have the hero, just not immediately.

So those with BP get to play the hero online while the rest wait?

it’s p2w in the same way some mobile games are where you can unlock it yourself but people who pay can do it quicker. so you can get an even playing field, but it might require significantly more effort. If the fox girl is early in the bp it won’t be an issue but if it’s later that’s going to be pretty annoying and unfair

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