Just remove placement matches

useless, unfun, full of trolls, quiters 9 out of 10 matches, etc.

did i mention useless?

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That’s why you wait 2 weeks before you start doing your placements.

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No, you do them preferably on the first day. Plenty of other people to match you up with, the earlier in the season the more eager they’d be to rank up, no actual ranked guys who look down on placements, etc etc

You forgot Nuke Hackers.

When you are crushing your opponents there is often someone on the other team that uses a Nuke Hack to make you disconnect, losing SR points and resulting in a Leaver Penalty.

Yes, Nuke Hacks exist and are used regularly even though Blizzard denies it.

Two seasons ago: placed Gold, nuke hackers dragged me to bronze.
One season ago: placed Silver, nuke hackers dragged me to bronze.
This season: placed Silver, nuke hackers dragged me to bronze.

Three seasons in a row “Disconnects” made me lose SR points, get suspended for hours at a time, and put me in Bronze hell where it is impossible to climb back with the weak teammates.

It ONLY happens in comp games and ONLY when I am crushing the opponents. It NEVER happens in Quick Play. It NEVER happens when I am losing. It’s so obviously a Nuke Hack that it’s laughable when people deny it.

Nuke hacking and aimbotting are rampant in Overwatch but everyone seems to be hush-hush about them, especially Blizzard.

Or maybe you were just bad and deranked into bronze where you belong?

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Ok that’s an illiterate and illogical statement. How can Blizzard’s servers disconnecting me be any reflection of my skills?

Whether I am bad, good, or mediocre the fact is Blizzard Disconnects dragged me to Bronze three seasons in a row.

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That’s not what gives an indication of your skill level.

This, however, is a good indication of your level.

If you were worth more than bronze you’d actually manage to get out of it.

If you’re stuck in there, it’s either due to lack of playtime, or you’re physically unable to perform better than bronze (for example, older people have lower reaction times, and focusing can be a problem), or your behaviour is so bad you don’t realize the obvious 1000 things you could easily improve to get out of there.

You don’t get stuck in a rank because of your teammates, for the simple following reason : if your team is composed of yourself and 5 totally uncoordinated “monkeys”, the ennemy team is however composed of 6 totally uncoordinated “monkeys”.
If you cannot be the decisive factor, then you actually belong in the same rank as them.

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Ok, I understand the standard Millennial response of “gid gud.”

Honestly, I’m not sure how to teach critical thinking skills in a forum.


When you are disconnected 5 to 10 time per day, and suffer the SR and suspension penalties as a result, it is impossible to climb back up.

Please stop with the “gid gud” standard response.

It is Blizzard’s fault for NOT addressing the very real NUKE HACKING that occurs in comp games.

It is Blizzard’s fault for penalizing players like me WHO REJOIN THE MATCH but are still penalized with a loss and a suspension.

Yes, you DO get stuck in Bronze. Blizzard makes it impossible to climb out of the hole.

I win a game: get 9 SR points +
I win a game: get 11 SR points +
I win a game: get 12 SR points +
I get NUKE HACKED and lose 30 SR points -

For three wins and only one loss I am at basically break-even.

Okay the mathematics makes it impossible to climb back out.

Blizzard only allows you to win HALF of your games, by design. This is a fact. If you win too many games Blizzard PURPOSELY puts you on a weak team that almost guarantees a loss.

Carry a weak team by tanking when everyone snipes +9 SR
Carry a weak team by bastion taking out their pharmercy +10 SR
Carry a weak team by healing when nobody will +12 SR
Carry a weak team by torbing when it’s critically needed +8 SR
potg in all of the above.
Get Nuke Hacked -30 SR that is not your fault on top of Blizzard’s silly 50/50 win/loss matchmaking and it’s impossible to climb back up.

Same thing happened last season b/c of Nuke Hacks. I was able to climb back to Silver by the end of the season, but it was painful and not enjoyable.

If I WERE NOT disconnected and still fell to Bronze on my own then, fine, I just suck.

But that is not the case. When you lose 25 to 35 SR points per disconnect, multiplied by 10x per day, multiplied by 7 days per week it adds up to HUNDREDS of SR points lost because of the disconnects.


But with 10 disconnects per day, at an average of 250 to 300 SR point loss PER DAY only because of disconnects … that’s Blizzard’s fault, not mine.

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I HIGHLY doubt you’re being “hacked” upto 10 times PER DAY I’ve lost connection 2 times in the years I’ve played Overwatch and 1 of them was because someone unplugged my router. Not only is it extremely unlikely that people would be hacking that often and regularly and that you would be the center of all of these “Nuke Hacks” but on top of that, who hacks in Bronze-Gold for that long and can’t get any higher? This all sounds like an excuse for some terrible internet or something else. You’re definitely not getting hacked 10+ times a day and if you are, its either not from Overwatch or someone is probably targeting you. If thats actually the case I suggest pressing the “Avoid As Teammate” button on people who you find in your games regularly.

Well, seeing as you are not Blizzard tech support, I don’t really care what you think.

I have contacted Blizzard FOUR times about this. They acknowledge that I am being disconnected, but they parrot your “It’s not our servers it’s your connection” balogna.

If it were my connection it would happen randomly, when I am losing, when I am in Quick Play, etc. And it would also affect YouTube and other online programs, which it DOESN’T.

It only occurs during comp games and ONLY when I am crushing the other team.

There are six on the other side. Which one is hacking is unknown so how can I avoid as teammate? Besides, it’s when they are an OPPONENT, not a teammate, when they use their nuke hacks.

Don’t post on the forums if you don’t want to hear other people’s responses. Saying “You’re not tech support so I don’t care” is so dumb, just don’t post on the forums in the first place.

Secondly maybe you’re just not noticing when its happening to other applications, YouTube you wouldn’t even notice if it was a short disconnect and reconnect. So maybe you just don’t recognize it as much unless its when you’re in comp.

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As already answered to you before, if you don’t want people to discuss your topic, don’t open it in the first place. You talk about teaching thinking to people and yet don’t seem to understand how a forum works.

Second, I don’t say you’re you belong to bronze because you get to bronze after disconnecting.

This is what permits me to say that you belong there. If you can be convinced of the quoted segment, then it means you’re not able to impact bronze games enough to climb and don’t even grasp all the things you could actually do to impact those games, thus bronze is actually the rank best representing your skill level.
It’s independent from the fact that you get there by DC’ing a lot or not.
If you cannot get out of it, you don’t belong above it.

I’m not giving a “git gud” advice. There nothing that says it’s a bad thing to be bronze at overwatch. All I say is that with what you write, I’m confident asserting that bronze is your legit level. There’s no judgement in there apart from this.

i’m silver… and don’t care for bronze…

your just trolling… i said placement is useless… just put me in the rank from last season and get done with it…

again… TROLL!!!

Well, sometimes the “git gud” response is the only honest response you can give. I used to say the same thing as you when I complained I couldn’t get out of silver - “bad teammates”, “leavers” etc. But then I started to listen to the people telling me to “git gud”, I started improving myself, and I got out.

This thread is already on the discussions forum so it should be discussed there:

Regarding placement matches, I can simply copy and paste my reply on the other thread. They are specifically talking about the OP’s argument but it basically sums up my opinion:

like i said in the OP, just place them in the rank they where in last season.

make placement matches for newcommers in ranked…

that way people have their rank and can grow through seasons (and maybe climb out of the hellpit they are in atm) and new placement wouldn’t get trolled so much with friggin smurfs, quiters and trolls.

i started of in mid silver… now the placement keeps kicking me back into bronze where i struggle to get back in silver again… once there it goes well for a few matches and i feel my teams getting dumber and dumber… (first few matches nice teamwork and grouping up → 10 matches later… yolo! screw this game i can carry the lot of y… dies! this is your fa… dies again!)

also ranked is trash… you get blamed for bad teamwork… even when you are one of the few who actualy tries keeping the team together and lead them. no matter how good you play… the game will think you’re bad just because you end up with idiots and trolls in your group.

lose by 1 second? yeah… screw you! you suck and here’s a hefty SR punishment…