I’m going make this as short and succinct as possible.
Give the scrap mechanic that you just took off of Torb to Mercy.
Allow Mercy to use that resource to fuel activation’s of a short, timed boost to her healing / damage boost with the press of “E”. Each activation consumes one “scrap”.
Make res require a large chunk of the resource with the press of “R”, since Mercy doesn’t need to reload her staff anyway. This could consume how ever many “scraps” you require it to in order to make it balanced.
Balance test it.
Thank me for doing your job for you. 
Anything to make her less of a mobile battery would be a nice change
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Possibly one of the best reworks I’ve ever heard tbh
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I renamed the thread to be more general in case other people want to toss in their ideas. If anyone has any other ideas on how to improve / fix / rework Mercy, I’d love to hear them.
We’ve got some popular threads going on where Mercy advocates and Mercy haters waste energy arguing eternally over pick rates. These threads are popular, but they never go anywhere useful. How about putting that energy into coming up with effective ways to fix Mercy. If you hate Mercy so much then put on your designers cap and fix what you perceive to be bad about her.
Try and present it in a short, succinct way and avoid being toxic or a troll.
I think making it so the resource bar fills up by healing team mates say 50hp or 100hp counts as 1 … energy? And this as a passive increases her healing from say 50hps to something like 70hps (barewith) this however can be used when maxed to empty her resource bar and get a rez off with no cooldown, still the cast time and slow but you now rez depending on how well you keep your team alive. Just an idea 
That sounds great to me. I also really like how “R” is for res. Like, that just seemed so perfect to me, since Mercy doesn’t reload anyway. This would perhaps cause issue with her when she has her gun out but there are a few ways to fix this.
1, Make it so she never has to reload her gun, and reduce it’s damage/fire rate to account for that “buff”.
2, Change it so that res is cast via holding “E” down. I’m personally not a fan of this though, as I think it might feel a bit janky to use.
3, Remove the gun or simply have it as a requirement that you have your staff out when you perform a res.
It’s not a huge issue, since I don’t think the pistol is a crucial aspect of Mercy anyway, but it is a minor thing I’d want to fix with this rework. Maybe you’ve got better ideas.
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