Mercy Mains stop spamming the forums

mercy is still good. mercy mains please stop making so many threads you are spamming the forums. there are issues in the game that desperately need attention like junkrat. 50 healer per second is only a 25% decrease from 60. again please stop spammer so that REAL issues get attention.


No she isn’t good. And people can state their opinions on forums, that is a reason for forums to exist in the 1st place.


Yeah. Whenever you have something to say about Mercy, there is no need to make new thread about it. There is already enough Mercy thread going on, post on those. Having tons of new Mercy threads every day does nothing about current situation, I think everyone knows Mercy´s current state by now.


Oh the irony of this thread…


He says with a new mercy thread



Maybe we would stop spamming the forums if the devs actually acknowledged us? Besides 10 hps is a big deal, I didn’t like the previous nerfs but this has taken it too far.


Not a Mercy main

She has the lowest win rate in master and GM. No, she is not good


junkrat is op. Opening more thread will create more attention for Blizz about Mercy. At least make her immune to Reinhards ulti, that everyone hits the ground while she can still heal. Otherwise rein smashes her with the hammer in 1 second.

There’s always going to be one hero that has the lowest winrate you know.

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The problem here is not the winrate, the problem is that mercy unlike all the other healers is pure support, she either heals or dmg boosts or pulls her pistol out and shoot or ressurect. She can’t do 2 actions in the same time like other supports can nor she can burst heal like other healers, and nerfing her healing is a poor decision coming from blizzard. I’m sure people won’t be unhappy if ressurect would be removed and her healing output will be fixed instead.

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Agreed, but would you rather that the heroes with lowest win rate have a low win rate because they are hard to master or because they just aren’t good.

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Well when it comes to Mercy there are ups and downs . Yes she doesn’t need aim to heal or dmg boost but she does need good positioning and good decision making when it comes to who to heal and who to res and who to dmg boost etc. You might say : yes but all the other high skill capped healers need aiming . Well they don’t depend so much on their team to keep them alive unlike Mercy does : example Ana, has her sleep dart and she can shoot from miles away unlike Mercy who pretty much needs to be in the middle of the fight to be able to heal someone and if your team is too spread she can only stick with 1 person which makes her really vulnerable . Yes she can shoot also but at the cost of losing someone in her team while doing so. Anyway each healer has a different play style, mercy was designed as pure support and her survival depends alot on her and her teams positioning unlike other supports who can heal and damage in the same time from far away sitting in a safe position . And if you ask me what would i like most , to be honest i like the high skilled capped heroes but i would also like for each hero to be viable and not underperform no matter how good you do with that hero just because it got nerfed to its core when it was designed for a specific purpose ( healing in this case).
I hope you do understand what I wanted to say. I understand that Blizzard wants to balance heroes, but from my point of view this isn’t the way to do it and i’m sure that if they put more thought into it they can come up with a better idea.


You should look at the US forums, there is a part of the Mercy base that simply refuse for rez to be removed infact they want mass rez back with tweaks.

Imo rez should be removed and a new ability given or copy Zileans ability from league of legends.

Non the less some people are going around saying she’s F tier and a throw pick which I don’t believe is true… is she weaker? Yes… but not a throw pick.

See, you know people lack imagination when all they can do is basically say “shut up”. I have news for you, this is a forum and forums are here for debates. If you don’t like that then kindly float away. :sweat_smile:

Anyway, a better question than if Mercy is OP or not is rather “Is she well designed?” Good design isn’t just about being powerful or not, it also means being able to make decisions to help you achieve your goals which in Mercys case is to keep her ally alive. The answer to that is (and kind of always has been) NOPE, there are flaws. Flaws exist in many heroes and that can be okay, however the latest nerf to her healing which came about because the devs were trying to balance everything about her around the existence of res has made the flaw VERY apparent.

This is not good. It’s bad design. Blizzard have basically shined a glaring spot light upon her flaw with this latest nerf. It has to be fixed, and not to secure her position as being overpowered or underpowered, but to fix her position as being a well designed and FUN hero.

No one should be against the idea of making Mercy well designed and fun. No one.


I just want to correct few things in your post. There are 3 main supports (Ana, Mercy and Moira). Ana is only one who can heal from distance. Yes Moira has fade, but in the teamfight, she can´t fade too far away cuz´ primary healing range is only 15 meters and that is not far away. Yes she has orbs but it is on cooldown. And Moira must do dmg if she wants to heal, so she needs to be in fairly close distance distance to enemies and allies. And when we count other healers to this topic, Brig and Lucio have certain healing radius (Lucio 12m, Brigitte 20m) those are not long distances either. Zen can heal from distance.

Zen and Ana are both easy to dive at. Zen especially. Yes Ana has sleepdart in 12 second cooldown, but you need to hit it. If you miss, you will probably die. And if there is more than one person diving at you, you can sleepdart only one.

Positioning is important with every hero in this game. Personal positioning and team positioning. If those two don´t work together, it will be hard time trying to win.

Mercy´s current state underlines positioning and smart playing for whole team. Positioning and smart playing is important in every role and with every hero, but it really emphasizes with Mercy.

I play mostly Ana because her kit and playstyle inspires me most, but I´ve been trying to play Mercy just because of debate about her current state. It is very hard to get value if team is all over the place with only bloodlust in their minds. But if you play with friends or get good team that is in voice chat, you can play those smart games and get great value out of Mercy. And I think, I am not good at all with Mercy, but still able to get value.

For me the biggest problem with Mercy (always been) is that I find playing her rather boring. But that is only opinion, not statement.

I´m not trying to fight with you and your opinions. But I´m saying that everyone should look every hero at multiple aspects and try to find out how to get best value even if that hero is slightly underpowered.

There is situations for every hero in current patch

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Tell me again how junkrat that can deal 120 dmg with one shot while aiming blind into some hallway needs help. Please do. Or how he has an ultimate that can insta kill an entire team. Now look at mercy and tell me that you are willing to main her because the ones who do clearly really don’t enjoy her anymore and it’s not that she is still bad… she was bad for a very long time just the most recent iteration of her is the most atrocious of them all. xD Don’t tell people who actually play the character all the time that she is amazing. We are not even talking about performance as much as we are the quality of gameplay and fun with this boring piece of … You are welcome. Thank you.
Btw no one is making you read any posts or reply to them. xD Pfff i don’t get this at all.

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Why not let it be the hero you love then instead Kiwi. xD Im sure you wouldn’t mind since there has to be at least one right? :slight_smile: Im sure youll take one for the team and all your friends who main that same character and when you complain about ill make sure to remind you of what you just said hehe.

Mercy is not amazing, but not trash either. Support roster is quite well balanced at the moment but I bet there is slight adjustments behind the corner. But for now, people can either adjust or quit playing, it´s about personal preference what to do.

I have a feeling that if we had to pay monthly to play overwatch just like world of warcraft and a lot of people stopped playing(sorry… cough… paying) because of this they would have taken it much more seriously then they currently do.
Like many people said before me even though they claim to care about what people think, the ones who actually play the game they made, it seems to be less about fun and more about the professional overwatch tournaments and i get that but it can’t just be about that… since 99% of the people playing the game are not those people and they are the player base that keeps this game going and if they continue on this route then just like world of warcraft it will keep dropping steadily until no update or expansion can save it anymore.
Don’t get me wrong there are MILLIONS of players in all of their games and even if a million leave today they won’t care that much or panic since they are still getting a lot of money out of this as a big and well known producer but yeah that’s pretty much it.

Let me just end this with “this is game”. Why do people play games? “cause games are FUN”. Why do people stop playing them “when they stop being fun”.

It’s that simple. If they leave mercy as she is a lot of people will stop playing the game cause they invested so much time and effort into playing her. If they do what they did to current mercy to other characters without reverting or changing them to something else more engaging then it will just continue in that direction.

Will no one play her anymore? no… of course people will but she will be like old sym or current torb. You see one once in a while but that’s just a curious player that wants to try them out cause they never played them or a very nish map/situation which they are decent on.

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Lets just end this constant debate and spamming. There are tons of post about this same thing in EU forums and way more in US forums, Youtube is filled with this topic also. There is no slightest change that developers don´t know how upset community is about Mercy changes. Constant spamming doesn´t help in this point. I understand that Mercy mains are upset but constant spamming about this subject makes other players annoyed. Not because of current Mercy, but because of people complaining about her current state. It is well known that Mercy need slight fixes. By constantly spamming about this same topic, you just make fool of yourself. Just be patient, I bet there will be changes coming.

And Shimichan, this post is not against you. I´m not attacking to Mercy players by saying this. Lets all be patient and constructive, that way we can make biggest impact to this game and community. That is also way to make this community much more healthy place for all of us