Millions of players

and yet i can lose 8 times in a row against the same duo

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That is pretty unlucky matchmaking tbf.
I’ve left a good space of 15mins between matches and landed the same opposition duo :smiley:


Post the game codes and let’s see (or add me and send me them if you don’t want others watching)

You really think there are millions of players? I see the same players in every game. I admit, it’s bronze, so maybe it’s 100 players instead of millions.

I play more games than you, game in bronze to diamond. I will never see anyone more than twice.

Unless I 6 stack in open que, then you might play again the same 6 stack 3/4 times if you’re well matched and results are back and forth.

It’s a pretty unlucky match up at that point. I have a feeling that you and them are in the same place in the queue whenever a match ends, so that in itself raises the likelyhood of ending in the same match again. Not to mention the time of day when you play. There are going to be more or less players depending on the time of day.
I had yhe exact same teams 3 matches in a row in quickplay yesterday.
Usually if you give it a small game break (leave the queue for a while) it’ll decrease the chance of ending in the same game again (depending on how busy the server is)

game codes have no time stamp so it would not prove anything
i could collect 10 codes for as long as needed

Just do your last 10, send and I’ll watch within 24 hours.

I’ll trust your times.


you dont trust me when i say “i can lose 8 times in a row against the same duo”

Because that is illogical.

But you give me 10 game codes, they will have to have been in the last couple of days at least. There was an update after all.

It isn’t that I don’t trust you. I just want to show you you’re talking nonsense because you’re “tilted”

How do you know you play more games than me?

Anyhoo, I see the same people every day. I wonder if there is a special shadow rank.

There isn’t.

Only way you see the same people is if you are either
A. In a rank with a very low pool (GM, T500)
B. Playing a mode with an exceptionally low play rate.

Sub-1000 bronze, Role Queue. And I see names I recognize every day, and sometimes two or three times per day.

So A then.

Top for you, focus on improving your awareness, and how quickly you react to things.

Also, I watch my friend in bronze RQ games all the time. He never sees someone for more than 2 games, and even that’s rare.


Good for your friend. I see familiar faces every day.

You’ve just said you’re in bronze.

If you improve them, you’ll immediately be better than those around you and win far more often.

Which will in turn stop you from seeing these people again.

But why would I want to leave Bronze? Bronze is the best rank there is.

I’m nearly always better than those around me, but I don’t win more often.

Then you are not better.

Then you don’t understand how this game works.