Right, I know there are probably hundreds of posts already about this whole Mercy situation, but I just wanted to have my own input on this whole topic.
Lets start with her original state, yes it was overpowered, we all know that, there were always issues with her original ultimate, but it didn’t necessarily mean she needed a whole entire rework of her abilities. Instead of changing her ultimate to something completely different, they could’ve tweaked it and made it more balanced, for example people have mentioned the idea of giving her a charge like Zarya in which it needed to be up to a certain point for Rez to actually work.
Now I’ll talk about her having Rez out of ult. This was a complete mistake and everyone knows it. Having Rez out of her ultimate was possibly the biggest mistake out of this whole rework, for starters it made Rez way to easy to achieve, at least while it was in ult form it had some form of build up. Rez in this state is so unsatisfying and unrewarding (like the whole Mercy experience in her current state). While I understand there will always be issues with Rez due to it being the biggest game changers within the game, simply taking it out of her ult and giving it to her character as an ability was the wrong move.
Since they decided to give Mercy a whole new ultimate this destroyed her whole identity, they stated that Mercy was intended to be a ‘Pure solo healer’, meaning she’s supposed to be focused around the idea of being a healer, and nothing more, yes she can still kill but not as easily as other supports. By giving her this new ultimate it completely took that away from what she was originally intended to be and at the same time eliminated her greatest weakness which is not being able to heal multiple people. To me her ultimate seems to have so little impact on the way the game is carried out, even though its intended to support her team whilst their engaging in combat, they still die so easily. I thought ults were supposed to have an impact on the way the game played out? Oh, I guess that idea just doesn’t apply to Mercy then?
My last issue with this whole rework of Mercy is that the devs are just completely ignoring the community’s feedback. It’s so disheartening to see the pure dissatisfaction within the community (yes, I understand there are many who are completely content with this rework, but there are many who aren’t and want their voices to finally be heard). To see the devs just focus on what the ‘pros’ are calling ‘unbalanced’ and ‘still needing nerfs’ or saying that ‘this character needs a buff’ etc, and just focusing on these select few players instead of the vast majority of the community is just completely unacceptable and just disappointing to be quite frank. At this point in time I no longer care if this game is dying because to be quite honest, its what they deserve, if they aren’t going to listen to the community’s discontent and want to be heard, then I guess its just karma.
I apologise for this being so long, I’ve been wanting to make this for quite a long time so obviously I have many things to say. I hope all of you can understand my disappointment with the way Mercy and her player base has been treated, thank you.