Love Ashe, but remove the mole

Yea, I played 3 matches during the time it took you to type all this out. :rofl:

I don’t think you know what a strawman is. Citing the CoC in an attempt to shut down a discussion is something that you’ve done before. There’s no strawman there, it is a thing that happened :yum:.

Yes, because of you. However as I said, in my opinion the Youtuber takes responsibility for the situation because he created it. He drew attention to the thread and he should have known that this would draw fan/boys/girls like you. He’s responsible for that, because he has chosen to be a celebrity. It’s my opinion that he was in the wrong to do it. I made one of the first posts on this thread, but then I don’t have to consider that I’ve got an army of fanboy/girls. I am just a voice in a crowd. There’s an extra layer of consideration that comes with being a Youtuber and you have to take that into consideration.

Well, that’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? A threat, to make a mocking video and then have an army of followers point and laugh. “Haha, look at the person on the fourm, she’s getting all worked up about this! Look everyone, let’s point and laugh!” In reality, I’m not “worked up” about this at all, I’m just pointing out that it’s toxic. It spreads toxicity, encourages it, it’s scummy and it’s also ironic to then say how much he doesn’t like toxicity in the game in another video.

Youtuber person can quote my post and put on a silly voice and make me out to be an idiot if he wants to and that will be toxic too, but I am not afraid, nor should I be. :yum: This isn’t the school playground after all. I do feel within my right to call for the thread to die and be forgotten.

See, you say “And?” like it’s supposed to mean something. There is no “And”, this is the sum of what I wanted to say. It’s toxic… that’s it… you want more?? :rofl:

Yes, it is his fault… however he did not expect for his post to become publicised on a Youtube channel in a mocking manner. Nor did the guy who said Jeff hates tanks expect his thread to be commented on by Jeff and blow up. Again, I’m not telling people what they can and can’t do. I’m saying that a classy person might have thought twice before blowing this thread up. That’s all there is too it really.

You’re trying desperately to defend this Youtubers position and that’s fine, as that’s your opinion. Mine is also an opinion that what he did was toxic. You can disagree and pull out all the stops to try and defend that, but again, If I were a famous Youtuber then I wouldn’t have made the video to begin with on the grounds that it’s toxic. I’d make a post here on the forum about it, because my voice is one in a crowd. I don’t have an army of subscribers. This guy does. That means more responsibility. :yum:

You’re trying to make this into some sort of argument, but there is no argument to have here really. I think Mr Youtuber was toxic to upload that video and his actions bred toxicity and that it’s ironic that he then makes a video complaining about toxicity. You think otherwise. You can claim strawman till the cows come home, but this is an opinion piece and so you will either agree with my take on the situation or disagree.

I have laid out my position, and it’s pretty clear. Now, you can furiously type away like that adorable kitty kat in the gif you posted, but there’s not much you can really say other than “Nu EndOfTheLine, I disagree!”. Anything more than that is just hot air.

Since I learned what moles actually are they gross me out…

It is a strawman because I never talked about the legality of the video. Why is my action to clarify when people break the coc so important on a discussion where my argument was that I tolerate those videos?

Nah, I just point out the possibilities of this thread landing on the subreddit. It’s not my intention to humiliate anyone. It was merely a little provocation, nothing more.

Anyways, I agree with you that this guy is toxic because he acts to the community in a destructive manner. However, In my opinion, toxicity isn’t a reason for me to not like such videos. In fact, it got very boring very fast (I didn’t even finished watching the video). So let’s agree to disagree because, as you said, each of us have our own opinion.

And yes, that cat is cute.

I hear you. I personally don’t care for moles on characters, and intend to remove it from any wallpapers I create, but beauty is subjective. Some people may like the mole just fine. Each to their own.