again, you seem to spend a lot of time on irrelevant posts.
Anyway, where is the proof for the claim in question?
again, you seem to spend a lot of time on irrelevant posts.
Anyway, where is the proof for the claim in question?
Again, if nobody teaches you, you won’t learn.
Proof has been provided - stop dodging and get over yourself
not the one I’m asking for.
Proof has already been provided for that too.
nice to expose your hypocrite self, who’d hold other people at higher standards than yourself, who will request a proof for water being wet yet spout nonsense and prove it by “just because I said so” in the same time.
No, I leave the hypocrisy to you - claiming everybody should provide evidence but you fully admitting your opinions are evidence.
You have nothing, and you’re dodging.
not “everybody”, just you. And that primarily to expose your hollow trollish character some more.
Need a proof? Take my word for it. lmao
you are the one here with the trollish character. You refuse to provide evidence for anything but demand everybody else do it.
You try to single me out because I’m the major person (other than Skynet) calling you out. You don’t like it (I don’t care)
I’m the one pointing out you have nothing, no evidence, nothing backing you up, nothing.
Your own words doom you (you openly claimed your opinion is evidence).
You dodge arguments that show just how little you know, how wrong you are.
You can’t handle getting put down this hard.
Keep running kid
again, not everybody, just you.
major what? Sweet, all your desperate attempts to bring skynet into the discussion pretending him to be a separate person.
No, everybody - it’s still irrelevant because you refuse to provide evidence for anything you say, and your opinion isn’t evidence.
Skynet still is and will always be a separate person, another claim you’ve trollishly made with 0 evidence, and raged something fierce about.
End of the day - you’re a childish brat who stubbornly refuses to accept the loss, stubbornly refuses to provide any evidence, and sits there exclaiming no you, whilst running away from any and every point that disproves you.
I’m gonna do it in the skynet way: Need some evidence? Take my word for it.
I’m gonna do it in the kete way: Need some evidence? Take my word for it.
Fixed that for you
all these attempts to highlight Kete like intentional typo, after being exposed as illiterate schizophrenic smurf.
No, just because I know you don’t like it.
You’ve only exposed the fact you don’t know what you’re talking about and yet more proof you don’t know what evidence actually is.
I could barely be more indifferent to this, aside of the hilarious fact that you linked yourself to your smurf character on 1 more account, just by being a simple shaped illiterate.
Sure thing kid, not like you haven’t raged at previously.
Have never linked myself to another different person, but you keep up your delusions.
I agree with you, games are much better with 222.
Ur belief that something proves something else makes it proof to u, since every experience we have is subjective everything depends on belief. That’s why there are cases where stroke victims refuse to believe they can’t move half their bodies they just come up with sorry excuses for why they don’t move that side in that moment. It’s called denial, u on the other hand are on the other side of the spectrum, confirmation bias. U need to understand ppl can say whatever they want and its up to u as an individual to discern what’s true and what is not, ppl don’t have nor will they ever have to keep a folder of url’s of everything they know in case a jack@ss on a forum is to lazy to think. DATS COMMON SENSE, and ur opinion on wat is relevant or not is irrelevant
The belief is left to you, I don’t believe anything - I post facts with the evidence to back it up.
You trolling just proves why you don’t belong here.
You denying facts that are actually backed up - THAT is denial kid.
You need to learn and understand people who can’t back up what they say are irrelevant.
You’re incapable of thinking, let alone being motivated enough to read.
Common sense is not what you think it is.
You are irrelevant. Your opinion is irrelevant.
Like, dats just ur opinion small man