Mercy super jump exploit, patch/fix when?

this is not a ability given to Mercy by the developers,
this is a set of button presses to manipulate the game’s physics engine,
as Mercy is doing something she should not have access to.
and do not match this exploit with Rein pressing the spacebar after a (charge)
he is only moving 1/2 meter extra horizontally not 15/20 meters extra vertically.

76, Mccree, Hanzo, Tracer all are heroes who have the ability to move fast horizontally just like Mercy’s shift ability,
and if any of these characters had the opportunity to manipulate the games physics engine like Mercy to go vertically,
then you could bet that this would have been fixed very quickly for them,
Birgitte could do this in the past with Shield Bash but it was quickly fixed.

PS and no Moira or Doomfist to have the ability to shift or punch on an object at a particular angle to get them to fly vertically is not good either.


Yeah, but Mercy is crap now. Her healing is worst of any “main” healer, her damage boost is far worse than Zen’s, her rez is super risky vs good teams and her ult is a joke.

Unless her win rate is super high I’d think devs could let Mercy at least have some extra survivability.


Please quit calling for techs to be removed.


she has a small hitbox i think it is as small as babyD,va
200hp with regeneration “20 health per second after not taking damage for 1 second”
this is faster then eny reload time in the game,
Tracer having the fastes reload in 1,25, and Mercy her self being the second fastest in 1,40 ,her damage boost is good in eny hitscan or spam comp,
and she is not crap she has a good pick rate and win rate,
she is actually picked more than Zen,
she has survivability in my opinion.

Survivable, yes. That’s about all she has going for her right now.

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Well if they would of removed Mercy’s jump thing then blizzard would have to remove rocker jump for Soldier, Zarya and Phara!


PLs fix genji exploit he reset his abilities


There is no negative effect for Mercy to spam the super jump
Soldier, Zarya and Pharah takes damage
when they make their jumps, and they do not manipulate the physics engine of the game by making special button presses to make their jumps
AND they do not jump 15+ meters into the air,
have you heard of the saying “you shot the sparrow with a cannon”
That’s what your comparison is.


so if ur vs a good team then what are ur team doing if u know the enemys are good u need to help ur Mercy when she want to rez put up a shield ,bodyblock, pocketheal her, and she cant just rez at random if she do then she is asking for a respawn,
her ult is 1 off the best healerults out there it has damageboost nice heals and the user is untouchable up on the skybox unless Widow gets an impossible head shot on her.

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Are you kidding?
I don’t know what to believe about your arguments here,
are you kidding?

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Sure it is an ability given her by the devs, its the devs who coded, tested and released the hero with all its traits and abilities. Very certainly its not an exploit - in order something to be an exploit, it has to be a harmful, unwanted, unintended behavior which also has to be deemed as such by Blizzard, which hasn’t happened.

There is no special key assigned to it, but same as “run forward” or stafing aren’t explicit abilities either so is superjump, its rather implicit stuff which belongs to the movement/gameplay of a specific hero you need to know, to learn and master - basic stuff.


AWSD or designed by the developers SHIFT to run is basic movement designed by the developers, Mercy super jump pressing ctrl+shift+spacebar under special time frames is not basic movement and its not designed by the developers, but discovered and exploited by players.

edit I don’t mind Mercy’s super jump if the developers give this jump its own button and cooldown,But as it stands now, it is an exploitation .


you seem to assume developers and testers to be huge morons who failed to discover this movement/physics nuance prior releasing the hero, nor are unable to acknowledge its existence and to address it in some way thereafter, years later.

A very bold and stupid stance IMO.

The fact that they leave it there lets me conclude that Blizzard devs are aware and fine with it, whether it was an originally intended feature or not doesn’t really matter. Emergent gameplay has shaped many games in history before and is not always bad. Its you who dislike it for some reason and stomp your feet screaming “exploit”, which it clearly isn’t.

2 Likes I’m not saying the developers are stupid, OverWatch is a complicated game with many different features that works in the background,
who says that Tracer cannot have an exploit to go vertically in situations that we do not know yet,
2.behave like an adult when you talk to others and don’t call people stupid during a normal discussion, I have not personally attacked you for your arguments that I do not agree with.

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you are.
By presuming their whole quality assurance department to be incapable of discovery of this super easy trick, I figured out within like first minute of reworked mercy play, and the devs to provide a fix in the whole time of its existence.

The (way more likely) alternative is that they are very well aware of it yet not doing anything about it, simply because they fundamentally disagree with you on its role and impact on the game, like I and many others feel too.

as the time when Birgitte could use shield bash and whip shot to fly i think almost 10 meters horizontally, i always reported these players, and i do the same to this superjumps Mercy players.

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yeah you can report whatever you want. But since you are probably 1 of 2 guys in the whole community who do this, your reports are pretty much irrelevant.


using tech is not reportable that is just good effective play.
please use reporting for stuff that is actually worthy or reporting not just so you can throw a tantrum.

If some russion guy keeps calling people jews as if that is an insult then that is reportable…

If the Genji keeps spaming i need healing every 0.5 seconds through out the whole game when he has full health then that is reportable

when a mei seriously takes every single opportunity to slam an ice wall in front of her team just to annoy people then that is reportable.

using the physics to your advantage however is not!
You can call it a bug if you want but using it is not cheating or abuse.

Frankly i think its sad that they shield bash thing was removed… it was a high risk combo where you had to burn multiple cooldowns so really i think it was arguably inherently balanced… birgitta had other issue but that tech was not that big of a deal in itself… it was just low hanging fruit where her over all kit was a bit problematic as it was ballanced at that time.

Tech ads a element of discovery to the game and raises the skill sealing… if anything i think they should add it in on purpose for every hero so everyone has secret tech to discover and master.

its nice to have some abilities that more complex then just pressing a single button…


How do you reset Genji abileties

Are you kidding me?! So you are literally reporting people for using a tech that you don’t like! And you don’t seem to report Doomfists who uses tech. Tech’s are about skills!