You are claiming 2 points:
- Placement matches are frustrating
This is highly subjective. It always depends on your overall mentality. The main issue you have is the fact that you care too much on winning but hear me out before you think you shouldn’t try in comp games:
During your games, you get so desperate to win that you start to be afraid, afraid to mess up and afraid to lose. Furthermore, when you lose, it feels more devastating because all your effort was for nothing. You start looking for reasons why you lost and start blaming others or yourself.
But what if you change your mentality towards the game?
What if you change it from this…
I have to win! I can not lose!
…to this…
I want to win but I don’t mind defeat, as long I gave my best!
What’s the difference? The objective in your game! The first mentality requires you to win the game but the second one requires you to play at your best performance, no matter the outcome.
You stop caring about the when and start caring about the now.
Stop regretting the past, stop fearing the future and embrace the present!
With that mentality, I at least can play any game without the feeling of frustration. It doesn’t matter whether I win or lose. It matters that I gave my best.
2. **Placement matches are pointless**
Now that one is worth discussing!
It is difficult to determine it’s worth because we don’t know how placement matches exactly work.
One speculation is that the placement matches has a low impact on your SR because it’s determined by your MMR. That would render placement matches basically useless.
Another reason for its lack of usefulness is something you mentioned:
I mean, it’s not like in the next 2-3 days (off-season) you’re going to have improved so much that you would get out of a rank
However, that would disregard players who skipped competitive seasons and who might have gotten better or even worse. That especially asks the question how placements work.
The only reason I see for having placement matches would be the illusion of a structured competition:
If the placement matches really are pointless, then they only exist to give the competitive season some sort of structure. You start the competition by showing “how good you are” in the placement matches. You get your SR and start the real fight.
If placement matches don’t exist, players would jump right into the chaos and might feel overwhelmed.
However, these arguments are mostly anecdotal, just like any argument on this matter. It would be useful to know how placement matches work. Then we could determine a lot better wether placement matches could be removed or not.