Just a Reminder

Remember to Report all Smurfs as Cheaters, Because smurfing is cheating

If we all report them, the automated system will ban them, Please and thank you, That is all


I don’t want to report a person that’s possibly not smurfing because of how well they play.


Sorry, blizzard had their chance, they refused so its the only way

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You could also just get on with the game and not be “that guy” always complaining about everyone else.

You also had your chance after all.

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Yeah I agree.

Smurfs should be banned. But most accusations are false. Or can’t be backed up.

the only thing we can do now
since they dont want to do anything
we take things in our hands!
Fk smurfs


Very true. I always report them.

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What do you look for when deciding who you should report?

I mean one of the biggest giveaways is usually the names, to start with. They usually have lots of random characters, or are called something toxic/relevant to the character they play.

After that it’s level 25 Doomfists knowing all of the tech, and roof gliding, etc. Then you have Widows who do trick shots in specific locations, who happen to know how to spawn camp, and know where all of the spawns are.

Mostly look at gamesense, since Widows who don’t know maps are super easy to avoid, and punish for bad positioning.

I don’t even think people who don’t look for those things reporting people is bad, since Blizz has all of the information they need to determine whether someone is a smurf or not.

Don’t get me wrong, but not going to report someone based on name (unless the names clearly offensive lol)

If they are lvl25 that pretty certain they aren’t smurfing. They’ve just got to grind to their true level. Or start messing about to the be smurfing.

Game sense. That could be a sign. Although could just be alt accounts.

Agree though Biizz have the information and ban those that are guilty. Same with account boosting/boosted players. They get punished. But there is an inconvenient reason why there isn’t that many people banned for it.

Why? You need level 25 to start ranked.

They usually spam QP as tank and then DPS in comp after.

Smurf accounts are alt accounts. The only distinction is that they’re playing at a skill level they shouldn’t be at, which makes the matches ridiculously unbalanced. It’s toxic and makes the matchmaker look worse than it already does.

It’s especially unfair to Tank/Support players, who can’t play anything as versatile, with a short TTK as a smurf DPS. Playing DPS is the only real way to counter a smurf.

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Indeed. But you can’t really be smurfing until you start taking action to be where you shouldn’t.

Merely leveling and getting placed where you end up isn’t smurfing. Most people will place a bit lower on new accounts as the system seems to be more conservative to start with, the uses SR adjustments in your first few games to jump you to where you should be.

Smurfs and alt are, and have always been, 2 different beasts.

I like people who get rolled and then claim smurf. They are interesting. Almost always wrong, but it interesting to watch the game back with them and let them point out what they think we’re the signs.

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What does this mean?

The fact that there’s no way to tell the game that you’ve played before, without stats, is the problem. A GM player playing into Gold players is toxic, unfun and shouldn’t happen.

That’s why it’s bad. If a Bronze player was in GM it would also be bad.

The skill difference is too much, and it makes the game feel awful.

It’s particularly unfair to roles that have less carry potential.

If there was a way to link accounts or give any indication that it’s an alt account, then smurfing wouldn’t be a problem, because it would be clear who’s abusing the system, as they wouldn’t indicate that they’re an alt.

They’re the same thing. Smurf accounts 100% come under alt accounts. Alt account just means alternate account. What you do with it after that determines whether you’re a smurf or not. E.g. being a GM player and queueing Comp.

I like people who pretend smurfing isn’t as big of an issue on forums, they’re almost always wrong, and usually paid forum heroes, but it’s interesting to play the game and see so many low levels with lots of game knowledge and not just mechanical skill.

There’s also STILL no good argument as to why smurfing should be allowed. None.

If you level account, do placements and just play normally and climb. Doesn’t matter if it is your first account or your 73rd account. You are doing what you should be doing.

Now, If you level, place and start trolling, throwing and so on to make sure you don’t climb. Then that is an issue and should be punished accordingly. That is SR manipulation and the basis of smurfing.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve played the game before, if you sre just playing to win (like every other normal player) you’ll get to your place pretty sharpish.

Smurfing isn’t that big of an issue. There is no pretend. Why do you think when you report someone nothing happens…
A. Because they system doesn’t work
B. Because your report was wrong

B is the inconvenient truth for some

Look at Dota when it announced they were going to ban smurfs. Wonder why they’ve not said much since?? Because it only banned 40,000 accounts. Which was barely 0.05% of the player base. It was just a PR move to appease player that started playing Because of the new TV show.

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Only within the current system. And that’s what I’m arguing is bad.

It is though. There was a point when every other match I played had someone on a low level account, either on my team or on the enemy team, stomping everyone as DPS. It was no coincidence that the low level people, usually below level 100, were better than all of the people in that game, and so frequently.

I’ll say it again:

There is no good argument as to why smurfing should be allowed. There’s only arguments as to why it’s bad and should change.

That is why smurfs get banned.

Just there isn’t that many of them. Certainly no where near the numbers the forums would lead you to believe.

Without seeing any of your games, I’d suggest the enemy dps are more likely to “stomp” you because of coordination issues within your team.

Ill never argue for smurfing. It should be irradiated ASAP. It just isn’t that much of an issue, and is usually used to deflect from actual issues in someones game play that they are either unable or unwilling to work on.

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Sure, and they just happen to be low level while noticeably carrying the enemy team.

There just is no good argument as to why smurfing should be allowed. None at all.

And here comes the typical paid forum hero “there isn’t a problem with the game, just get good” strawman. Where is Nightwing? Where is Zaxx?

We need all the fallacy forum heroes.

And there we go. The “paid” remark in an attempt to disregard someone who doesn’t see things as you do.

Well done. You’ve killed any credibility you had in your argument with that single statement.

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Sorry I lost the respect of someone who has probably used the same strawman 1k times on this forum.

Except I agreed with you and lost it on a scaling issue lol.

Maybe just stay on track.

If you think I’m wrong, bring the numbers. Show the games.