Just a Reminder

Yes he is accusing as he says himself he is against smurfs in ever single match when he is not and is now asking people to false report people. yes i can call him that as its accurate about him and he started it so im already the bigger man. No im not cicil but iam civil. I dont like you

He certainly makes a bold claim. This is why instead of calling him names like some, I have given him my last 10 games and asked him to find the smurfs.

Of. But you said cicil. (oh, you’ve just edited it… lol)

I know you don’t. It shows.

No i didnt say cicl its you who did

You did, and then I got a notification that you edited it lol

Shame you didn’t edit the other 8 (at least) mistakes in that post.

But cool, laters. Videos to edit and upload!

No i didnt and no you didnt get a notification about it as you only get on responds or topics you follow. I didnt have any mistakes unlike you learn some english


Glad you think that! But sadly, if you edit a post that you’ve quote replied too, the person you replied to gets another notification. It is ok. I didn’t realise that till recently either.

“Learn some English” - a life lesson…

Again its nothing lol about you being menatally challenged just sad. I dont think so i know so as the only edit i did was second after i posted it wich was sevarl minutes before you made you respond and not even on that word. learn some english yourself as its you who use them wrong

Of course. Whatever you have to say.

Maybe edit that one and fix the 7 errors in that.

There is no spelling erros as unlike you i know how to spell

There is 3 in that one (even after you corrected one)

erros should be errors
unliek should be unlike
i should be I

No there isnt as i havent corrected anything unlike you

  • isn’t
  • haven’t

Look I will stop now as it is clear you are just either using a phone or not proofreading what you type.


isnt, havent learn to spell. No im not using a phone and its you who need proof reading with the wrong spelling you make

Not using a phone? That makes it worse.

You are missing the apostrophe in “isn’t”, and “haven’t” there.

Also misspelt “using” initially, but you just corrected that, so well done.

Proofreading is a singular word, not 2.

No it dosent because you are the one being wrong here. No im not missing anything, havent leant to spell. no i didnt mispell using and no i didnt corrects it so ones again you show ist was accurate what i said about you and not an insult

I can see you haven’t learnt

That is why it is so funny.

Anyways. Bye.

Its you who ahvent learned as you still using it wrong. No it isnt funny with your stupidity just sad


Anyways love, I really must be off. Another time perhaps. Maybe just add me, then we can keep this off the forums as it clearly isn’t for everyone.

No it isnt. sure go off and play with your imaginary friend. its be nice for everyone not having you troll the forums and i sure wont add the likes of you