I've started to really enjoy Overwatch again

You say you play the game and still enjoy it…

But on what account, because you also said this is your only one.

This account has been lvl 45 for a very long time.

Yeah don’t listen to rodimus. It’s already been leaked that people who buy the battle pass will get immediate access to the heroes.

This is why they had to have Jon Spector release his statement. If it had been out right false he would have just said so. Instead he said the info was incomplete - not wrong.

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Wait. Overwatch is real… but Ubisoft isn’t?

Hmm, I hope it’s not true.

But Stylosa just released another video an hour ago confirming that new heroes will be locked behind a paid BP account, and without them, we can’t play comp for a short period

That was a 4chan leak, so take with a pinch of salt.

But if true. Not a terrible idea.

What’s the upside of it?

They want everyone to play unranked. And only those truly invested in the game to play ranked. Kind of has the potential to answer many of those people who cry about people not caring about ranked.

What if someone only plays ranked? Their options are to either buy BP or wait a few weeks to play the new hero?

If ranked starts immediately. Then yes.

But the 4chan thing suggests ranked isn’t open for a couple of weeks, and after that you need to unlock the hero to play.

I guess comp is saved for now. I’m still not pleased about any pay or playwall, but it’s whatever right now.

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No one “wants” to pay, but its that or we have nothing. And still you don’t have to pay a penny to have the game.

The ones with more disposable income will just have some colourful things and thats about it.

Cool. I’ll wait to see further on how the system plays out. I hope we get more details on the PvP before release.

I am guessing next week will be more information. Seeing as OWL is on a break for a week or so, and there is a “last chance” event starting.

:sob: the end of an era!

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What a mess. Heroes behind a paywall, SMS authentication a mess, and the cherry on the cake, many of us lost years of progress because blizzard thought it wise to only tell us to manually do the accounts merge 5 days prior to launch while letting us believe the transition of data would be automatic and we didn’t need to do anything all along.

wp blizz

They told us to do the merge on august 16th. That was more than a month of time

I just read on another forum that the merge thing is only for consoles?

Yes. Merging your console progress with your pc progress so you can have the same cosmetics on both.
If you are missing items or heroes on a pc account it is a bug that blizzard is aware of.

Heroes in the pass is good. Means you have time to actually learn to play it in safe places.

SMS authentication is being removed.

They told you to merge accounts when the last beta went live.