I've started to really enjoy Overwatch again

No, that would be the paid for BP.

There is a free pass for everyone. With hero and some basic skins, charms and such.

Everyone gets content… But paid for BP people have the chance to get the mythic skins in the end.

It isn’t. Simple as that.

it is, to an extent. If a player can gain an advantage by paying money, it is p2w. overwatch games will still be decided almost entirely by other factors, but there is a very slight p2w element

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There is no advantage to paying money. Other than you get shinier skins, charms, sprays and stuff.

Everyone gets the hero.

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exactly. clash of clans, clash of royale mobile games and many others are pay to win / speed up the process.

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yes but some later than others. Let me give you an example-it’s my first game of ow2, and for some reason I hop into competitive on support. fox girl is a must-pick meta defining hero, and I don’t have them, whereas another person on the enemy team, who bought the bp does, despite this being their first game. They payed, and now have an advantage. not particularly significant, unless fox girl is a long way down the battlepass, but still slightly p2w

Except paying, doesn’t speed up the free pass.

That just unlocks a different set of levels to open.

They confirmed that buying the paid battlepass gives immediate access to the hero

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Because they dont play as much.

That is the only reason you won’t get the hero as soon. You will still get it.

And if you are so casual that you barely play… does it really matter.

Where. I have not seen them say this.

idk, it was a tweet or something made that got posted on the us forums. I’m fairly certain. if it wasn’t the case then the game definitely wouldn’t be p2w at all and you would be correct

Ok. So then they haven’t said that then because all they have official said is this…

“Addressing some incomplete info posted early about our Overwatch 2 Battle Pass – we’ll be sharing all details ahead of launch, but want to confirm that new Overwatch 2 heroes will be available on the free track of the Battle Pass.”

Now we know it works like Warzone, they said it would back in 2019.

So in Warzone you have 2 paths.

  1. free
  2. paid

The paid path does not impact anything in the free path. The free path just takes a few hours of games to complete.

no. They have said it somewhere. look at the us forums and you’ll see fairly quickly that it’s been confirmed

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Hmm conflicting opinions. If a paid BP account just means earlier access to skins, I really don’t care, but if it affects who gets heroes first, that would suck.

See edit above.

The US forums is full of people thinking the game is rigged. Only go there to laugh at people.

It doesn’t. The paid side just has the fancier, more “expensive” cosmetic and fun items.

The free path will be the hero, and problem sprays and basic skins related to that hero. Exactly the like skin events we’ve had in recent times (there was a reason they tried doing them…)

Now, there is rumours the game might be getting slightly delayed, that could be a bit sucky. But the basics of the BP system and the base information needed has been right under our noses the whole time.

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It is the same with Warzone.

Everyone gets the weapons. But those who pay the the BPs have the same weapons with sparkly skins and sometimes fancy animations.

Yes, in the paid Warzone pass you get XP boosts, which means you can level weapon up a little quicker. But that really doesn’t change a lot.

I 100% expect when the PvE side arrives, the BP with have XP boosts (or whatever it will be called) for that, so you can level up the heroes skill trees faster. But then I also expect the PvE will be a paid for extra (or free with Gamepass depending on how long it takes).

Not at all, he’s answering a question. Unless you can prove otherwise?

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I try.

It seems Wolfie didn’t take heed of his own advice and still wants to take swipes at me. I bet he will be upset the next time I correct him or ask him about his main account.

Also, I can confirm the rumours of a delay are wrong. They just removed the mentions of October 4th for some reason and have now put them elsewhere. So that’s some good news.