Marvel Rivals Launches - Overwatch 2 has now dropped to 59/100 on top100playedSteamGames :D

Marvel Rivals Launches - Overwatch 2 drops from 35 to 42 in the top 100 games played.

Still early days, but Blizzard are getting rip’d.


Overwatch is kind of being dumpstered at the moment sitting at something like 10 K or less let’s see if they can turn that around with the new season…


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On steam. OW steam numbers don’t seem to have changed.

I suspect across all platforms OW still has more players.

Just play the one you enjoy and have fun. No need to pitch them against each other. The more success they both are, the better for everyone.

OW is now at 43/100 lol.

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honestly it’s all an “ow honeymoon”, where no one cries excessively for a quick play. but it’s normal, understanding 33 heroes at launch takes a long time. the real problem will most likely arrive in a month from the launch (let’s not be the usual ridiculous people who show off about the launch or steam numbers).

so far the most serious problems of rivals are in at least 3 fairly serious departments:

  • technical: it is extremely not very fluid, and the drop in framerate depending on the map or the effects on the battlefield are unacceptable even for a launch day;
  • I see excessive optimism in the balance so free on so many heroes at the debut (ow1 arrived with 21 heroes, not 33). the absence of defined roles and above all the presence of combos recommended by the game itself to have officially recognized bonus effects will be a huge problem. it will also create more arguments than the times when in open queue people in Overwatch would denigrate you for not playing the Goats + brigitte for an easy win. too few teamgame regulations on too much variety of choice.
  • maybe it’s because of the third-person view or the lack of localization in other languages, but I would have helped the simplification of the player HUD that is unnecessarily cumbersome on the whole screen, and for foreigners it is almost always mandatory to read the subtitles to understand some communications (in Overwatch, many languages ​​are already adequately localized for many countries to help you). in short, it is visually beautiful but the HUD definitely needed to be less cumbersome, and the squeaky voice of the announcer does not help.

i want to say though that there are a lot of nice details in the game that would be cool to see in overwatch: being able to see everyone’s highlights at the end of the match, super precise skill numbers on the official website, and other things about gallery management/media access. and apparently, you can also complete the bp whenever you want, with no time limit once purchased. But these little things don’t solve all “Overwatch the ugliest game I’ve ever seen” problems

all things that seem like a wink to “i do it better than overwatch” rather than directly addressing the functional issues that overwatch suffered from when it started having almost 30 heroes. the details to stand out are there… but don’t put it too close to “better” or “worse”, for now, it mostly depends on how netease reacts to the balance within the first 6-12 months of the life of the live service game itself.rivals has huge potential, but it needs to work well right away. specially in tech department.

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Ow is now 52/100 :rofl::rofl:

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Yeah. I think MR is fun atm without being good.

It is just a team based hack and slash game. Personally I can only tolerate that kind of game for a small period, so my time in MR will be low.

Definitely has some quality of life things that OW could learn from. But there far more things that MR could learn from OW. Like I imagine a role lock will come in time as a lot of the complaints I see are imbalanced games and no one playing support.

But you will always see people who will make putting one against the other their entire personality. You will probably see it a lot on here comparing numbers when they are totally out of conext and not a logical comparison. In reality they aren’t even remotely similar games, other than some real base level comparisons. Ones a team based hack and slash, the other is a team shooter with moba elements.

People should just embrace the fact that OW is still good, and now their is a different game that they can play instead when they aren’t enjoying OW.

I never thought I’d say this, but with 6v6 mode currently suspended I want to try MR as soon as I’m back at home in a couple of days. Way more interesting to me than picking up 5v5 OW2 again. If 6v6 OWC was still ongoing however, I’d still be hooked and ignoring MR.

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You’ve just shown exactly why they are doing the “tests” and classic.

It is just a cynical plan to get your attention. And it’ll work on some.

Did you see Aaron post about the play rates for Classic. Both % of players who used played it and % of time they played.

71% of players tried it on launch day. Only 11% of players were playing it by the end.

At the start 36% of all play time were in Classic, by the end it was only 4%

Seems a bit like all LTMs… Buzz at the start then fades quickly when people realise it isn’t quite what they want.

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It’s not competitive so playing it long term for me is meh. I only ever play competitive OW.

Happy to “try” new modes. I played this one a few times. I can see it being better than standard OW2, but knew this already based on my thought pre OW2.

I’m guessing everyone are of the same mindset, either they mainly play Competitive or Quick Play.

Hopefully Aaron realises that. He may need a simpy YouTube video though for it to be blindingly obvious.

Oh, OW2 is now 59/100 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

wuut I feel special cause I’m also one of those 11% statistics
edit: actually I dunno, there might be some other things like ppl just playing 5v5 for xp instead of fun, which isn’t measured. I know way too many ppl who played 5v5 ONLY and now hardly play anymore for those stats to be “true” in the way you interpret them (i mean as “i have fun and want to play thios mode” stats and not “i dont have fun but must play this mode” stats…big diff maybe)

Competitive started today.

I can’t see OW2 Classic competitive anywhere.
Hopefully they use the old ranking system, voting cards etc etc.


ye… they should’ve did the 6v6 tests earlier…
then we’d had at least something nice to play, OW Classic was cute but it’s gone now.
And Marvel Rivals is here and I need to get better with Spider-man xD"

I couldn’t cope with more than about 5 minutes of Spider-Man. The voice acting was so bad :rofl:

Good. Maybe they’d actually learn something and improve this game

Whilst MR has some good UI and QoL things they should learn from, I’m not sure why else they can take from it.

They aren’t really that similar (MR has more gameplay in common with street fighter at times) and is doing slightly higher numbers while in it’s infancy.

Best less you can learn is new game + popular IP = people interested.

Bit late for ow to do anything with that though.


Can’t wait to play Marvel Rivals :o

It’s fun. In short bursts.

You’ll probably enjoy it, or say you do anyways. For me, the art style, voice acting and general sound design are so far below OW, it’s hard to get through more than 2/3 games.

Core game though, not bad so far. If you like hack and slash and button bashing you’ll enjoy it.

Does anyone knows why

Is not only Marvel Rivals, Path of Exile 2 is putting Diablo IV in a bad position too.

Isn’t curious why Marvel Rivals peak players is around 21h UTC and OW2 peak players is 13h UTC?

In Twitch they are behing some mobile games and even Farming Simulator, 6k viewers is quite sad.

They had the ridiculous idea of having a seasonal boost that gives 15% dmg boost for a few heroes. It surprises me how can community accept that. Its the perfect step to have meta heroes in each season… this boost is apllied to Iron Fist and Black Panther