Lootbox en belgique

We understand your moral point of view, but sometimes there is no need to force yourself to always have the last word as if to pretend to be the only one who is absolutely right, you know? :expressionless: relax :raised_hands:, also because we still have to understand what the exact conditions of distribution of these boxes will be.

frankly I launched a small reflection in the US forum, I’ll link it to avoid a copy-paste: the presence of the lootboxes will not be so much an incentive to search for legendary skins as ow1 (whose drop is really TOO dispersive)… but rather to see people start to obtain minor contents :pinching_hand:. objectively, no sane person would buy icons that cost 100 precious coins. and seeing marketing putting a price tag on content like that… it’s a malus that nobody likes, because it’s like saying “do you think we’re SO stupid?” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: if people don’t buy them because they’re really too stupid as content in coins, they might as well see them as random aesthetic appreciation, I suppose.


I just enjoy that people kept calling me a shill, now they all come out and defend this idea :rofl:

I wish that were the case, but he always seems to want the last word, typical lol

As I stated many times, opening lootboxes isn’t gambling. You spend no money on it. It’s not a hard concept to grasp.

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Free scratch cards are gambling.

You seem to deliberately not get it for your own mission. You’re just being a shill now. An actual one, not the nonsense people call others on here.

You also seem totally unable to see this isn’t about whether it is or isn’t gambling according to your narrow minded view. But who you’re introducing to gambling mechanics. But if you’re ok with harming children, then support it all you like.

This community could have such a powerful voice and do what’s right… Instead they get upset about flags and letters, rather than stopping something that’s actually damaging.

But, maybe it’s because you have no real life experience of what damage gambling addiction can do to people… And I hope you never do.

This is a good point Cats…

By that :clown_face:'s logic birthday presents are introducing kids to gambling…

Why doesn’t he have a problem with that…

Zero logical consistency and zero response to the actual argument you made because he has none…

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :joy_cat:

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Right!? I mean it’s just ridiculous :joy:


I just think the discussion has derailed from the initial point, that is, understanding how Belgium will behave. Let’s try to make it more objective rather than moral: for example, how does it work today with gachas like Genshin Impact? Technically, those work a lot through randomness, but what rules do they follow in Belgian legislation or similar that talk about gambling? to understand the technical difference. :thinking:

They’ll do nothing as they haven’t been able to inforce the law.

My point was more that these trolls call others shills and get angry when a match isnt great. Calling blizzard everything under the sun when nothings wrong.

Yet, when they do something that is actually harmful and dangerous… They come out to bat for them.

It’s always the way sadly.

if you are taling to rodiusprime or roku. they are trolls. just block them like everyone else. click on youre profile, go to profile, users and go to ignore and add them to the list


Yeah I have done now. Tired of him tbh. He’s been banned before, yet keeps behaving the same way, on his many accounts. Very childish…

Basically the answer to this whole discussion is, loot boxes isn’t gambling. Like Christmas / birthday presents isn’t gambling. You don’t know what’s inside, but you open it to find out, it’s the same thing. You spend 0 money on lootboxes, we used to get them at every level up, they were exciting to open, and that went on for many years.


:rofl::rofl: what a surprise you’re ok with it.

All the accusations you’ve thrown at me, and it’s because you’ve been deflecting the whole time.

Stop shilling and lying to people champ

So… no loot boxes for Belgium players

Yeah no loot boxes in the season pass and no replacement. So we get less for the same price. Great !

Very nice to see this wasn’t mentioned anywhere or written in the patchnotes

the law bans paid lootboxes, shouldn’t the free one still be there ?

Is that what has happened?

Unsurprising giving the gambling…

Sadly no legendary lootbox for us in battlepass… if wish they could find a solution because paying as much as other countries to get less rewards… it’s a shame really. Blizzard dont forget about your Belgium fanbase pls

Asked AI, and there could be work around for blizzard:

lootboxes banned in belgium or there can be exceptions?

Belgium has regulated loot boxes rather than outright banning them. The Belgian Gaming Commission ruled that loot boxes fall under gambling laws if they meet certain criteria, such as being purchased with real-world money and offering random rewards1. This means that loot boxes in games that meet these criteria are subject to gambling regulations.

However, there are exceptions. For example, loot boxes that are bought with in-game currency, which isn’t tied to real-world money, are not considered gambling and are therefore not regulated under these laws1. Some games have adapted by either removing loot boxes or modifying them to comply with the regulations.

so they could at least offer option to buy LOOTBOXES with SILVERCOINS, with a limit per week( because some people got like 50-300k coins). Since you can not buy silver coins and this only earnable with FREE battepass and weekly missions.

So this would be best option for everyone.


confirmed here

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It’s almost like being free doesn’t matter, it’s still introducing minors to gambling.

Sorry. Childish callback.

But yes, they should probably look at alternatives for countries where loot boxes are rightly banned. Maybe 10-15% discount on the pass in those countries.

Meanwhile mobile PEGI 7 games in Belgium:



Is funny how this law is applied in Belgium, games destinated for kids are filled with loot boxes, the only games who got really sanctionned are the ones destinated to a more adult audience like COD Mobile or Lost Ark.

Also OW didn’t added loot boxes because they didn’t even tried. I openned thousands of loot boxes in OW1 in Belgium.

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