Ya, the problem with the latest nerf is that it’s brought her healing output into levels where you very often just lose an ally, not because you did something wrong but rather because your numbers simply aren’t high enough. When you lose an ally, you should be able to learn from your mistakes, see where you went wrong and do better next time. That more often than not isn’t the case now. You’re just left with the conclusion that you couldn’t have done anything better to save your ally. This isn’t as much the case with other healers because they can stack healing abilities to get very high spike healing for when they need it most.
If you think of it in terms of a graph, Mercys healing output is basically a flat line. The other healers can spike heal when they need to which results in a curvy wave with hills and dips in healing output.
This was always true with Mercy of course, but before this latest nerf, her healing output was enough to pull you through most every day situations. It’s just not the case now. You are much more powerless to have your skill expression matter, and that’s no fun at all.
So, they’ve created this problem because they’re trying to balance the rest of her kit around the existence of res, but they’ve killed the character in the process.
Anyway, those are the problems. I see a lot of solutions out there, but this one’s mine:
This solves many problems and tackles the heroes balance in the right places, adds skill expression, retains Mercys “flavor”, works towards her strengths as a mobile hero, allows Mercy to regulate healing output, makes res “earned” and adds a lot more potential decision making to the kit.