Just a Reminder

I am on track. When people use strawman arguements, I immediately call them out on it. Especially when it’s a weirdly common thing for people on the Overwatch forums EU and US to try to disregard almost any negative opinion given on the game by saying “just git good”.

It’s a lazy strawman.

Except I never said anything about getting good. And addressed your argument.

So not a strawman… like most smurf reports, this is a false claim.

Instead your “paid” retort is almost a perfect definition of a strawman argument.

“The typical straw man argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent’s proposition through the covert replacement of it with a different proposition”

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No, you tried to imply that smurfs aren’t an issue, because people are trying to “deflect” from playing badly. Which leads to the argument that if they got better it wouldn’t be a problem. A strawman.

It’s pretty funny to say it to people with over 1k posts, who try to push back on things that are clearly issues in the game, and all tend to use the same “git gud” strawman in response to the majority of criticisms, though.

The similarity between how you debate and how like 3 other people who do the same thing is striking.

And all of you using the same strawman argument is just funny.

And all have over 1k posts.

Well, sorry for making my claim and they explaining my justification for such a point.

I’ll have to learn from you and make totally baseless and weird accusations to try and discredit any points made I don’t agree with.

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Or you could just improve at
the game instead of trying to false report people just cause you are a sore loser

yeah i don’t take advise from smurfs

your kind ruin this game

Kim isn’t a smurf. I’m sure he’s many things, but a smurf isn’t one of them.

Point proven below.

Toxic, name caller yes.
Smurf. No

im not a smurf its you who is just a dumbass if you think people will report someone for no reason just cause you have no skill and understanding of the game

defending smurfs = smurf

otherwise he would have no reason to

and no body wants your blizzard shilling fanboy opinion nightwing

“Cheating = Using third party software, bugs, or exploits to gain an unfair advantage”

“Smurfing - Exploiting the matchmaking system purposefully in order to be given lesser skilled opponents”

Smurfing = cheating by the very definition, hence reporting them for cheating is not a false report

thank you and good day

That is certainly some logic. And I agree on the cheating part.

No one defends them though. They should be banned when found. Just not so commonly found sadly.

he isnt defending a smurf you are just a sore loser so jhave fun when you get yourself reported by both your enemy team and your own by trying to false report

every match isn’t common enough for you?.. huh?.. weird

not a false report by the very definition of cheating, thank you and good day

Well, I’ve played a few hundred matches this season and seen 1.

But if you’re getting them every match, that’s pretty unlucky.

no you’ve played a few hundred matches this season and ignored hundreds

If you say so. You can watch my games if you want.

don’t need to, i already know

Of course you do. Makes sense.

glad you agree, now you can stop responding :slight_smile:

And there you showed yourself that it is a false report as you definetly dont have it it every match so dont try to blame the game just cause you cant adapt to diffrent situation that is rquired in a team based game

“Cheating = Using third party software, bugs, or exploits to gain an unfair advantage”

“Smurfing - Exploiting the matchmaking system purposefully in order to be given lesser skilled opponents”

Smurfing = cheating by the very definition, hence reporting them for cheating is not a false report

thank you and good day