This isn’t my main account. I couldn’t post there. I’m a player from UAE-Dubai and since ME servers were released, when I play alone, I play with ME people and my ping be 30-50. Which’s great! However, lately, I started to notice many errors occur when I play with EU friends.
When I play alone, everything is fine. No disconnect or ping spikes. The only problem I face is long queue time; it sometimes take around 12 minutes to enter a classic quick play match which’s so annoying.
When I play with Arab friends, everything still fine for both of us. The only problem again is long queue time.
Now here is my real problem!! When I play with EU friends, everything goes messy. Let me explain. First round -after entering the game- goes fine, no problems at all, my ping is stable, so is everything. But the second round, the disconnect icon appears, ping is totally unstable as it reaches 600 and sometimes 1300! Game be unplayable -for me only- and the only way to solve this is to restart the game again. I had that many times in competitive games, as we enter the game, I will be stuck in main menu, gives me “failed to connect to server” and count me as a leaver. I have lost around 200 sr because of this issue and it’s so frustrating… And I’m so sure that the problem isn’t with my internet, as when I play alone, this doesn’t happen at all.
I just wanted to point this out, as I didn’t see many people talked about it. I asked some of the Arabs I played with when I was alone, some confirmed that they have the same issue. Please solve this. I really want to duo with my EU friends again and honestly, I wouldn’t mind higher ping. Maybe you can make a separated server for ME players, as some of them are fine with the high ping as long as they won’t wait for too long to enter a game, and these ones are fine with playing in EU servers.
Im in Dubai and used to play in the EU region and was loving the game, with the new Middle east servers added que times are much longer to find games and the player skill base in games made the quality worse. If we had the choice to choose EU and ME separate would be best and i would rather be in EU servers
Hello, yeah kinda weird title but hear me out. since the activation of this new server i had nothing but ping issues and lagging. Whenever i play i get 50ms but it feels like 1000ms so much lagging the game is not playable anymore. sometimes it jumps from 50ms to 300ms in one second. i can’t hear enemy tracer blinking or widow’s shots or even when the enemy use their ultimate. i restarted my internet and reinstalled the game but still the same issue, it still lags so hard. before we had this server my ping was 80ms and it was reliable with zero lags. so please either fix this issue or deactivate the server.
Had the same issue, installed ExitLag and things are SO MUCH BETTER!
Tho you will have 3 days to try it, then you have to pay monthly, didn’t check how much you need to pay.
Honestly i agree to remove Middle east server or atleast give us option to choose either we wanna play there or EU. I have no issue with ping but Oh My God the toxic community (most of the times they wont even speak English even tho this comes under EU server for now), UNFAIR MATCHMAKING (im diamond & i should get diamond players or atleast high plat in my games but instead most of times i get is Low golds even a silver player on dps LIKE WTH BLIzzard), long ass queues thanks to low population which also leads to unfair matchmaking as well as cheaters! PLEASE IF YOU DONT REMOVE THIS SERVER THEN AT LEAST GIVE US OPTION TO CHOOSE BETWEEN SERVERS TO PLAY ON, like how we choose between America,EU & Asia!
Give us an option to completely disable them. I’m a GM player and the queues are BEYOND AWFUL. And if it does find a game I get teamed with diamonds… Why can’t blizzard understand that the PC player base is dead and always has been in the middle east.
Happened 4 times with me. I guess it’s a server issue but check your internet first. I don’t know about console players, but a VPN solved this problem for me.
The simplest and easy fix is to separate them and have us choose from launcher. Also, I don’t want to mess up with firewall nor I want to use vpn to bypass this issue.
ExitLag stopped working for me.
and i have the same problem again … forced to queue with ME people.
Hello everyone,
My problem is solved and I didn’t need to change or install anything.
What caused the high ping was a program that I installed earlier to maintain a stable ping!! Once I deleted, I could play with EU friends again as I used to do.
I’m still connected to ME region when I play alone of course. Which maybe I should use a VPN to connect to EU server but I don’t need that as I don’t usually play alone.
this server needs to be removed or atleast give us option of choosing server, its literally ruining my Sr, getting teamed up with ppl who are 2 elos below me, ppl randomly leaving games cos server kicks them out, super toxic community & most of them don’t even speak English so no communication at all, as i said before unfair match making. Even Apex legends gives you the option to choose any server you want to play on why can’t Overwatch give us that option, not to mention super long ass queues cos why not make a server on a region where player base is mostly on console & pc is dead… Blizzard really wants ppl to quit this game for sure!
Hi, I’m from Dubai,UAE. I recently heard that middle east servers got mixed in with the european servers. I keep getting put into EU lobbies even tho i want to stick to middle east lobbies. Is there any way to force myself to stay in middle east lobbies?
Please help me please. I am from the Middle East, but I heard that Europe and Middle East lobbies got mixed. Is there any way to force myself to get into Middle East lobbies. With that trouble shooting methods. What IP address ranges should I block to stay in Middle East lobbies and so that I don’t get EU lobbies? Looking forward to your reply.