I just don’t find that mole aesthetically pleasing is all. Other than that, I really love Ashe. She’s a perfect mix of some of my most played heroes. And Bob is bea <3
I hear you. I personally don’t care for moles on characters, and intend to remove it from any wallpapers I create, but beauty is subjective. Some people may like the mole just fine. Each to their own.
Did you really create a post to say that???
Beauty is subjective, but then you seem to be going with the assumption that making characters beautiful is the ideal end goal. Should it be?
We don’t apply this requirement to male heroes though, do we? We’ve got Junkrat and Roadhog… they’re allowed to be what some people might describe as “ugly”. Can’t have that with a women though… shudders
In before someone says Junkrat is beautiful. I agree, he is beautiful, but that’s beside the point.
I read a thread like this when Sombra first came out, someone complaining about her mole and my brain cells died just as much as they do here. I mean, I get it… I can see your perspective on this. You want beautiful things to look at. But, there’s also value in contrast, especially in visual design. I just think it’s a little sad is all that we need every female to have perfect bone structure, no blemishes, no moles, oh but freckles are okay coss they’re cute, right?
In before someone accuses me of feminism or whatever. I’m far too advanced for that silliness, don’t try to drag me into that war.
When you look at animes, you see that half the time every single character has the exact same facial structure. They’re just copy/paste of each other but with different hair/eye colours.
It’s boooooooorrrring.
Anyway, I’m sure in the future everyone will be perfectly identical and match whatever vision of beauty you think is best. We’ll just hide all the ugly people underground, maybe they can do the mining whilst the beautiful people hang out on the surface.
Have you read the book “The Time Machine”?
Can someone explain why a mole is suposed to be ugly?
Just their little faces, I guess it’s the lack of eyes, big claws and also have you seen a baby one?
Is this a joke?
Please remove the moles from roadhog too!
As other people said, beauty is subjective. If you are discouraged to play a hero because of a mole, we can’t help you here.
While beauty is subjective, character design can be seen in an objective sense. Historically speaking, a mole on the cheek is a symbol of wealth. Nobles used makeup to make an artificial mole on their check because it was a beauty trait during that time.
Ashe having a mole on her cheek is an indicator that she is wealthy or is from a noble or wealthy bloodline and, looking at her lore, she definitely is from a wealthy family. This is good character design.
It’s fascinating how one small detail tells you much about the character.
I think the mole is man’s greatest sin
Blizz has made Overwatch a game where all types, shapes and sizes can be found and a “mole” as you put it is part of people, I my self have one and they are called “beauty marks”. To many people they enhance ones beauty on the face. I’m sorry that you don’t like but i think its a very nice touch on how Blizzard are showing off this all the type of people in the world and not just skin colour.
Coz it makes perfect face imperfect?
Remove roadhog. ITs so fuc king imperfect. Taita you have no shame.You think woman must be there only for you in order you can masturbate with your fetishes?
A perfect face is actually uglier than an imperfect face because the perfect face falls into the uncanny valley.
Faces aren’t perfect. Flaws in the facade gives the face the impression of being human. A perfect face with no imperfection and absolute symmetry is less realistic and gives a creepy impression because it is in the uncanny valley. This is also why puppets are creepy. They are too perfect to be realistic.
So no, perfection does not equal beauty. Beauty still relies on the perspective of the viewer.
Holy moly! They were just answering your question. No need to get butthurt and start insulting them.
Thx for defending me in front of SprHumanoidx. I was indeed just answering his question.
Btw I have mole on my face too and well… I dont consider it nice. But I could probably live with an asymetric face
To that perfection, I am not sure I can agree with you. A perfect face (or body) means good health. Every imperfection is a sign of “illness”. And we are attracted to perfect person more just because biologically we want to find the most healthy person for mating purposes. Probably for an alien would every one of us be an ugly sh*t, but we (our mind) knows what is considered nice.
Well my eng skill is low so I cant express myself better, maybe somebody can tell more about this topic.
If perfection equals beauty, then why were moles considered beauty marks in the past?
While it doesn’t contradict your argument directly, it proves that beauty is based on factors like culture, thus beauty is still subjective.
This is also why I hate it when people judge you for your beauty standarts, especially when the judgement results in disrespect.
Good question about those moles considered as beauty marks. I dont know why was it like that. Maybe it is some kind of psychological thing? Something like “my beauty is so high, even mole dont make me ugly”. So only truly nice person could “draw” that mole under his nose. Maybe it was something like today purple shirts worn by man. “I am so manly man, even wearing purple shirt dont hurt my manliness”. I don`t know, it is just a quessing.
Yes, sadly this is the thing. Beautiful people are threated by different standards, and tall people aswell. But this is something deep inside us, we can only knowingly affect our behaviour towards them.
Lol…calm down buddy it’s just a game
Don’t remove roadhog, remove only his moles. Otherwise there will be nothing left for me to masturbate over.