Just remove 2-2-2 from comp

Yes proof is proof but wat u show ain’t proof, u just see it as such cause u have confirmation bias, ie its ur opinion therefor irrelevant


You have shown exactly 0 proof for anything you’ve claimed. It’s hilarious you’re trying to claim what I’ve shown isn’t proof when it quite literally is. Actual evidence, not opinion like you.

Learn what opinion, facts, evidence etc is kid, then you can start commenting.

But by all means keep trolling and getting flags, this place will be better without you.

Again, u see it as proof cause u believe that it proves something. Dats just me usi g my common sense so I don’t need proof ain’t that rite!?


There’s no belief involved with evidence, belief is for opinion. That’s the difference.

Your opinion doesn’t matter.

Learn what common sense is.

You mean just like this one?
Opinions are so irrelevant that blizzard gave us a forum for sharing them.

Apparently you still can’t read - opinions stop being opinions when backed by evidence.

You know, the thing you refuse to provide.

so what would be your evidence backing your claim opinions to be irrelevant?
For now its just an opinion of a delusional mind.

The fact that you refuse to provide any evidence for your claims whatsoever.

I leave the delusions to you.

yeah thats because I voice my opinion, it does not need a proof because most of it is obvious.

Where is your proof for a ridiculous claim that opinion don’t matter?

Here you go, and furthermore:

You refuse to provide evidence, thus your opinion doesn’t matter and is irrelevant. All opinions are irrelevant if they can’t back it up.

for the 3rd time. where is the proof of this?

Ah so now you’re just blatantly trolling - thanks for another easy flag.

You’re asking me for proof - the proof is in my statement and your posts.

I’ll bold it for you, since you’re apparently incapable of reading also:

opinions stop being opinions when backed by evidence

If you have an opinion on something (especially in your case) and don’t back it up, irrelevant.

neither my posts nor yours have provided any proof for your claim to be true, other than your odd opinion about it, and thats it.

yeah but that was not the question. The question was not what happens to backed up opinions, the question was about opinions being irrelevant and the proof of it. Where is it?


Nice try kid pats head

I’ve always provided proof when asked, you never have.

You can try and keep spinning the same question in different ways kete - it’s been answered, I don’t care if you don’t like it or not, that it proves you to be a troll. Enjoy the flags for openly trolling and openly showing the forum you have nothing.

Your opinions are irrelevant.
You refuse to back up your opinions/statements.
You have nothing.

you never provided a proof for the particular claim we are argueing right now, thats because its bs you’ll never be able to back up with anything other than your stupid opinion, which following that logic renders itself irrelevant.

Your responses prove that very well - one does not react to irrelevant stuff because obviously it matters enough to you to spend time and effort on it. lmao.

Cute, you’re so aggravated at the fact you’ve been caught out pats head

Proof has been provided, in no particular thanks to you.

You shouldn’t mention logic, you’re incapable of it.

You are irrelevant. Your posts are irrelevant. Your opinions are irrelevant.

If nobody sits you down to tell you this, you’ll never learn


I’m happy to make you waste your life on irrelevant stuff.

Do I need to re-link posts, again?

sure, go ahead and provide me a link to a higher instutution saying that opinions don’t matter.

You’re welcome